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Opening I am ____ from Polytechnic of LP3I Jakarta, my pronouns

is she/her. For POI you can raise hand or chat and I will
prioritize POI from the (government/opposing) bench.

I’m here as (position) and I will start my speech in 3 2 1

Rebuttal, depth First and foremost, I am going to give a rebuttal to ___.


Summarize Throughout this debate, our team has consistently argued

about ___.

___ team gave arguments on ____, I will further elaborate

it with demonstration ____.

Data, research, real Many research were done about ___, and it has proven us
example that ____.

And as far I know, ____

As we presented earlier, studies have consistently shown


Why ur argument is It is important to acknowledge that no system is perfect,

more relevant and there may be challenges in implementing ____.
However we believe that ___ (mitigate weakness/offer
solution/which gives less harm)

Closing In conclusion ____. Therefore, It is important to

acknowledge that no system is perfect, and there may be
challenges in implementing ___ but to restate ____

I am very proud to … this motion, thank you

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