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Chapter 10

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Exception Handling in Java

Quick Chapter Summary

t We believe that compiled program is error free and will
always execute successfully.
t But in few cases the program can ~ te while it ls
Example :
t Program that connects to a particular website and
download web pages, but suppose there is no internet I I I
t Dealing with files and tries to modify a read-only file I 11
t User tries to open a file that does not exist in system 111
Types of Exceptions
• In Java, all kinds of error conditions are called Exceptions.

t Errors can be broadly classified into 2 categories :

(1) Compile time errors

(2) Run time errors

t The exception results in an abnormal exception and it may

lead to abnormal termination of the program.

t It usually signals an error.

Compile -time errors
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t Compiler is used to convert source code into object code.
Example of Errors :

• Syntax error

• Missing comma "," or semicolon ";"

• Use of undeclared variable

• Wrong spellings of identifier or keyword

• Mismatch of bracket
Run - time errors
t If there are no syntax errors in the source code then the
program will compile successf ully and will get a9 file.
t However this does no• guarantee that the program will
execute as per our expectations.
Example :
t In the program, we have created an array citylist[).
tThat contains name of four different cities.
t We are trying to display the contents of element of citylist
array that does not exist.
e Chapter 1 Creating HTM X

Program Executed Successfully

t In
Computer Science, Exit code or Exit status indicates

whether the command or a program executed successfully

or not.

t Exit code "O"

Command executed successfully.

t Exit code "1"

Some problem occurred while executing the command.

Exception Handling
t An exception is an error condition.
t Java uses 3 keywords to writeari'exception handler :
(1) try
: Contains the code to one or more exceptions.

(2) catch : Contains the code to handle exceptions of

particula~ e.

(3) finally: Always executed before the program ends.

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try block
IHry statement contains a block of statements within the

~r~ o)
t A try block may give rise to one or more exceptions.
t Syntax of try block is : try { \ ~
t After try statement, there has to be either a catch block or
a finally block.

catch block
tcatch block must immediately follow the try block.

t It contains the code that is to be executed to handle an


tcatch block is an exception handler.

e Windows 11 New Featur X

fi~ I
t finally block is generally used to ~ t the end of
executing a try block.

tfinally block is widely used if a file need to be closed or a

critical resource is to be released at the completion of the
throw statement
t throw keyword is used to explicitly throw an Exception

t Java Virtual Machine (JVM) created an exception object

and was t hrowing it automatically.

Example :

t An object of ArithmeticException was created when we

tried to perform a divide by zero operation.

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