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Millennials 1984 and after seem to be dissatisfied, tough to manage, unfocused,

lazy and entitled. Millennials want to work with purpose and make an impact
4 characteristics: Parenting, Technology, Impatience and environment

1. Parents failed telling them they were special and that they can have everything
they want, participation medals (devalues the medals for people who came last).
Coming to work doing nothing and are suprised that their parents cant get them
anything. My Self-image shattered, growing with low self esteem. Putting filters on
social media. Everyone fakes happiness. NO fault of their own
2. Engagement with social media releases dopamine. It feels good getting the
response, checking likes, and trauma for young - being unfriended. Dopamine is
highly addictive, and age restrictions are common addictions. Approval of parent to
peers. Alcoholics discover alcohol when in adolestence. NO knowledge how to create
strong bonds, never practiced skill set. Depression is linked with a lot time on
facebook. Too much of sth is wrong. If sitting on a meeting and texting or putting
the phone on the table sends a subconcious message that someone doesn't care about
the other person.
3. There is no need to wait for seeing a movie or binging the TV series. Instatnt
gradification, no need to practice the uncomfortable part of asking somneone out.
You can have anythiung you want in a second. Exept for job satisfaction and human
relationships. Messy meandering proceses. Quiting jobs because of the lack of
satisfaction. They want to make an impact on the world. Patience for love, self
condidence, job impact, happines. Long journey to achieve that. Worst side
happening now: High suicide rates, high substance abuse, lot of kids skipping
school due to depression. Best site: enitire population never really finding joy,
no fulfilment, 'its fine'.
4. Kids with no fault in a way they turned out, just 'dealt by a bad hand'.
Corporations care more about a year than a lifetime. Numbers more important than
quality. No way to overcome digital work, and the need for the instant
gratification. Millennials blame themselves. It's the corporations fault. No
cellphones in conference rooms. Need for the Smalltalk forming the relationships.
Trust is needed. Allowing smalltalk. Phones shouldn't be charged by bedside.

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