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Instagram: beary_bearnita_
Hello to everyone,
Friends, today I will share two different patterns. The first is the pattern of the teddy
bear and the other part is the pattern of crochet teddy bear amigurumi outfits.
Amigurumi crochet patterns are very easy to make. As for the color, I arranged it
according to myself. You can choose your own colors. However, I recommend that you
take care to use compatible colors.
The teddy bear’s clothes consist of 3 parts. Shirt, hat and bag. When you crochet these
three pieces, you will have a beautiful crochet teddy bear amigurumi. Crochet teddy
bears are no longer as popular as they used to be. Because there are so many amigurumi
crochet toys. That’s why I don’t plan to share amigurumi teddy bears for a while. But if
you still want, you can write to me. This crochet Teddy Bear Amigurumi
complately free pattern.

Brown and Ice Bear With Outfits Amigurumi Free

Crochet Pattern
Instagram: beary_bearnita_
Ravelry: beary_bearnita_
Etsy: beary_bearnita_

• Yarn: sport or DK light weight yarn. (I used Yarnart Jeans)
• Crochet hook: 2 mm- 2.5 mm
• Black embroidery thread
• Fiberfill
• Yarn needles
• Safety eyes size 3-4 mm

MR– magic ring
sc– single crochet
hdc– half double crochet
inc– increase (2 single crochet in 1 stitch)
dec– decrease (invisible decrease)
BLO– back loop only
slst– slip stitch
We will start to amigurumi teddy bear project with legs.

Start with black
Rnd 1: 6 sc in MR (6)
Rnd 2: 6-inc (12)
Rnd 3: (sc, inc)*6 (18)
Rnd 4-7: (4 rnds) 18 sc (18)
Cut the yarn, make the 2 nd leg in the same way till rnd 7. Do not cut the yarn, make 2
ch, join in 1 st leg. Continue to the body.
Rnd 1: (4 sc, inc)*8 (48)
Rnd 2: (11 sc, inc)*4 (52)
Rnd 3-11: (9 rnds) 52 sc (52)
Rnd 12: (11 sc, dec)*4 (48)
Rnd 13-18: (6 rnds) 48 sc (48)
Rnd 19: (10 sc, dec)*4 (44)
We finished to body. Next part head. Lets crochet to teddy bear’s head.

Rnd 1: 44 sc (44)
Rnd 2: 14 sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*6, 11 sc (51)
Rnd 3: 51 sc (51)
Rnd 4: 22 sc, inc, (3 sc, inc)*2, 20 sc (54)
Rnd 5-7: (3 rnds) 54 sc (54)
Rnd 8: 22 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*2, 18 sc (51)
Rnd 9: 27 sc, dec, 22 sc (50)
Rnd 10: 21 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 17 sc (48)
Rnd 11-15: (5 rnds) 48 sc (48)
insert the eyes at round 9, 10. 7 sc apart.
Rnd 16: (6 sc, dec)*6 (42)
Rnd 17: 42 sc (42)
Rnd 18: (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
Rnd 19: (sc, dec)*12 (24)
Rnd 20: (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
Rnd 21: (sc, dec)*6 (12)
Rnd 22: 6-dec (6)
Embroidery rhe nose between round 7,8 and the mouth at round 5 of the head.
Lets crochet teddy bear amigurumi arms.
Rnd 1: 6 sc in MR (6)
Rnd 2: (sc, inc)*3 (9)
Rnd 3: (2 sc, inc)*3 (12)
Rnd 4-10: (7 rnds) 12 sc (12)
Rnd 11: (2 sc, dec)*3 (9)
Cut the yarn, leave long tail for sewing
Rnd 1: 6 sc in MR (6)
Rnd 2: 6 sc (6)
Cut the yarn, leave long tail for sewing
Teddy Ice Bear crochet amigurumi is ready now.

Ice Bear let’s oufit for,

Teddy Bear’s Outfit Patter
Dear friends. After crochet teddy bear amigurumi, we came to the most important part.
Now let’s crochet the outfits of cute teddy bear amigurumi. If you choose vibrant and
harmonious colors in the color selection, it will be a more flamboyant amigurumi. As
you can see in the picture, a very nice tone of blue and yellow is used. I recommend the
same to you.

• Yarn: sport or DK light weight yarn. (I used Yarnart Jeans)
• Crochet hook: 2 mm – 2,5 mm
• Black embroidery thread
• Safety eyes size 5 mm
• Fiberfill
• Yarn needles

MR– magic ring
sc– single crochet
hdc– half double crochet
dc– double crochet
inc– increase ( 2 single crochet in 1 stitch)
dec– decrease (invisible decrease)
FLO– front loop only
slst– slip stitch
After seeing the materials used, now let’s crochet the shirt.

Start with blue yarn.
48 chains. Insert the hook to the first chain to make a circle. Start to crochet the shirt
from the collar
Rnd 1-3: (3 rnds) 48 sc (48)
Rnd 4: (7 sc, inc)*6 (54)
Rnd 5-6: 54 sc (54)
Rnd 7: 8 sc, inc, 3 sc, 2-inc, 3 sc, inc, 17 sc, inc, 3 sc, 2-inc, 3 sc, inc, 9 sc (62)
Rnd 8: 10 sc, 12-hdc, 17 sc, 12-hdc, 11 sc (62)
Rnd 9: 10 sc, 9-chainc skip 12 stitches, 17 sc, 9-chain skip 12 stitches, 11 sc (56)
Rnd 10-13: (4 rnds) 56 sc (56)
Cut the yarn and weave in the end
Shirt is finished. Next part Teddy Bear’s hat. Let’s crochet!

Rnd 1: 6 sc in MR (6)
Rnd 2: 6-inc(12)
Rnd 3: sc, inc, 6-chains skip stitches, sc, inc, 6-chain skip 4 stitches (18)
Rnd 4: (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
Rnd 5: (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
Rnd 6: (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
Rnd 7: (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
Rnd 8-9: (2 rnds) 42 sc (42)
Rnd 10: (6 sc, inc)*6 (48)
Rnd 11-14: (4 rnds) 48 sc (48)
Cut the yarn and weave in the end.
Hat is finished. Now we will crochet to bag.

Make 10 chains, start to crochet in the 2nd stitch from your hook.
Rnd 1: 8 sc, 2 sc in last stitch, 9 along other side of the chain (18)
Rnd 2-6: (5 rnds) 18 sc (18)
Don’t cut the yarn, make 40-45 chains, skip 9sc, slst to the next stitch. Cut the yarn and
weave in the end. Sew the button on the bag.
Ice Bear outfit ready now.

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