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Replicating Options With Positions in Stock and Cash

Article in Financial Analysts Journal · July 1981

DOI: 10.2469/faj.v37.n4.63

137 1,373

2 authors, including:

Hayne Leland
University of California, Berkeley


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Replicating Options with Positions in Stock

and Cash
Mark Rubinstein and Hayne E. Leland

T heandvolume of trading in exchange-traded puts

calls (in terms of share equivalents) now
(3) thereafter, since a call requires no further
investment, the replicating strategy must be self-
rivals share volume on the N e w York Stock Ex- financing.
change. 1 Yet, for most investors, options remain
an arcane or complex subject. One thing is obvi- If it satisfies these three conditions, we have rea-
ous, however: An option provides a comparable son to believe our strategy will resemble a pur-
alternative to a direct investment in its underlying chased call at any time prior to expiration as well as
stock. To decide between the two alternatives, we at expiration.
would like to know A brief study of exchange-traded options and
• how to value an option, their underlying stocks shows that their respective
• how to measure the expected return daily price movements tend to parallel each other.
and risk of an option position,
In particular, (a) call prices and stock prices change in
• h o w the margin requirements and
the same direction, but (b) a one dollar change in the
transaction costs of option positions
stock price causes a change of less than one dollar in the
compare with common stock,
• who should be buying and who should
call price. To satisfy Condition 1, the value of our
be selling options, and stock-cash portfolio must, at a minimum, share
• how to create an option position if these properties. This will be easy to achieve if we
options on a stock or on a portfolio do have a long position in less than one share of
not exist. stock.
Is it quixotic to hope that there is a single, Further observation of call prices shows that
simple principle that can provide satisfactory an- they have additional important properties our rep-
swers to all these questions? We think not. The key licating portfolio will have to match. More pre-
insight to modern option pricing theory is that, in cisely, how a call option responds to a one dollar
most situations of practical relevance, the price behavior change in the stock depends largely on the rela-
of an option is very similar to a portfolio of the under- tionship of its striking price to the stock price:
lying stock and cash that is revised in a particular way (c) When the stock price is much lower than the striking
over time. 2 That is, there exists a replicating portfolio price (deep out of the money), a one dollar change in the
strategy, involving stock and cash only, that creates stock price has little effect on the call price. If the stock
returns identical to those of an option. price rises and becomes equal to the striking price (at the
money), a one dollar change in the stock price produces
WHY THE PRINCIPLE MAKES SENSE about a half-dollar change in the call price. If the stock
Suppose we want to replicate a purchased call option price rises further so the call becomes deep in the money,
using only stock and cash. To succeed, our repli- then a one dollar move in the stock price results in almost
cating strategy must: satisfy three conditions: a one dollar change in the call price.
(1) for small changes in the stock price, the Because the call price behaves this way, we
initial out-of-pocket investment must give the will have to revise our replicating portfolio as the
same absolute, dollar return as a call; stock's price changes. We will hold almost no
(2) to equalize the rate of return as well, the shares when the stock price is low, and we will
initial out-of-pocket investment must equal the buy more shares as the stock price rises. In partic-
value of the call; and ular, when the call is at the money, we will hold
about half a share. As the stock price rises further
Reprintedfrom Financial Analysts Journal (July~August1981):63- and the call becomes deep in the money, we will
72. gradually buy in until we hold almost one share.

FinancialAnalystsJournal/January-February 1995 1'13

© 1995, AIMR®

Conversely, whenever the stock price falls, we will responding to property a). Although the slope of
reduce the number of shares held. this curve is always lower than the unlevered stock
Figure 1 compares the value of a call with line (property b), it increases continually as the
various positions in stock and cash. Both the stock price rises (property c). 3 Indeed, the slope of
striking price and current stock price are $30, so the call price curve at the current stock price is equal to
the call is currently at the money. The straight line the number of shares in the replicating stock-cash
from the origin with a slope of one shows how the portfolio. At very low stock prices, the slope is
value of an unlevered position in one share of almost zero; at a stock price of 30 the slope is
stock depends on the stock price; in this very one-half; and at very high stock prices the slope is
simple case, these values are identical. In contrast, almost one.
the value of a fixed, fully levered position in the Equalizing dollar return is not enough. We
stock is represented by the straight line with a must also equalize the rate of return (Condition 2).
slope of one cutting the horizontal axis at 30. Observation of call prices shows that (d) a one per

Rgure 1. Call Option versus Positions in Stock and Cash


•. ~ / ~o~ / .~o~ /
~ ~ / Slopeof This
~*/ ~NN- / / / Ume~isNumber
C~'~/" _~J ,/" / / of Sharesin
,~/~/ Pbrtfolio~
At-the-Money 3 - .Z . . . . . . . / /
Call Price ~ ~ ~ ___._-7~i6/ Stock
0 j J" Price
/ / / / "~StriSk0~
//// / Pri=ceng
in Replicatin~-12 / J Current
Portfolio / / Stock

Out of the Money ~ In the Money

The curve describing the call price as the stock cent change in the stock price causes a more than one per
price changes is positively sloped throughout (cor- cent change in the call price. Our stock-cash portfolio

i14 Financial Analysts Joumal/ January-February1995


will share this property if the stock position is ing, where we buy (sell) shares and increase (decrease)
financed partly through borrowing. our borrowing as the stock price rises (falls). Of course,
For example, suppose the initial at-the-money the current level of the stock price and its relation
call value equals three dollars and the stock price is to the striking price will affect how much stock we
$30. In this case, we will buy one-half share by should be holding and h o w much we should be
investing three dollars and borrowing $12. The borrowing. In addition, the exact composition of
current value of our portfolio is thus three dol- our replicating portfolio will also depend on other
lars--S15 worth of stock minus the $12 owed on factors. For example, if the call is sufficiently in the
borrowing. If the stock price then goes up by one money, we should be holding more shares, the
dollar, the value of the portfolio will increase by closer the option is to expiration or the lower the stock
only 50 cents. However, this represents a 162/3 per
volatility, because profitable exercise is then more
cent increase for our portfolio, compared with a 31/3
likely. Since we are borrowing against purchased
per cent increase for the stock.
shares, it should be obvious that we will also need
Figure 1 shows that the amount of borrowing
to take account of interest rates and cash dividends.
in the replicating portfolio ($12) can be read off the
vertical axis by extending the dashed line tangent The appendix shows h o w a call option can be
to the call price line at the current stock price ($30). replicated exactly by a properly adjusted stock-
The distance between the corresponding call price cash portfolio.
($3) and the amount borrowed ($12) equals the The accuracy of the replicating strategy de-
dollar value of stock in the replicating portfolio pends on four considerations. First, since the strat-
($15). egy may involve frequent trading, it is necessary
Finally, to satisfy Condition 3, our strategy that transaction costs be relatively insignificant.
must be self-financing from this point on. To Second, it must be possible to borrow whatever is
accomplish this, we borrow more to buy more required to form the replicating stock-cash portfo-
shares as the stock price rises and, as the stock lio (or, in the case of other option positions, it must
price falls, we sell some of our shares and use the be possible to short the stock). Third, the possibil-
proceeds to retire a portion of our loan. Figure 1 ity of gap openings or jump movements in the
shows what is happening. As the stock price rises, stock price means that a call can provide some-
the dashed tangent line pivots counterclockwise, thing that a levered stock position cannot. To take
taking an increasing slope and an intercept farther an extreme case, suppose a catastrophic event
from zero along the vertical axis. As the stock price suddenly causes the stock price to collapse to zero.
falls, the tangent line pivots clockwise, with de- This may happen too fast for us to adjust our
creasing slope and an intercept closer to zero. stock-cash position. A call, on the other hand, will
By the expiration date, if the call ends up in pay off our borrowing even in such a catastrophe.
the money, we will find ourselves owning one Fourth, there may be significant uncertainty sur-
share of stock and owing from our borrowing an
rounding future rates of interest, the stock's vola-
amount exactly equal to the striking price. If the
tility or cash dividends on the stock. For example,
call finishes out of the money, we will find our-
while an unanticipated increase in volatility will
selves fully disinvested with our borrowing fully
increase the value of a call, it is certainly conceiv-
repaid. This is, of course, equivalent to the posi-
tion of the call buyer at expiration. In either case, able that such a change could occur without affect-
since, prior to expiration, we were never fully ing the price of the underlying stock. Conse-
invested when the stock price rose nor fully disin- quently, the value of ttie call would change but the
vested when the stock price fell, we will have value of our stock-cash portfolio would not, no
depleted out initial out-of-pocket investment. It is matter how we revised it.
a fact of modern option pricing theory that, subject Although it may be impossible to find a strat-
to certain conditions, in either case this "shortfall" egy that will allow a portfolio of stock and cash to
will always be the same and exactly equal to the duplicate exactly the returns of a call under all
initial value of the call. possible conditions, we nonetheless strongly be-
lieve that the concept of an option being equivalent
to a carefully adjusted position in the underlying
SOME ADDmONAL FACTORS stock and cash is close enough to being true in
In conclusion, we can replicate a purchased call most situations of practical interest to make it an
position by a strategy of buying shares plus borrow- invaluable tool for understanding options.

Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995 115


TRANSLATING OPTION PosmoNs INTO volves shifting further into a long or short stock
STOCK-CASH EQUIVALENTS position as the stock price falls implicitly involves
If we can replicate a call, we can replicate any other the sale of insurance. Therefore, the far left and far
type of option position ,as well. Figure 2, which fight upper (lower) option positions in Figure 2
translates the language of options into the more amount to buying (selling) insurance. For exam-
familiar language of stock and cash, shows what ple, buying protective puts is similar to the pur-
we would need to do. For each option position in chase of insurance, while writing covered calls (buy
the center of the table, the corresponding stock- one share and write one call) is similar to the sale
cash portfolio is given at the top of its column and of insurance.
the appropriate adjustment strategy is given at the Option positions have also been compared to
ends of its row. For example, the exhibit shows forward contracts, which promise delivery of an
that buying a put is equivalent to a short position underlying asset on a given date (delivery date) in
in the stock combined with lending, which will be the future at a currently agreed price (forward
revised by lending more and shorting more stock price). Like a call, a forward contract is equivalent
when the stock price falls and by lending less and to a levered position in the underlying asset. In
buying back stock to reduce the short position contrast to a call, however, a forward contract
w h e n the stock price rises. requires unconditional delivery, rather than exer-

Rgure 2. Stock-Cash Portfolios to Replicate OlYdon Positions

Long Stock Short Stock

(no more than one share) (no more than one share)
+ 4- 4- +
Lending Borrowing Lending Borrowing
o Buy Stock Long Stock Long Short Stock Sell Stock
h~Financed by (one share) Long
One One (one share)
+ and Lend
~d Borrowing Long One
+ Put* Call Put Proceeds ~
Long One Call e3

Se|lStock Long Stock Short Short Short Stock Buy Stock ~"
and Lend (oneshare) One One (one share) Financed by ~
+ +
< Proceeds Short one Callf Put Call Short One Put Borrowing P...
NOTE: In all cases, any dividends received will be used to increase lending or reduce borrowing. Restitution for
dividends paid while stock is held short will be financed by reduced lending or more borrowing.
*Protective put. -tCovered call.

Some option positions are likened to "insur- cise at the option of the buyer. A forward contract
ance." For example, an at-the-money put pur- could be replicated by borrowing to finance t h e
chased against a long share of stock protects the entire holdings of the underlying asset and leaving
investor against loss if the stock price falls. Our this stock-cash position unrevised through the de-
analysis implies that this insurance effect arises livery date. 4 This is represented in Figure 1 by the
because the protective put is equivalent to a long straight line cutting the horizontal axis at 30.
stock-lending portfolio that is systematically Is there an option position that also has these
shifted (1) away from stock and into cash as the two properties? If so, we can replicate forward
stock price falls, providing a floor on losses, and contracts with options. Figure 2 shows that t h e
(2) into stock and away from cash as the stock price replicating portfolios for both long calls and short
rises, permitting future gains or losses to be real- puts involve long stock and borrowing. Moreover,
ized. the revision strategies for these two positions
To generalize, any hedged option position move in opposite directions. Therefore, we might
whose replicating portfolio involves shifting away suspect that the proper combination of the two
from a long or short stock position toward no stock positions would neutralize the required revisions.
as the stock price falls implicitly involves the As the stock price changes we would find our-
purchase of insurance. Conversely, any hedged selves simply transferring stock between the two
option position whose replicating portfolio in- replicating positions with no net purchases or sales

116 Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995


required. Indeed, as it turns out, we can replicate where the leverage a will exceed one if we are
a purchased forward contract exactly by buying borrowing and be less than one if we are lending.
one call and shorting one put with a common From this formula we can derive the expected
expiration date equal to the delivery date and a return, volatility and beta of any stock-cash port-
common striking price equal to the forward price, s folio:
We are n o w prepared to answer the questions expected return = a x stock expected return
posed at the beginning of the article. In each case,
we simply need to examine the composition of the + (1 - a) x interest rate,
stock-cash portfolios that replicate option posi-
tions. volatility = a x stock volatility,

beta = a x stock beta.

If we can exactly duplicate an option with a stock- Measuring the return and risk of an option
cash position, we can also accomplish the reverse. position (on a given underlying stock) entails three
If it turns out that the current market price of an steps. First, we translate each option into its cur-
option differs from that of the replicating portfolio, rent replicating stock-cash portfolio; second, we
then we will have found an arbitrage opportunity, aggregate across all the options to find their repli-
since both the option and its replicating portfolio cating net position as a group in stock and cash;
(which is self-financing) are sure to have identical third, we calculate the leverage parameter a for this
payoffs at expiration. 6 Thus the value of an option netted position and apply the formulas for return
is equal to the value of its replicating stock-cash and risk. 8
portfolio. For example, since a properly priced pur-
From this perspective, the problem of valuing chased call is replicated by a margined long posi-
an option is the same as the problem of determin- tion in the stock, a will exceed one and the call will
ing the composition of its current replicating port- be both more risky and have greater expected
folio. The appendix provides an example where return (provided the stock's expected return is
the current replicating portfolio consists of 5/7 greater than the interest rate) than the stock itself.
shares of stock at $50 per share financed partially Similarly, a covered call will have both lower risk
with $22.50 of borrowing. This implies that the and lower expected return than the stock, since a
current value of the call must be $13.20 ([$50 x 5/7] will be less than one. 9
- $22.50). Moreover, observe that the leverage measure
The Black-Scholes option pricing model pro- a of the option position's replicating portfolio will
vides another way of determining the composition typically change continually through the future.
of the replicating portfolio. The Black-Scholes for- Therefore, even if the expected return and risk of
mula for a call takes the following form: the underlying stock remain unchanged, the ex-
call value = (stock price x delta) - borrowing. 7 pected return and risk of the option position will
typically change over time.
The "delta" is the standard terminology used in
the options market for the number of shares in the
replicating portfolio. If the market price of the call PosmoNs COMPARE wm-I COMMON
exceeds this value, the call is overpriced; if it is STOCK
less, the call is underpriced. Margin requirements on common stock involve (1)
limits on borrowing against long positions, (2)
HOW TO MEASURE THE EXPECTED RETURN limits on the use of proceeds of short sales and (3)
AND RISK OF AN OPTION POSITION collateral to guarantee performance of short posi-
If we know h o w to measure the risk and return of tions. An examination of their equivalent stock-
stock-cash portfolios, we can easily measure these cash positions shows how options can be used to
variables for option positions as well. The leverage relax each of these requirements.
of any stock-cash portfolio will be: For example, buying a call will often provE: a
stock price x number of shares way to relax the first requirement. Currently, an
a ~ investor can borrow only up to 50 percent to
(stock price >: number of shares)' initiate purchase of stock. In contrast, one of our
- borrowing previous examples showed that one at-the-money

Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995 117


call selling at three dollars was equivalent to the vestors more favorable implicit borrowing or lending
purchase of one-half share for $15, $12 of which opportunities, margin requirements, transaction costs or
was borrowed. In other words, the call implicitly tax exposure. Also, as we mentioned earlier,
allows borrowing 80 percent (12/15) of the price of changes in stock volatility or dividends may very
the stock, lo Moreover, the call may implicitly per- well leave the current stock price unchanged while
mit borrowing at more favorable rates than other- affecting the option price. 13 Thus options can offer
wise obtainable. Indeed, this is likely to be the case opportunities either to take advantage of information
for retail investors if it is the interest rates available about stock volatility or dividends or to hedge against
to professionals that determine option prices. In their impact.
this event, the lower borrowing rates available to The question remains, however, whether the
professionals will be passed along to the public investor who decides to hold an option position
through lower call prices. should be buying or selling. The correspondence
Buying puts may relax the second and third between options and replicating stock-cash port-
margin requirements. Remember that the replicat- folios can help answer this question. For example,
ing portfolio of a put consists of selling stock short an average investor might want simply to buy and
and lending. Unlike many professionals, most hold stock, with no borrowing or lending. But if he
retail investors cannot earn interest on the pro- were more risk-averse than average, he might not
ceeds of short sales. Again, however, if these want to assume the risk inherent in holding a
professionals determine option prices, then the typical stock. He can reduce his risk by investing
interest they can earn on short sale proceeds will only part of his money in the stock and lending the
be passed along to the public in the form of lower remainder. If the stock price subsequently rose, his
put prices. 11 In addition, the lending contained in risk would tend to increase as the relative dollar
the replicating portfolios for many puts will be less value of the stock-cash position shifted toward the
than the collateral required to guarantee perfor- stock. At the same time, as his position became
mance of short stock positions. more valuable, he might become willing to accept
With respect to transaction costs, options and more risk. Indeed, if he were average in this
stock can be compared (1) dollar for dollar of respect, he would find that the increase in the
investment, (2) option contract versus round lot of stock price automatically injected just the desired
stock or (3) option versus replicating stock-cash amount of risk into the portfolio. He would then
portfolio. Under the first approach, options come be content to buy and hold, and would have no
out unfavorably; under the second, options look need for options.
very good for holding periods not exceeding the However, suppose that, as the stock price rose
life of the option. However, if we want to compare and he became wealthier, the investor's willing-
positions of similar expected returns and risks, ness to accept more risk were less than the average
then neither of these approaches is correct. The investor's. Then he would want to shift from stock
third approach, which will generally have implica- to cash gradually as his position became more
tions intermediate between the first two, is what valuable, and into stock from cash as his position
we want. An analysis of the commissions usually became less valuable. He could, of course, do this
charged for exchange-traded options shows that by continually revising his stock-cash position.
options tend to dominate stock for short holding On the other hand, he could let a fixed covered call
periods, but that the advantage shifts to stocks for position achieve the same result automatically.
longer term positions that exceed the life of the Which strategy he prefers will typically depend on
option. 12 the comparative transaction costs.
In brief, covered call writers should typically
WHO SHOULD BE BUYING AND WHO be investors whose risk aversion does not decrease as
SHOULD BE SELUNG OPTIONS rapidly as the average investor's as the value of
The most frequently given reason for trading op- their portfolios increases. Conversely, protective
tions is that they offer new desired patterns of returns. put buyers should typically be investors whose
Yet, as we have seen, much of what options offer risk aversion decreases more rapidly than the aver-
can be replicated by properly adjusting a stock- age investor's as the value of their portfolios in-
cash position over time. There must be other creases. 14 Similar reasoning applies to the other
considerations that incline investors toward op- option positions in Figure 2.
tions. A completely separate reason for a preference
As we have just seen, options may offer in- between buying or selling options rests on certain

118 Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995


technical theories of stock price behavior. If inves- each stock in the portfolio, we would be insuring
tors believe in trends, they may want to buy each individual stock, rather than the portfolio as a
protective puts or buy uncovered calls. If they whole, against loss; even if our portfolio rose in
believe in reversals, they should prefer writing value, as long as the price of at least one stock tell,
covered calls or writing puts. the insurance wOuld pay off. The insurance pro-
vided by a stock-cash strategy would pay off if and
WHAT TO DO WHEN THE CORRESPONDING only if the portfolio fell in value. As such, the
OPT1ON DOESN'T E~ST implicit premium of the latter strategy will be less
If options on a particular stock or on a portfolio do because only the portfolio as a whole, not every
not exist, we can create them by using the appro-
individual stock, is insured.
priate strategy for the underlying asset and cash.
Total portfolio option replicating strategies,
For example, we can effectively create an at-the-
since they involve shifts between equities and
money protective put option on our equity portfo-
cash, are similar to rebalancing strategies that seek
lio. We would begin by placing part of our capital
in the equity portfolio and part in cash and then, to maintain the risk level by keeping the same
without changing the composition of the equity relative amounts invested in equities and cash. In
portfolio, shift between the portfolio and cash as contrast, the total portfolio protective put option
the equity portfolio valUe changes and as the strategy systematically increases the risk of the
"expiration date" approaches. Such an investment overall position as the portfolio becomes more
strategy would be tantamount to insuring the valuable and decreases exposure to risk as the
equity portfolio against losses by paying a fixed portfolio falls in value.
premium to an insurance company. 15 For many financial institutions, the replicating
Even in the unlikely event that exchange- strategies for protective puts and covered calls will
traded put options of synchronous maturity ex- be feasible because they do not require borrowing
isted on all the stocks in a portfolio, a combination or short selling. However, replication of many
of put options could not match the above strategy other option positions will not be possible because
in terms of cost. If we purchase put options against they do require borrowing or short selling.




Suppose the current price of an underlying stock is
$50 and that, over the next period, it will either
move up to $70 or down to $35. If it moves up to
$70 during the first period, then it will move to (A= 1, B = $45)
$100 or $50 during the second period. If it moves
down to $35 during the first period, then it will
move to $50 or $25 during the second period. The $50
tree diagram in Figure 3 illustrates this behavior. B = $22.50 ~ /
Suppose that we can borrow money at an 11
percent rate of interest in each period. How can we ( a = o , B = o ) ~
replicate the returns of an at-the-money purchased
call that expires at the end of the second period?
First, let us see what we would do with just one $25
period remaining when the stock price is at $70. At
expiration, the call will be worth $50 ($100 - $50) if
the stock price goes up or zero if the stock price What mixture of stock and cash would pro-
goes down (since we would then be indifferent to duce these same returns? Suppose we let A stand
exercising it). for the number of shares we would need to buy

Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995 119


a n d B for the n u m b e r of dollars w e w o u l d n e e d to f i n a n c e d b y $45 of b o r r o w i n g , if t h e stock price

b o r r o w . T h e n o u r p r o b l e m is to find v a l u e s of g o e s u p o v e r the first p e r i o d to $70, or (2) p r o v i d e
a n d B s u c h that: u s w i t h just e n o u g h m o n e y to b u y z e r o s h a r e s of
stock, f i n a n c e d w i t h z e r o b o r r o w i n g , if the stock
(100 x di) - (1.11 x B) = 100 - 50 = 50,
price g o e s d o w n o v e r the first p e r i o d to $35. T h a t
(50 x a) - (1.11 x B) = 0. is, in the first p e r i o d w e m u s t c h o o s e a a n d B so
T h e first e q u a t i o n i n s u r e s t h a t o u r s t o c k - c a s h
portfolio h a s t h e s a m e r e t u r n as the o p t i o n if the (70 x/X) - (1.11 x B) = (70 x 1) - 45 = 25,
stock g o e s u p a n d the s e c o n d a s s u r e s u s the (35 x A ) - (1.11 x B) = 0.
r e t u r n s will also be equal if t h e stock g o e s d o w n . It
is e a s y to see t h a t s e t t i n g A e q u a l to o n e a n d B In this case, & equals 5/7 and B equals approxi-
a p p r o x i m a t e l y e q u a l to $45 will solve b o t h t h e s e mately $22.50.
e q u a t i o n s a n d t h e r e f o r e give us a s t o c k - c a s h p o - To s u m m a r i z e , to replicate t h e call w e will
sition w i t h t h e s a m e r e t u r n s as a call. n e e d to start b y b u y i n g 5/7 s h a r e s f i n a n c e d par-
On the other hand, suppose we have one tially b y b o r r o w i n g $22.50. This implies w e will
p e r i o d r e m a i n i n g a n d the stock price is at $35, t h e n h a v e to p u t u p $13.20 ([50 x %] - 221/2) of o u r o w n
o u r p r o b l e m is to find v a l u e s of A a n d B s u c h that: m o n e y . If w e d o this, w e will h a v e just e n o u g h
m o n e y to take the a p p r o p r i a t e p o s i t i o n d u r i n g the
(50 x 4) - (1.11 x B) = 0, s e c o n d p e r i o d , w h e t h e r the stock price g o e s u p or
(35 x 4) - (1.11 x B) = 0. d o w n . If the stock price g o e s u p , w e will find
o u r s e l v e s s u b s e q u e n t l y b u y i n g in, f i n a n c i n g the
I n this case t h e call h a s n o c h a n c e of finishing in a d d i t i o n a l 2/7 (1-5/7) s h a r e s b y a d d i t i o n a l b o r r o w -
t h e m o n e y , so it m a k e s s e n s e t h a t o u r s o l u t i o n s are ing. If the stock price g o e s d o w n , w e will find
A e q u a l s z e r o a n d B e q u a l s zero. o u r s e l v e s s u b s e q u e n t l y c o m p l e t e l y selling o u t a n d
Finally, let u s g o b a c k to the first p e r i o d w h e n t h e r e b y raising just e n o u g h m o n e y to r e p a y o u r
t h e stock price w a s $50. N o w w e m u s t find a b o r r o w i n g . I n either case, o n the e x p i r a t i o n d a t e
portfolio of stock a n d c a s h t h a t will (1) p r o v i d e u s w e will find t h a t t h e v a l u e of o u r replicating
w i t h just e n o u g h m o n e y to b u y o n e s h a r e of stock, portfolio is exactly e q u a l to t h e v a l u e of the call.

1. A call option is a contract giving its owner the right to buy 4. This conclusion presumes there are no carrying costs or
a fixed number of shares of a specified common stock at a cash payouts involved in holding the underlying asset.
fixed price at any time on or before a fixed date. The act of However, the conclusion of the next paragraph holds even
making this transaction is referred to as exercising the with possibly uncertain carrying costs or cash payouts, as
option. The fixed price is termed the striking price and the long as the replicating options are not protected against
given date, the expiration date. The individual who issues a these costs or payoffs and cannot be exercised prior to
call is termed the writer and the individual who purchases expiration.
the call is termed the buyer. A put option is identical except 5. Readers may want to refer to E. Moriarty, S. Phillips, and
it conveys the right to sell the stock. P. Tosini, "A Comparison of Options and Futures in the
2. The seminal articles developing the theory are F. Black and Management of Portfolio Risk," Financial Analysts Journal
M. Scholes, "'The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabil- (January/February 1981):61-67.
ities," Journal of Political Economy (May/June 1973) and R.C. 6. Indeed, many floor traders of options exchanges acting on
Merton, "Theory of Rational Option Pricing," Bell Journal of their own account follow trading strategies based on this
Economics and Management Science (Spring 1973). A consid- observation. They will almost simultaneously buy or sell an
erably simplified development of this theory appears in J.C. option and take an opposing position in the stock (or a
Cox, S.A. Ross, and M. Rubinstein, "Option Pricing: A related deep-in-the-money option that behaves like the
Simplified Approach," Journal of Financial Economics (Sep- stock). Over time, they will adjust the composition of this
tember 1979). portfolio to keep its value insensitive to stock price move-
3. To simplify the figure, the interest rate on borrowing is ments, hoping to profit from mispricing of the option.
assumed to be zero. If this were not the case, the call price 7. According to the original Black-Scholes formula, the cur-
curve would have the same zero vertical intercept, but be rent value of a call C depends only on its underlying stock
shifted somewhat to the left. The exact position and shape price S, striking price K, time to expiration t, the interest
of the curve is also influenced by the time remaining to rate r - 1, and the stock volatility o-. The composition of the
expiration and the stock volatility. replicating portfolio consists of N(x) shares of stock, where

120 Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995


N(x) is the area under a standard normal distribution no more than one share of stock and lending, it must
function to the left of x and always have less expected return and risk than the stock by
itself, although for some stock price outcomes its t'ealized
- -(SIKr
x ~ log - F-t) 1/2cry.
return may be greater.
10. A full analysis of margin requirements should consider
maintenance margins on stock and that the implicit lever-
The amount borrowed is Kr-tN(x - o-3v/t), where age obtained through a call will change as the stock price
N(x - o - V ~ ) is the area to the left of x - crV~. The value of changes.
a call is then 11. Since the buyer of a put is implicitly lending, then the
C = SN(x) - Kr-tN(x - ,ryE). higher the interest rate he receives, the less he will need to
lend to come up with the striking price on the expiration
date if the put finishes in the money; therefore, the lower
Although this formula applies only to stocks that do not
the current value of the put. Since calls involve implicit
pay dividends prior to the expiration date, it can be
modified to include the effects of dividends. borrowing, similar reasoning shows their values will be
8. This technique will only work exactly over the very short higher the higher the interest rate, other things equal.
run, since the composition of the replicating portfolio 12. A complete analysis would also consider any differences in
changes as the expiration date approaches. However, as the bid-ask spread typically sacrificed or gained by various
shown in J.C. Cox and M. Rubinstein, Options Markets classes of investors in options and stock.
(Prentice-Hall, 1981), these short-run measures of return 13. This will also be true of interest rates. But, in this case,
and risk will usually be adequate approximations of the interest rate futures would typically be superior to currently
longer run exact measures. This makes sense intuitively, listed options for hedging or taking advantage of special
since if the chances are roughly equal that the stock price information.
may rise or fall, then the chances are roughly equal that the 14. This correspondence was first discussed in H. Leland,
short-run return and risk measures will increase or de- "Who Should Buy Portfolio Insurance?" The Journal of
crease in the future. Finance (May 1980).
9. Note that the conclusions of this paragraph will hold 15. Remember that the analogy to insurance breaks down
exactly in the long run as well. For example, since a covered under a sudden catastrophic loss that does not leave
call always involves a replicating portfolio consisting of long sufficient time to adjust the replicating portfolio.

Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995 '| 21

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