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Manuel: Hello Victoria, how are you?

Victoria: Hello Manuel, I'm fine, thanks for asking. And I hope you are well too.

Manuel: Yes, thanks, I'm great. I want to tell you that I have a wonderful family and

I am going to tell you about two members of my family who do various activities

throughout the week.

Victoria: Good, I'm also going to tell you what two members of my family normally


Manuel: I am going to tell you about my brother and my mother, his name is Reymi

and my mother is Carmen. I live with my mom and my brother lives in another

house with his girlfriend.

Victoria: How interesting.

Manuel: Yes and tell me about your relatives.

Victoria: I will tell you about my mother, her name is María and my niece Emily, my

mother lives in Mochumí with my brother and me, while my niece lives with my

other brother and his wife.

Manuel: Tell me, what does your mom do all week?

Victoria: She usually gets up at 6:30 a.m., cleans the house and cleans her shop, at

12:00 p.m. she prepares lunch and rests in the afternoon.

Manuel: Oh, how interesting.

Victoria: Yes, and your mom, what do you usually do in a week?

Manuel: My mom usually wakes up at 6:00 a.m. What he does first is bathe, then he

starts making breakfast. Then at 7:00 a.m. he serves me breakfast since I have to go

to university.

V: Oh, good.
Manuel: My mother also does various activities, every Monday she goes to the

market to buy food for the whole week, however, some Mondays she cannot go

because she has to take care of my aunt who is sick and I go instead. . Now tell me

what your niece does.

Victoria: That's good. My mom also goes shopping on Mondays and from time to

time she goes to visit some uncles. My niece normally gets up at 6:00am, has

breakfast at 7:00am and then goes to school.

Manuel: Great… now I am going to tell you what my brother does, every morning

he gets up at 6:00 a.m. so that at 7:00 he leaves for the university, then he has

lunch at 12:30 p.m. and return to the university again, after 2:00 p.m. He leaves the

university and goes to his workplace where he works as a supervisor of a shopping

center, then he goes home at 11:00 p.m.

Victoria: How super, my niece after she returns from school at 1:00 pm, she has

lunch, after that she bathes and does her homework, she also listens to music and

talks with her friends, and usually sleeps at 10:30 pm.

Manuel: Your mom, what does she do on Tuesday and Wednesday?

Victoria: On Tuesdays she goes to Chiclayo to do some shopping for her store and

on Wednesdays she spends at home.

Manuel: How interesting, and on weekends?

Victoria: On weekends we go out to eat or visit some relatives and on Sundays we

go to mass. And your mom, what does your mom do on weekends?

Manuel: Some weekends my mom travels to Trujillo to visit my older sister, but

other weekends we go to the beach with my brother and sometimes my dad, we

also go out to eat and shop.

Victoria: Oh, how nice that they spend time together as a family! What does your

mom like to do the most during the week?

Manuel: She likes to go out with her children and grandchildren, go to the park,

visit her sisters, and cook typical food from the region. Your niece, what does she

do on weekends?

Victoria: My niece likes to play volleyball with her friends, and we all go out to eat

as a family. And your brother, what does he like to do on weekends?

Manuel: He likes to go to the beach with his girlfriend and take his pet for a walk.

Victoria: Thanks for sharing what your mom and brother do during the week. I

hope you do well on this day.

Manuel: Thank you also for sharing your information with me, bye take care.

V: Goodbye Manuel!

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