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 Possibly inspired by the legend of Amleth- a figure in medieval Scandinavian

legend which was preserved by 13th century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus.
 A ghost is spotted on the ramparts of Denmark by watchmen Bernado, Marcellus
and Horatio.
 Hamlet as a character:

Smart, well-read, emotionally intelligent, self aware, honorable, cautious, pompous

twat?, depressed/suicidal,(he would rather join his father in the grave then be burdened
with the task of living), heroic,(id rather cry in Bentley than a bus), side of him gives him
more a villainous persona

Even though that Hamlet killing Polonius even though by accident Hamlet acquires a
taste of blood, it can be also a sign of his madness and no one is safe his flexible morality

To sum up, Hamlet has some profound ideals and thoughts a maintains a great deal of
honor that does not cut him from the same cloth as a typical hero however he also
possesses too much of a bleak outlook to be the sort of hero to be a sort of hero that we
occasion in the eyes of his father’s ghost

 Claudius as a character: he seems to know how to keep out of the family drama
are still living in a thick of it, he seems only concerned with power and how to be
maintain it preferably without getting his hands dirty

Antagonist, shrewd, conniving, a real people person, manipulative, tactician or

coward?, a true diplomat, scheming, Mr. steal your girl and crown, victim of his own
genius, likeable.

Gertrude as a character: “frailty, thy name is a woman” as hamlet describes her,

duty-bound, strong, power hungry, victim of circumstances, survivor, protector

We can say that she stops at nothing to retain her throne even between the memory of
her late husband as Hamet is quick to point out and marry his brother,
In the other hand we can call her a power hungry witch as she was stupid slow to marry
her husband’s brother or her husband’s murderer if she knew of the act all in an effort
to maintain her queenship,

We can say that she knew exactly who she is and her role as a queen doesn’t and a
political influence doesn’t need to end just because her life’s husband

We can say she’s a protective character, as she lies for hamlet telling Claudius that her
son that he wept for Polonius though he didn’t so as perhaps getting him out of the
hook, all her conversations have her son at the heart of them like we never hear her
talks about the state of Denmark or her own official responsibilities but instead only
those that pertain to her son, even though expresses her desires to see hamlet happy
when speaking with Ophelia

 Ophelia as a character: daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes, hamlet’s main


REASON OF HER DEATH (Hamlet, hurt bad by their break-up, tells Ophelia nasty
things. He says if she finds a new love, he hopes she gets cursed like him. Then he
says, if she HAS to marry, pick a dummy, because all women are mean and will
treat their husbands bad. This mean talk, plus her dad dying and Hamlet acting
crazy, messes with Ophelia's head real bad. Sadly, she ends her own life, even
though she didn't do anything wrong. Seems like Hamlet's bad choices messed up
her innocence. He breaks her heart, then maybe causes her death, and now
nobody knows if he's crazy or not.)

Polonius as a character: definition of the wrong place at the wrong time, proud
father of Laertes and Ophelia, loved by his children, scheming(makir), paranoid, comic
relief/ironic idiot,
 DOUBT: (I’ll have grounds more than this) lack of self believes, believe in one’s
own thoughts and ideas, hamlet is in a constant war in his own mind. (The rest is silence
”last scene”) this word shows that hamlet’s understands that this is the end and he
accepted this, his destiny
 THE BURDEN OF QUEST: we see in the play that hamlet openly express that he is
burdened by the responsibility of avenging his father (The time is out of joint. O cursed
spire that I was born to set it right) he know that the point of his life was being to set right
this one particular wrong, (to be or not ()to be) many sees this quote as hamlet referring
to life and death as in is it better to live and be well or is it better to die and not be, it
confirms what hamlet is going through and the decline of his mental health that he is
pondering on death and considering the benefits of not having to live in, fear of the
unknown that make him ponder in both life and death (Conscience does make cowards of
us all)
 REVENGE: Shakespeare takes us on a journey of not necessarily blunt revenge but
the effect that live has on others and not just intended target indeed, he also shows us
that revenge might feel sweet in the act of plotting but it is equally true that more people
end up getting hurt because of it, the sweetness of revenge is likely bittersweet at least
for hamlet


 Hesitation causes more pain, but brashness(behavior that shows a lot of

confidence and not much respect) leads to mistakes : the more we ponder on something
and fear the outcome we trap ourselves in a state of suffering just like Hamlet does
throughout the duration of the play

So, Hamlet's got problems. His constant thinking might be what makes him crazy. He
over thinks things so much, he drives himself mad! Maybe if he just followed the ghost's
plan and killed the king, he wouldn't have gone nuts. But then again, maybe killing
someone would mess with his head too. That's why he keeps thinking and thinking, never
sure what to do. He's like all of us, always second-guessing himself. This indecisiveness
stops him from taking action, even when he should. He doesn't strike when he should,
and it leads to more deaths. He doesn't handle his dad's death well and makes a big scene
of everything. He should have been quiet and sneaky, like a killer who accepts the
consequences. But he lets his feelings control him. The play is basically a giant example of
how we talk ourselves out of things and become our own worst enemies. We over think
big decisions until we don't do anything at all, or we do them wrong because we're
panicking. Even though Hamlet might be crazy, we can still connect with him because we
all do these things. He's not a perfect hero, but we can understand him more than anyone
else. I could talk about Hamlet's tragedy for hours, but maybe I've been too hard on him.
Maybe I just see a bit of myself in him, too.

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