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Name: Cherry L.

Sanggayan Date: March, 8, 2024

Grade & Section: 12 – Faith (Humss) Subject: Culminating


I’m doing culminating activity because it is part of the requirements in senior high
school curriculum where I can apply the competencies of what I have learned. The
culminating activity that I want to do is to write three short poems, applying the various
elements and literacy devices exploring innovative techniques. The kind of poems that I will
write is Haiku, Cinquains and Rubaiyat. Which is a competency of the subject creative

The things that I want to achieve at the end of my project is I can present the 3 short
poems that I compose and I can express what I feel and capture the essence of my experience.

I chose to do my competency and my preferred presentation so that I can express my
learning through writing a three short poems because for me, this is the best way to share my
thoughts and feelings. Instead of writing an essay, I wanted to use poems to talk about what
I’ve learned.
Using poems, I can showcase my learning in the best way. Because it allows me to
express what I feel and to explore different emotions. Poetry help me capture the essence of
my experiences.

I implement my plan through reciting each of the poems that I have chosen. First is
Haiku it is all about my childhood friends and second is Cinquains it’s also about
partnerships and lastly is Rubaiyat it’s all about the beauty of the moon or should I say how
beautiful the moon when it’s surrounded by the stars.

I will present my short poems through making a video presentation. Firstly, I will
record myself and recite the three short poems, which is Haiku, Cinquains and Rubaiyat.
Secondly, I will edit it using capcut and add background music. Lastly, I will submit the
video through a link to our subject teacher Sir Arjie Parameo. For me to present my final

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