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Infinity Microservices

1. Deployed MS in AWS cloud natively & get 401 unauthorized. What could be missing
x-api-key / JWT

2. Deployed MS in Azure cloud natively & get 401 unauthorized. What could be missing
Code / JWT

3. Enable Authorization in MS, property need to set is

4. Enable Authentication in MS, property need to set is

5. In Arrangement MS, API configurations for the Kubernetes are bundled under a single
yaml file called

6. In Party MS, API configurations for the Kubernetes are bundled under a single yaml file

7. Which infinity microservice supports AKS & EKS deployment in AZURE and AWS
cloud respectively, and not as cloud native functions is
Document MS

8. Which microservice that provides the flexibility to store generic data for the lifetime of
the journey, without a fixed view on how that data will be used.
Originations Data Storage

9. Which infinity microservice that provides an independent cloud enabled solution to

manage Marketing information of products in transact
Marketing Catalog

10. Default Antivirus component used in Document MS


11. Which MS provides a centralized configuration service supported across applications to

manage their configurations using API based interface
Generic Config MS

12. Health Check API provides for API container

Database & API check
13. Health Check API provides for Ingester container
Database & Streams check

14. To enable BIAN service domain, list out the properties added in configmap yaml
temn.msf.event.bian.mapping / temn.config.service.base.path /
temn.config.service.resource.path (All the above)

15. Property used in MS to subscribe / listen the events from other MS.

16. BIAN stands for

Banking Industry Architecture Network

17. Prerequisites to be configured for MDAL events from Party MS to flow E2E
All the MS (party, generic, Eventstore, adapter) should use the same kafka
Mdal events needs to be configured in generic config MS independently

18. The communication from Transact to MS can be made through

Events & Data Event Streaming

19. Microservice that holds Balance and Transaction of an account. It has the capabilities to
store the Portfolio Details
Holdings MS

20. API that has the ability to monitor the health of the application, also useful not only to
test the internal health of an application but also external dependencies such as a third
party API which the application relies on to function correctly
Health Check APIs

21. Which of the following container/pod is the Health Check API not applicable
Inbox outbox processor

22. Which is the standard used while domain and operation names in the events released
from microservices

23. Prerequisite step involved in transact for AA product to get ingested into MCMS
AA Products should be proofed and published in Transact

24. Below implementation is adopted by Temenos Microservices for Authorization


25. Below implementation is adopted by Temenos Microservices for Authentication

JWT token
26. Extensibility feature which helps the bank to extend product services at entity level

27. Property used to enable the Multi-event ingestion on Arrangement MS


28. Microservice that does the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or
person is normally expected to take before entering into any agreement or contract with
another party or an act with a certain standard of care
Due Diligence MS

29. Service Document (swager) contains

Paths & Parameters & Responses (all the above)

30. Microservice that helps to collect events raised from individual MS and forwards the
event to the target topic
Event Store MS

31. Framework impl to be configured in marketing catalog to generate the token from the
keycloak server

32. Property that is used to make the field mandatory at the swagger spec level

33. Store configuration files on Generic Configuration MS, list of files supported
Xml, property & json

34. Endpoint url of simulation API in Marketing catalog MS


35. Infra MS that provides nonrepudiation capability for all messages executed from external
channel or temenos channel application
Adapter MS

36. Default azure pack of Arrangement MS are

Arrangementapp/amsAccAggIngester/amst24Ingester/amsEventProcessor(all the

37. Default azure pack of Holdings MS are

Holdingsapp / hmsAccAggIngester / holdingst24ingesterapp / hmsEventProcessor
(all the above)

38. Which one of the below options is called when the external user submits a service request
from the online banking app, the service order captured in the service request MS is
instantly processed by the core banking system and also got the
response/acknowledgement back to the user immediately

39. Error code 2000 denote in Origination Data Storage MS

Entity Definition code is mandatory.

40. What are the two configuration files that need to be configured for the resource filter
fields in Entitlement MS
APIResourceFilters & EntityResourceFilters

41. Patterns supported in Adapter MS

Execute API Function / File De Bulking Function / Bulking Function (All the above)

42. Error code 00301 to 00400 in Marketing Catalog MS refers to

Ingestion Errors

43. How to enable health check API at individual MS

Health check API is microservice framework feature and available by default with
configurations art individual MS layer.

44. Health check api for ingester container


45. Health check api for api container


46. Service document can be represented in

Yaml & json

47. Which MS acts as a request management system that can capture different service
requests like financial and nonfinancial raised in digital retail banking app
Service Request MS

48. Enable tracer in MS


49. Microservice that holds all the primary information about customers
Party MS

50. The records available in ms_inbox_events table are retained for 60 minutes by default.
When the time exceeds the default x minutes, the data are deleted automatically. The
property used to retain records in ms_inbox_events is
51. Service that is used for the faster retrieval of configuration data in Generic configuration
MS is
Cache Service

52. In docker, if the MS & DES are running across different machines, what are the
properties to be enabled to make communication between them
Extra_hosts:”kakfa:” & “schema-registry:”

53. In R22, Health check api is supported in

Docker & Kubernetes

54. Reconciliation is effectively achieved during different stages of an event, ie event

production and consumption. To provide a way for reconciling transmitted event data in a
microservice system, Temenos MSF makes use of the following fields
a. Event source ID
b. Business Key / source
c. Sequence number
d. Source system name
a, b and c

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