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Adjective Clauses


He had a horse that could answer mathematical questions.


A relative

He had a horse that could answer mathematical questions.

A noun An adjective clause

Relative pronouns:

who person or people (and sometimes animals)

which thing or things

thing, things, person, or people (less formal than

that which or who)

when a time or times

a place or places
where or in which

whose possession
Correct or not?

I saw the horse that the scientist was testing the horse.

I saw the horse that the scientist was testing it.

Both wrong. A relative pronoun replaces

the noun it describes; the noun is not

Seizure alert dogs are dogs whose can predict a seizure before it starts. incorrect

correction: which/that

The museum where Peter Bøckman works is in Oslo, Norway. correct

correct/alternative: in which

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