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Angelo Ferreira

Sports Communications

Professor Favorito

April 15, 2024

Two athletes

One athlete who has done a great job at building their storytelling narrative is Patrick

Mahomes. Mahomes had developed a narrative revolving around his ability to make

unbelievable plays that standard quarterbacks have never made before. Despite not being the first

quarterback taken his year, he has quickly solidified himself as one of the greatest quarterbacks

in today's game. Mahomes’ rise to greatness, winning three super bowls since 2017, has helped

him expand his story. Mahomes’ brand endorsements with Adidas and his State Farm capitalize

on his youthful energy helping relate to the younger generation a lot easier.

A second athlete that has done a great job telling his story is JJ Watt. His narrative is one

that comes from hard work ethic and overcoming adversity. He has battled back from serious

injury to remain a top player in the league. His partnership with a brand like Gatorade perfectly

aligns with his story, supporting his values such as relentless hard work. He does a great job

connecting with his fan base through social media having over 4 million followers on instagram.

In doing this he expands his story and tells it to a large audience. Similar to Mahomes, Watt’s

success story helps further build his narrative. Having multiple NFL awards, alongside his brand

deals that demonstrate his image as a dedicated athlete, support his story of “hard work beats


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