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Intro: You’re listening to the podcast “how to love North Dakota when you hate North Dakota”

Welcome to Series 1: Surviving North Dakota Winters. This is episode 2: Winter is Coming. My
name is Adrienne Montonye and I live in NorthEastern North Dakota.

I have an important question for you: how do you feel about chains? I say you’re a fool if
you don’t have a four wheel drive vehicle in this state, but let me give you a tidbit of information
on this subject that will give you at least a half hour of solid entertainment. Find yourself a guy
in North Dakota. Any regular Joe will work, but especially a guy who knows a thing or two
about a car. Ask him if you need four wheel drive for the winter- keep in mind you novice North
Dakota winter driver that you most certainly do-and listen to the man’s passion for telling you to
put chains on your tires in the winter. You’ll hear things like “You really don’t need four-wheel
drive; you get chains on your tires when it starts to snow and it’ll be the same exact thing” and
“you know four-wheel drive doesn’t even do anything for the ice.” I’m not capturing the passion
in the least. A Nodak guy could take you on a winter tire chains journey for 30 minutes without
breaking a sweat. The men around here love that they have the inside tip. They love that they
can find away around being stuck with an SUV or truck in the winter. Applause to them for
knowing, but I don’t trust it for a second. And as a gal who knows nothing about a car I’m not
about to make an effort to get chains on and off my tires throughout the winter. And so I arrive
at: here in North Dakota you need four wheel drive. You will get stuck for sure without it and
quite possibly with it. These Nodak dudes are good people though. When I first moved back my
husband and I got stuck a number of times, and it’s like sport for these guys-it’s a hunt. First they
see you, they get low they watch, they observe your wheels spinning atop the pile of snow, they
see you struggle, they don’t want to be hasty. They let you take a fair shot at getting yourself
free, but when you most certainly cannot they are right there for you. They exit their trucks and
throw on their gloves. They grab the eager shovel from the truck beds and approach you with a
smile. They get right to business and push your car free. With a nod they are gone.

Ad Break: Make North Dakota bearable!

So you’ve put away your snow blower and tucked the shovels in the shed and without warning
came another bout of that North Dakota heavy slushy snow. Hi there, It’s Adrienne from How
to Love North Dakota when You Hate North Dakota. So, It’s 6AM. This insane state dumped 5
inches of snow in your driveway yet again and you need to make it to work by 7. Worry not
my Nodak listeners! Grand Forks Snow Removal is quick, efficient, comes early in the
morning, and gets that packed snow out of your driveway before you even open your eyes!
You guys know me as a Nodak winter hater. Grand Forks Snow Removal eased me into a more
pleasant state. For a rural(ish) business I was impressed with its up-to-date website, readily
available reviews and testimonials, and list of prices. You can even buy products for your
snow and ice removal needs right off the website. If you’ve removed snow one too many
times this winter, or if like me you haven’t laid a finger on a snow blower or shovel get in
touch with Grand Forks Snow Removal. Get the beast of North Dakota winters off your back.
When the worst of it hits, hire Grand Forks Snow Removal. Thanks for listening. Stay warm!

And with that I have another important question for you: why are you still here? Here’s a
tip for North Dakota winter preparation… MOVE! I feel like if all of Nodak fauna got together
to discuss the state of the state they would (before the meeting) use how stupid it is that humans
still reside in this state as an icebreaker. You know that one thing people just have common
ground on because it is so ridiculous like gas prices-we are that for the animals of North Dakota.
I digress, and I kid. Do not move. When North Dakota winters try to wreck your driving
ventures and put a hault to your most basic needs to get around, it is the Nodak natives to the
rescue. They show you how to navigate the unbearable winters, and when you cannot they are
there to pull you out. And isn’t it just right to have such a sweet juxtaposition of frozen
temperatures and kindness that melts your heart. I know sappy sappy sappy, but we are here
ladies and gentlemen to find the bright side, and when it comes to getting stuck in the winter the
willing help given freely is surely a bright side worth appreciating!

Outro: This has been another episode of How to Love North Dakota (When you Hate North
Dakota). New episodes every other Friday. Until next time breathe in the love, breathe out the
hate. North Dakota Sucks, but let’s love it anyway!

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