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CI and CD pipelines in IT

CI/CD pipelines, also known as Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment pipelines, are a set of practices
and tools used in software development to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying applications.
These pipelines aim to streamline the development workflow and ensure a high level of software quality.

The CI part refers to Continuous Integration, which involves automatically integrating code changes from
multiple developers into a shared repository. This process frequently merges code changes and runs automated
tests to detect any issues early on. It helps catch integration problems and conflicts between different code

The CD part refers to Continuous Deployment (or Continuous Delivery), which automates the release of
applications to production environments. It involves automatically building, testing, and deploying applications to
various stages such as development, staging, and production environments. CD pipelines enable teams to release
software more frequently and reliably by reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency across deployments.

CI/CD pipelines typically include various stages such as building the application, running unit tests, conducting
integration tests, packaging the application, deploying it to different environments, and performing additional tests
or checks as required. These pipelines can be configured using various tools and technologies based on the
specific needs of the project.

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