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1. What is the name of the movie?

2. Who are the main characters?

3. What is the name of the actor?

4. What is the name of the actress?

5. What is the name of the airport?

6. Where is the airport?

7. Where is the main character form?

8. What happened in his country?

9. What does he do to have money?

10. What does he buy with 75 cents?

11. Where does he buy his first meal?

12. What happens to the flight attendant when he meets her?

13. What is the first word he learns in English using the tourist guide?

14. What does he buy to learn English?

15. What does Enrique Cruz give Viktor?

16. Why does Enrique Cruz help Viktor?

17. What words does he mispronounce?

18. How does immigration contact Viktor?

19. What is the question the immigration makes Viktor to be able to go to NY?

20. In what airline does the flight attendant work?

21. What does the cleaning man do for fun?

22. What does Viktor break?

23. What does Viktor lose in the garbage?

24. Why does he start looking for a job?

25. What is his first job?

26. What does the man from Russia have and need to stay in the USA?

27. What does Viktor do for the man to have his medicine?

28. What is your favorite part?

29. Comment about the movie?

30. What message did the movie leave you?

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