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Chủ đề 1: Do you like these different ways of getting

the news ?
A: Hello, long time no see. How are you ?
B: Hi, I’m fine. And you
A: I’m good. Have you watched the news lately? I find it
quite interesting.
B: Oh, I've also seen some news recently, which is quite
A: oh really. Where do you often find such news ?
B: On my phone or laptop. They update news quickly,
diverse and free of charge.
A: How about in newspapers, Do you often read them for
more news ?
B: Just sometimes. Because I find it quite inconvenient to
have to go to buy. And you, where do you often search for
news ?
A: hmm, Usually I will watch News on TV with my family in
the eveing. Sometimes I read on my phone or laptop.
B: What news do you watch on TV ?
A: I often watch many different topics such as news
programs, market news, entertainment news, sports news...
B: That sounds interesting. I will probably invite my family
to watch the news together on TV like you. What about the
radio, do you enjoy listening to it?
A: Oh, rarely. It’s outdated, only used a lot in the old days.
B: I think so,too. Quite few people listen to them now.
A: oh sorry, I’m busy at the moment, see you later.
B: Ok, Bye see you again
A: Bye
Chủ đề 3: Do you like these different presents for a
teenager ?
A: Hello, long time no see. How are you ?
B: Hi, I’m fine. And you
A: I’m good. Are you going to Tom’s birthday party this
Monday ?
B: Yes, I’ll definitely go because it’s his 18th birthday.
But, I don’t know what to buy as a gift for him.
A: Oh me too. It’s hard to choose gifts for him.
What do you think if I give him a bicycle?
B: I think it’s unreasonable. Because he is 18 years old and
he will run a motorbike instead of a bicycle.
What do you think of we give him electronics gadgets: for
example laptop or phone ?
A:What ? Electronics gadgets! I think it’s fine,

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