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Badminton: Greysia/Nitya champion of

Singapore Open 2016

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesias womens double players Greysia Polii/Nitya

Krishinda Maheswari became champion of the Singapore Open 2016 on Sunday after their
opponents from Japan resigned from the final round of the super series tournament due to an
injury problem.

The All Indonesia Badminton Association (PBSI) said in a written statement received here that
day Greysia/Nitya won the champion title after Misaki Matsutomo who would pair with Ayaka
Takahashi to meet them at the final round resigned due to Misakias left leg injury.

"The title is a luck for us because we need not have to fight to get it. We hope Misaki would
recover soon from her injury," Greysia said.

Nitya said they had actually prepared themselves to meet the Japanese pair following their last
meet at India Open recently in which Greysia/Nitya lost the match 18-21, 21-19, 21-23.

Greysia/Nityas victory over Misaki/Ayaka at Singapore Open made the score to 3-3 in the past
six matches between the two.

The Indonesian pair, ranked third in the world, had to fight hard against two strong opponents
from South Korea and China before being able to proceed to the final round.

"The last three matches were not easy to win. We had equal opponents. Our struggles from the
first round have now been paid off," Nitya said.

The victory increased their capital to participate in the Olympic Games. " Our focus is now on
the Badminton Asia Championshiop 2016," Greysia said.

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