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What´s in the news

This week, an astronomical event occurred, which our country had not seen since 1992,
and which some were looking forward to with great enthusiasm, but there were also those
who thought that this event spoke of a bad omen, even so, regardless of the way See it,
everyone was talking about this. The entire country was able to have the opportunity to
observe it, but only a few were lucky enough to see it in its entirety. Of the states in which
it was possible to see the highest percentage were; Sinaloa, Durango and Coahuila, given
this, some people from neighboring states began their trip in the early morning to be able
to be there during the hours of the event to appreciate something incredible, which for
some would be the first time they could enjoy it.
When I read the news of Elena's death, my heart sank, I followed her work through Tiktok,

she was one of the few people currently facing the authorities and above all, I knew the

value of those beings who had no voice, His life has left a mark in Mexico. Elena fought

out loud thousands of mistreatments of animals that many were indifferent to, it fills my

soul with mixed feelings to know that her life's work bore fruit so that these mistreatments

have the consequences they deserve, however it will be a voice that She remained in the

echo and I really hope that she is not forgotten because she is an honorable woman. I

hope this law soon extended all around the country.

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