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1 Zero uC

Work SheeL
erlod Lnded uecember 31 2011
Cash 67742300 800000 34230000 34292300 34292300
1radlng securlLles 14000000 14000000 14000000
MarkeL ad[usLmenL1radlng securlLles 323000 323000 323000
Avallable for sale securlLles 20000000 20000000 20000000
MarkeL ad[usLmenLAvallable for sale securlLles 2300000 2300000 2300000
AccounLs recelvable 100662000 100662000 100662000
Allowance for bad debL 1173000 123000 1030000 1030000
noLe recelvable 11300000 11300000 11300000
lnsurance 8ecelvable 200000 200000 200000
lnvenLorles 244836300 244836300 244836300
Supplles 9890000 9890000 9890000
repald lnsurance 9330000 9330000 9330000
repald adverLlslng 8376000 8376000 8376000
Cash Surrender value lnsurance 3300000 3300000 3300000
lnvesLmenL ln Semoga lulus lnc 43730000 43730000 43730000
Land 82300000 47000000 33300000 33300000
8ulldlng 262300000 262300000 262300000
Accum uepreclaLlonbulldlng 103000000 103000000 103000000
LqulpmenL and vehlcle 223400000 223400000 223400000
Accum uepreclaLlonLqulpmenL and vehlcle 63600000 63600000 63600000
paLenL 40000000 4000000 36000000 36000000
noLe payables 23000000 23000000 23000000
AccounL payables 98766000 98766000 98766000
lnLeresL payables 8230000 8230000 8230000
lncome Lax payables 36260000 36260000 36260000
salarles payables 19730000 19730000 19730000
LlLlgaLlon payable 4730000 4730000 4730000
MorLgage payables (3 Lh) 120000000 120000000 120000000
refered sLock 130000000 130000000 130000000
lCrefered sLock 18730000 18730000 18730000
Common sLock 62300000 62300000 62300000
lCCommon sLock 200000000 200000000 200000000
8eLalned earnlngs 144001000 144001000 144001000
Sales 1331340300 1331340300 1331340300
Sales dlscounL 12120300 12120300 12120300
Sales reLurn and allowances 28213300 28213300 28213300
cosL of good sold 991270300 991270300 991270300
1ransporLaLlonouL 20604300 20604300 20604300
Salarles expenseSelllng 130922000 130922000 130922000
Salarles expenseadmlnlsLraLlve 123600000 2900000 126300000 126300000
AdverLlslng expense 19137300 19137300 19137300
LlecLrlclLy and CommunlcaLlon expense 6107300 6107300 6107300
legal and rofeslonal expense 11860300 330000 12210300 12210300
lnsurance expense 8314300 8314300 8314300
uepreclaLlon expense8ulldlng 9000000 9000000 9000000
uepreclaLlon expenseLqulpmenL and vehlcle 12900000 12900000 12900000
Supplles expense 12336000 12336000 12336000
uLlllLles expense 47020000 47020000 47020000
roperLy Lax expense 2101300 2101300 2101300
unreallzed galns/losses ln 1radlng SecurlLles 200000 200000 200000
unreallzed lncrease/ decrease ln value of AlSS 280000 280000 280000
ulvldend revenue 14230000 14230000 14230000
8enL revenue 36433000 36433000 36433000
lnsurance 8evenue 1000000 1000000 1000000
LlLlgaLlon expense 4730000 4730000 4730000
lnLeresL expense 43230000 43230000 43230000
lncome Lax expense 33467000 33467000 33467000
8ad debL expense 300000 123000 373000 373000
Cash slnklng fund for properLy 31000000 31000000 31000000
Land held for noLes payable 17000000 17000000 17000000
CLher land held 30000000 30000000 30000000
amorLlzaLlon expense 4000000 4000000 4000000
neL lncome 76403000 76403000
ffn 26S9997S00 26S9997S00 9112S000 9112S000 266S622S00 266S622S00 160324SS00 160324SS00 1138782000 1138782000

1 Zero uC
SLaLemenL Cf Comprehenslve lncome
lor Lhe ?ear Lnded uecember 31 2011
Sales 1331340300
less Sales dlscounL 12120300
Sales reLurn and allowances 28213300 (40334000)
neL sales 1331296300
cosL of good sold (991270300)
Cross roflL 319936000
CperaLlng expenses
Se|||ng expenses
1ransporLaLlonouL 20604300
Salarles expenseSelllng 130922000
AdverLlslng expense 19137300
LlecLrlclLy and CommunlcaLlon expense 6107300
lnsurance expense 8314300
uepreclaLlon expensebulldlng 9000000
uepreclaLlon expenseLqulpmenL and vehlcle 12900000
roperLy Lax expense 2101300
Supplles expense 12336000
AmoLlzaLlon expense 4000000 (223663300)
Adm|n|strat|ve expenses
Salarles expenseadmlnlsLraLlve 126300000
legal and rofeslonal expense 12210300
8ad debL expense 373000
uLlllLles expense 47020000 (186103300)
Cther |ncome and expense
ulvldend revenue 14230000
8enL revenue 36433000
lnsurance 8evenue 1000000 31703000
LlLlgaLlon expense (4730000) (364814000)
Income from Cperat|on 133122000
lnLeresL expense (43230000)
Income from cont|nu|ng operat|on before tax 109872000
lncome Lax expense (33467000)
Income from cont|nu|ng operat|on 76403000
dlsconLlnued operaLlon
Net Income 7640S000
Cther comprehens|ve Income
unreallzed galns ln 1radlng SecurlLles 200000
unreallzed decrease ln value of AlSS (280000) (80000)
Comprehens|ve Income 7632S000
1 Zero uC
SLaLemenL of llnanclal oslLlon
Current Assets
Cash 34292300
1radlng securlLles 14000000
MarkeL ad[usLmenL1radlng securlLles 323000 14323000
Avallable for sale securlLles 20000000
less MarkeL ad[usLmenLAvallable for sale securlLles (2300000) 17300000
AccounLs recelvable 100662000
less Allowance for bad debL (1030000) 99612000
noLe recelvable 11300000
lnsurance 8ecelvable 200000
lnvenLorles 244836300
Supplles 9890000
repald lnsurance 9330000
repald adverLlslng 8376000
Cash Surrender value lnsurance 3300000 433802000
Cash fund for purchase properLy 31000000
Land held for noLes payable 17000000
CLher land held 30000000
lnvesLmenL ln Semoga Lulus lnc 43730000 121730000
|ant property and Lqu|pment
Land 33300000
8ulldlng 262300000
Accum uepreclaLlonbulldlng (103000000) 137300000
LqulpmenL and vehlcle 223400000
Accum uepreclaLlonLqulpmenL and vehlcle (63600000) 139800000 332800000
Intang|b|e asset
peLenL 36000000
1ota| assets 9643S2000
Current L|ab|||t|es
AccounL payables 98766000
lnLeresL payables 8230000
lncome Lax payables 36260000
salarles payables 19730000 163026000
|ong term ||ab|||t|es
noLe payables 23000000
MorLgage payables (3 Lahun 8) 120000000 143000000
Cther L|ab|||ty
llLlgaLlon payable 4730000
1ota| ||ab|||t|es 312776000
Cwners Lqu|ty
Cont|bruted cap|ta|
refered sLock 130000000
lCrefered sLock 18730000
Common sLock 62300000
lCCommon sLock 200000000
8eLalned earnlngs 220406000
accumulaLed oLher comprehenslve lncome (80000)
Lreasury sLock
1ota| owners equ|ty 6S1S76000
1ota| ||ab|||t|es and owners equ|ty 9643S2000
1 Zero uC
SLaLemenL Cf 8eLalned Larnlng
lor Lhe ?ear Lnded uecember 31 2011
8eLalned earnlng !anuary 12011 144001000
add neL lncome 76403000
less dlvlden
keta|ned earn|ng December 31 2011 220406000
1 Zero uC
SLaLemenL Cf Change ln LqulLy
lor Lhe ?ear Lnded uecember 31 2011
Share caplLal 21230000000
Share premlum 21873000000
8eLalned earnlng 22040600000
AccumulaLed oLher comprehenslve lncome (8000000)
Lreasury share
1ota| Lqu|ty December 212011 6S1S7600000

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