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I. Invocation ---------------------------------------------------------AVP
II. National Anthem-------------------------------------------------AVP
III. Gensan Hymn----------------------------------------------------AVP
IV. PSCI Hymn--------------------------------------------------------AVP
V. Welcome Address----------------------------------------------Terry Jane Javelina, LPT
VI. Production Number----------------------------------------------Candidates
VII. Introduction of the Judges--------------------------------------Emcee
VIII. Reading the Criteria for judging-------------------------------Emcee
IX. Variety Show
a. Entry # 1
b. Entry # 2
X. Futuristic Attire-----------------------------------------------------Candidates
XI. Variety Show
c. Entry # 3
d. Entry # 4
XII. Sports Attire--------------------------------------------------------Candidates
XIII. Variety Show
e. Entry # 5
XIV. Certificate of Recognition---------------------------------------Emcee
XV. Awarding for different Activities--------------------------------Emcee
XVI. Awarding of Special Awards------------------------------------Emcee
XVII. Awarding of Major Awards--------------------------------------Emcee
XVIII. Announcement of overall winner------------------------------Emcee
XIX. Closing Remarks--------------------------------------------------Daryl Jade M. Pablo

Daryl Jade M. Pablo and Ella Pantuan

Master of Ceremony

Daryl: Good After noon ladies and gentlemen! This afternoon we will witness as our 5
pairs dazzling candidates present their very best and vie for the title Mr. and Ms. Body
Fit 2024
Ella: As this afternoon fills will full of excitement, we will soon find out who will be the
worthy title holder!
Daryl: The grandest………
Ella: The most exciting…….
Daryl: The most fabulous…….
Ella: And the most awaited………
Both: Search for Mr. and Ms. Body Fit 2024
Daryl: May I request everybody to stand please for the invocation. This will be followed
by the Philippine National Anthem, Gensan Hymn and PSCI Hymn
Ella: Please be seated.
VO: Ladies and gentlemen your host Mr. Daryl Jade M. Pablo and Ms. Ella

Daryl: Good afternoon Southbayer! It’s my privilege to be your host this afternoon! For
this most awaited part of the program. I’m also extremely happy to be accompanied by
my very charming co-host, Ms. Ella Pantuan…… How are you Ella?
Ella: I’m fine thank you Daryl. It’s a privilege for me to be right here beside you hosting
this event.
Daryl: Absolutely! This is the most exciting part of the program, I’m pretty sure
everyone is excited. Right?!!!!
Ella: You’re right Daryl, It seem to me that they are all exited.
Daryl: So, Let us not prolong the agony of waiting.
Ella: Now ladies and gentlemen! The wait is over!! Southbayer, Are you ready?
Ella: To formally welcome us this afternoon, let us all give the stage our very caring,
loving, and very beautiful BPED Program Head Ma’am Terry Jane Javelina, LPT
Daryl: Thank you so much, maam, for that warmth welcome.
Ella: Ladies and gentlemen! Please help us welcome our 5 pairs lovely models
Both: In their Production Number!!!!!
Daryl: There you have it. Our lovely and handsome models.
Ella: They are absolutely captivating isn’t It?
Daryl: I definitely agree with you partner.. Now moving on this wouldn’t be a competition
if there were no one to judge, right Ella?
Ella: Precisely, Daryl, Now lets meet our Beautiful and handsome panel of judges.
Daryl: Now let us read the Criteria for judging……………
Ella: Alright, since we’ve already presented our panel of judges and the criteria for
judging, let us not keep our audience waiting. Let us welcome on stage our entry
number 1 for the variety show competition.
Daryl: Moving on let us welcome our Entry number two from…
Ella: Ladies and gentlemen!!!! Let us welcome on stage again our Models in as they
walk in their futuristic attire. A big round of a applause please…………..
Daryl: Wow!!!! There you go we have seen our lovely models in their Futuristic attire
Ella: Now, moving on, Let us witness our entry number 3 as they performed before us
an astonishing talent. Let us welcome them with a resonating round of applause.
Daryl: Thank you entry number 3 for that amazing talent, you know what Ella? I’ve
observed that this competition looked more than astonishing…..
Ella: Well, looking at our contender, I’d say it will definitely be a tough for them.
Daryl: Moving on, Let’s all prepare for the next contender, without much ado let us give
the floor to the entry number 4
Ella: Wow!!!! Thank you entry number 4…
Daryl: Now, folks, lets all prepare for the next turn as these lovely and handsome
models sizzle on their sports attire, so, fasten your seatbelts. Its going to be bumpy
Ella: Yes! You have to because here is our lovely and handsome models in their……
Both: Sports Attire…..
Daryl: Absolutely captivating!!! Am I seeing models here or are they just really a
Ella: You can never tell, partner! These lovely and handsome models really posses the
bearing and poise of a true models.
Daryl: At this point another variety of talents we’re going to witness…
Ella: Lets give it up for the Entry number 5
Ella: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, we have just witnessed the very talented
Daryl: Indeed, all of the performance are beyond our expectation. Congratulation
everyone for a well done job.
Ella: At this juncture may I call on Stage, Dr. Leandro Ador….Dr. Kenneth… Dr. Tripoli
and our BPED Program head Maam Terry……… for giving the certificate of recognition
to our lovely and handsome panel of judges…
Daryl: Moving on partner we will be announcing who will be the overall Champion in
this year Pasiklaban…..
Ella: You are absolutely right partner I’m pretty sure everyone is exited…



Daryl: Partner, it appears that our tabulators have tabulated the judges scores, and we
are ready!!
Ella: Yes partner!! Southbayers are you ready??? (ADLIB) We would like to invite our
lovely and handsome models onstage.

Daryl: Of course, we would like to congratulate all of you because you are already
winners. It will just be a matter of which award is going to whom. This afternoon you
have shown your prowess in all competition. The experience you have gained in tis
competition is enough to consider yourselves winners!
Ella: This is so true, So, I know everyone is exited let us now announce the Special
Award and who will be our this year Mr. and Ms Body fit.
Daryl: Now,we have come to the official closing ceremony of the Pasiklaban 2024.
Ella: Thank you so much for your participation and congratulation.
Daryl: Let us leave you with this wisdom from Brad Gerrard, ‘’ Believe in yourself, be
strong, never give up no matter what the circumstances are. You are a champion and
will overcome the dreaded obstacle.
Ella: Champions take failure as a learning opportunity, so take in all you can, and run
with it. Be your best and don’t ever give up………See you next year for another parade
of talents.
Daryl: This has been Daryl Jade M.Pablo
Ella: I am Ella Pantuan
Both; Signing off !! see you next year and good evening everyone….

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