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SAN ISIDRO CAMPUS – College of Information and Communications Technology

Republic Act No. 9163

Nurturing Students to
Ask for Help

Submitted by : Princess Arcilla Fajardo

Course / Section: BSIT-1B

Submitted to : Mr. June DR. Constantino

SAN ISIDRO CAMPUS – College of Information and Communications Technology

Advocacy Title: "Embracing Empowerment: Nurturing Students to

Ask for Help"
I want to share my unique perspective on the power of embracing empowerment
and asking for help. Through this journey, I have discovered my true potential and
grown into a resilient individual.

As a student, I understand the doubts and fears that hold us back from seeking help.
But asking for assistance is not weakness; it's an act of courage and self-awareness.
Let's normalize seeking help and create a safe space where we feel empowered to
embrace our vulnerabilities. By doing so, we gain new perspectives, valuable
insights, and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Building trust is vital. Let's foster an atmosphere where we can express concerns
and be met with empathy. By nurturing this trust, we encourage open
communication, collaboration, and personal growth.
Effective communication skills are essential. Let's learn to express ourselves
assertively, actively listen, and articulate our needs. By developing these skills, we
engage in meaningful conversations and build stronger connections.
Together, let's embrace empowerment and fearlessly ask for help. By doing so, we
inspire others to embark on their own journeys of growth.

It creates a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel safe
and comfortable seeking assistance. This leads to increased engagement, as students
are more likely to actively participate and take risks in their learning. Asking for
help also promotes a growth mindset, enabling students to view challenges as
opportunities for growth rather than obstacles to their success. Moreover, it
enhances their problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they learn to analyze
situations, identify areas of difficulty, and seek appropriate guidance. By embracing
empowerment and nurturing a culture of asking for help, students develop
resilience, self-advocacy, and a sense of ownership over their education, ultimately
fostering their academic achievement and overall well-being
SAN ISIDRO CAMPUS – College of Information and Communications Technology


The objective of this advocacy is to create a supportive community that understands

and respects the unique needs of students, encouraging them to overcome their
hesitations and ask for help when needed. By providing tailored support and
fostering an environment that values each student's individuality, we aim to
empower students to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

The purpose of this advocacy is to debunk the misconception that asking for help is
a sign of weakness. We seek to create an inclusive atmosphere where students feel
comfortable and empowered to reach out for assistance, recognizing that seeking
support is a valuable aspect of personal growth and development.

Our vision is to cultivate a community that celebrates and embraces the diverse
strengths and challenges of students. We envision a campus where students feel
empowered to ask for help, confident in their abilities to navigate educational
challenges, and supported by a community that understands and respects their
unique journeys.

Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of asking for help and
provide tailored resources and support systems that cater to the needs of students.
We strive to create safe spaces, promote understanding, and foster a culture of
acceptance and appreciation within the student community, ensuring that every
student can access the support they require.
SAN ISIDRO CAMPUS – College of Information and Communications Technology


1. Valuing Personal Growth: Asking for help is a crucial part of personal growth
and learning. By encouraging students to seek assistance, we acknowledge and
celebrate their commitment to self-improvement, fostering an environment that
values continuous learning.

2. Providing Various Support Channels: Recognizing that students may have

different communication preferences, we advocate for a variety of support channels
that accommodate individual needs. This includes in-person consultations, online
resources, peer mentoring, and other avenues that facilitate accessible and
personalized support.

3. Nurturing Individualized Support: By understanding the diverse needs of

students, we can provide tailored support systems that respect their boundaries and
preferences. This may involve creating flexible schedules, offering individualized
learning plans, or providing mentorship opportunities that address specific

4. Building Trust and Rapport: Students thrive in environments where trust and
rapport are prioritized. By fostering connections between students and supportive
individuals, such as mentors, advisors, and educators, we create spaces where
students feel comfortable seeking help, knowing that they will be heard, understood,
and respected.

5. Celebrating Student Strengths: Students bring unique qualities and strengths to

the table. By highlighting and celebrating these strengths, we encourage students to
recognize their value and feel confident in seeking help without compromising their
authentic selves.

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