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Alissa Ricketson

Mrs. Davis

Composition II

8 February 2024

The Commitment for Two

Imagine an individual running a race they have already knowingly lost, but must continue

running until it is finished. In the same way, genuine commitment must be carried out, regardless

of the tribulations and challenges that may occur. Alex Sheen, founder of the “Because I Said I

Would'' movement, shared the story of a man who was the primary suspect in a fatal car accident

but faced no charges at the time. However, he turned himself in to display his commitment to

living for two people (Sheen). In 2021, my brother’s battle with cancer came to an unfortunate

end, profoundly changing my life forever. Nevertheless, I am committed to living for both me

and my brother, carrying on what he has left behind, and finishing what he has started.

To live the way my brother would have wanted, the first step is committing to prioritizing

family. One of my brother's most outstanding qualities was his selflessness and ability to always

put family first. In the previous years, I continuously shut my family out, both physically and

mentally. However, after my brother's passing, I realized that I needed to put away my past habits

and make an effort to spend quality time with them. In addition, supporting one another is an

important attribute that my brother possessed. He was always there for a shoulder to cry on and

there for someone to talk to. Likewise, he has inspired me to do the same for others and I strive

for his compassion. To do so effectively, I must be present and available, putting each of my

family members' needs before my own. Furthermore, sticking together during difficult times is

another way of prioritizing family. Following the funeral, my family split in half because it
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seemed as though my brother was the glue that held us together. However, after acknowledging

that I was not alone in suffering from grief, I realized we needed each other to get through this

difficult time. While our strength has been tested through several hardships, our unity has only

been strengthened. Ultimately, prioritizing family with quality time, support, and unity has

created and fortified an unbreakable bond.

Similarly to prioritizing family, committing to connecting with others shares an equal

amount of dedication. Throughout my brother’s life, he captured the true meaning of friendship.

Therefore, I have learned from his example that instead of hiding in the dark, I must embrace my

sensitivity and show greater concern for those around me. Doing so will enhance my personal

development, affecting me and those I am surrounded by. Additionally, after establishing a

strong connection with my peers, I will be able to create a reliable and positive social circle. My

brother always had friends surrounding him who brought a great sense of encouragement and

support, motivating me to search for the same quality. When surrounding myself with

like-minded individuals, that alone will contribute to my personal growth. Furthermore, actively

helping those around me will serve to reflect my brother’s values. I have always envied my

brother’s strong desire to help others, whether that be visiting the nursing home or serving food

for the less fortunate. Just as he exemplified the importance of giving back, I must start today to

continue the work that he had already begun. As said by Alex Sheen, “Too often in life we say,

I’ll get to it tomorrow. Well, one day there won’t be a tomorrow (Sheen)”. Consequently, I must

take action now, instead of continuously putting off what is necessary to make a difference. By

engaging in my local community, I will create a positive impact and gain a stronger sense of

connection with others. Only by investing effort in connecting with friends, building a solid
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social circle, and engaging in my local community can I truly reach the level of connection my

brother had with others.

Although relationships with others require a steadfast approach of determination and

devotion, committing to personal development by setting goals takes just as much effort. My

brother’s commitment to education was always prominent, however, he passed away a year

before he was supposed to graduate. Yet fortunately, I had the privilege of accepting his diploma

as a courtesy of the college he attended. Nevertheless, even when living, he never fully

experienced college the way he should have due to chemotherapy. As a result, I am committed to

receiving my diploma in his honor while remaining involved in school activities he was

passionate about. After achieving my degree, I hope to live out the career that my brother

desperately wanted but was unable to achieve. From a young age, my brother knew that God was

calling him to be a youth pastor, and he did everything in his power to try to fulfill that purpose.

To complete college on time, he decided to undergo early arm amputation, displaying his

commitment and devotion not only to his career but also to God. While I may not be pursuing

the same career path as my brother, his determination has motivated me to carry the same level

of commitment. By completing each milestone, his memory will be kept alive and serve as a

reflection of his own life.

Continuing my brother’s legacy, I am committed to living a life that honors him through

strengthening relationships and developing my personal growth. With the loss of Alex Sheen's

father, he articulated, “I don’t want to remember the way he died, I want to remember the way he

lived (Sheen).” Likewise, I refuse to remember my brother solely by his diagnosis, but rather by

the way he chose to live despite it. After all, it is far easier to remember how someone lived

when their spirit is still living, even in their absence. When I successfully live the life my brother
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should have lived, it will serve as a reflection and impact others the way his life impacted mine.

Despite the hardships that I may endure, genuine commitment must rise above all obstacles.
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Works Cited

Sheen, Alex. "Because I Said I Would." TEDxTalks, 8 November 2013, 1 February 2024.

Sheen highlights the concept of commitments and the importance of keeping promises.

He founded the movement, “Because I Said I Would”, as a method aimed to encourage

individuals to write down their commitments. As a result of Sheen’s actions, countless

individuals have been inspired to fulfill promises made to others and themselves. In addition,

Sheen has created a platform where thousands of people have had the opportunity to share their

own unique stories. This video is a reliable source because the speaker provided evidence from

not only his own experiences but also others, demonstrating the power of promises. Therefore,

this video will aid my essay in further supporting my points regarding similar situations I have

faced in my own life.

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