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While watching the video worksheet 1

Instructions: Watch the video and tick (√) the correct answer (s) of the following questions.

1.The Cosby Show and the Family Guy are:

o Movies

T.V Shows

o Novels
o Comic strips

2. In The United States in the 70´s :

o Traditional families increased 40%

Traditional families declined 40%

o Non- traditional families increased 40%

o Traditional families accounted for only 40%

3.Another term to refer to traditional families is:

o Same- sex marriage

Nuclear family

o Extended family
o Different- sex marriage

4.The concept of family in the United States of America:

o Remains the same during the last decades

o Refers to traditional families
o Has changed during the last two years

Has changed during the last two decades

5.Today, American society concept of family includes:

o More marriages
o Larger families

Single parenthood

o Nuclear family

6. Cohabitation arrangement:

Does not receive the same formal recognition and legal benefits

o Is not similar to marriage

o Does not face social disapproval
o Does not occur in the American society

7. Step families can face complex issues such as:

o Strong bonds and emotional support among the family

o More stability when compared to single parent

child support, visitation rights and holiday issues

o social disapproval

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