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Mini checklist for taco

Festivals can be a great way to have fun, espe-
cially if it is your first time, but don’t make
mistakes and prepare yourself. Going to a fes-
tival for the first time can be stressful, but
make sure you pack the right things. My
Name is Erika Jandres. I will help you by pro-
viding you with my mini checklist to prepare for the festi-
val specially if it is the taco festival in Houston!!.
What to bring and why?

✓ Chair: is essential for support during needed moments of relaxation after much exhaustion from ac-

✓ Money: helps buy as many tacos or drinks as possible (please be older than 21; not responsible for
underage). They also have a variety of beautiful clothes. I was even able to find a beautiful dress.

✓ Blanket: if you plan on spending a long time at the taco festival, a blanket is beneficial just incase it
gets cold out during the night.

✓ Hat: can be helpful if you are planning to attend during the day. That way, the sun will not affect you
as much and will not interrupt you from having fun.

✓ Big bag: for free things as well as essentials, there are many mini-games from brands that are recog-
nizable within the community, they offer different kinds of games to attract customers by gifting their
products or amenities with their brand name for advertisement.

✓ Mini fan: in Houston Most of the time, it will be hot, so make sure you pack a mini fan to help you
when the heat gets too unbearable.
✓ Sunglasses: to protect your eyes from the sun. Be sure to buy a cheap pair just in case they get lost or
something happens to them.

Now that I have provided you with a mini check list

for the taco festival and you are prepared for the
next event, let me mention that I also found a brand
that sells tickets and is the best. They have no hid-
den fees and donate the rest to Saint Jude Children’s
Hospital. Next time I need a concert or festival
ticket, I will be accoutering their service luvseats.-
1) My key word is “Taco festival”
2) Links 2 articles
- Taco festival information:
- Things you need:
3) I structure my blog by using bullet point images, making it easy to read and understand
4) I have avoided any “pushy” messages from my blog. It is informational, mentioning taco festival nat-
urally about three times
5) I used Heather, subheadings, and images and included bullet points
6) I suggested to the readers what to do with the CTA by indicating that they buy their next tickets
through “"
7) I used my keyword phase naturally about 3-4 times.
8) My blog is about 357 words
9) I am pretty confident that my assignment is proofread with my sister's help
10) I wrote this article from the perspective of an unknowledge person about festivals, so this list can help
suggest what things to bring to the festival

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