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Scalping (tickets):

Maya clutched her phone, eyes glued to the concert ticket site. The band, Zenith, was her
absolute favorite, and their surprise tour was the only thing she'd been talking about for
weeks. Tickets went on sale at noon, and here she was, ten minutes early, refreshing the page
like a woman possessed. The clock struck twelve, and a wave of disappointment washed over
her. "Sold Out" blazed across the screen in giant red letters.

Dejected, Maya slumped back in her chair. But then, a memory sparked. Her friend Alex, a
self-proclaimed "scalping champion," had once bragged about his ability to snag tickets even
after they sold out. Desperate, Maya called Alex, who, after some convincing (and a hefty
finder's fee), agreed to help.

Alex navigated a maze of online marketplaces, finally landing on a pair of tickets at a

ridiculously inflated price. Maya winced, but the thought of missing the concert was
unbearable. She wired the money, a knot of guilt tightening in her stomach.

The day of the concert arrived, and Maya, with her overpriced ticket clutched in her hand,
joined the throngs of excited fans. The music pulsed, the energy was electric, and for a while,
the guilt melted away. But a nagging unease remained. Was it really worth it? The concert
ended, the music faded, and Maya was left with a lingering question: Was the memory
tainted by the way she obtained the ticket?

Scalping (historical):

Wind whipped through Tatanka's braids as he surveyed the battlefield. The Lakota warriors
had fought valiantly, but victory belonged to the Crow. Disheartened, Tatanka watched as
Crow warriors dismounted, their faces grim under their war paint. He braced himself for the

Suddenly, a fierce war cry pierced the air. A young Crow warrior, his face contorted with
rage, charged towards Tatanka. Before Tatanka could react, the warrior's knife flashed, a
searing pain erupted on his head, and the world went dark.

He awoke to the stench of blood and smoke. Dazed, he realized his scalp had been ripped
away. He was a trophy, a symbol of defeat. Hatred surged through him, but it was quickly
replaced by a steely resolve. He would survive, and one day, he would reclaim his honor.

These are just two options, and you can choose the one that most appeals to you. You can
also develop your own story entirely!

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