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The Impact of English version of cartoon on children’s second language acquisition

A. Background
In daily life, language has a variety of roles in social interactions, chief among them being a way
for speakers to express and reflect their cultural heritage. hence, gain Language development in
children, which takes place between the ages of 1-4 years, is a physical and psychic process. The
growth of the child's lips, tongue, and developing teeth physically determine how well they can
form or pronounce words. in stage Particularly, a child's ability to see, hear, and comprehend
sound symbols as his brain develops cannot be isolated from the development of his ability to
learn language. In the meantime, a child's psychological capacity to develop words and language
variations is greatly influenced by their emotional condition at the time. Therefore, it is crucial for
parents to encourage and guide their children so that they can learn a variety of languages.

One of the most common kinds of media that kids enjoy watching is a cartoon. At this age,
language development in children is undergoing substantial growth for them to talk correctly and
in excellent taste. Early language acquisition in children is acquired physically through the
actions of seeing, hearing, and comprehending symbols and sounds. As a result, watching movies
on television has a significant impact on young children's language development. Language is
sound created by spoken human language. Language is created when air is exhaled through the
mouth after first vibrating the vocal cords of the esophagus in the lungs. The resulting language
serves as a primary form of internal communication and human interaction.

It has been observed that kids who were exposed to a lot of different English-language cartoons
as kids had considerably better pronunciation and communication abilities than kids who were
not exposed to the language as often. They can even imitate a native-like pronunciation, accent,
diction, and even the actions of the character, according to empirical investigations, due of their
spontaneous language acquisition. In addition to learning new words or expanding their
vocabularies, youngsters who watch English-language cartoons also learn how to form whole
sentences, ask questions, and employ them.

The cartoon in English introduces kids to the language in a pleasant and interesting way, which is
one of the ways it influences their language development. They listen to native English speakers
and study their vocabulary, intonation, and pronunciation. Children's exposure to the English
language's sounds and rhythms is aided by this. Cartoons frequently employ straightforward and
repetitive vocabulary, which makes it simpler for kids to pick up new words and expressions.
They can learn words for commonplace things, behaviors, feelings, and more. Children's
vocabulary in English is gradually expanded by regular exposure. Cartoons offer context and
visual cues that make it easier to understand the language. Children can comprehend the
dialogue's overall meaning, follow the plot, and link visual cues to vocal expressions.

Children can emulate and practice correct pronunciation and intonation by watching cartoons
with native English speakers. This lessens the possibility that they will pick up bad pronunciation
habits and aids in the development of more accurate speech patterns. Cartoons frequently feature
cultural traits, traditions, and practices. Children who watch these movies in English are exposed
to various cultures and develop a respect for variety. Through the interactions and language of the
characters, viewers may also gain knowledge of social conventions and traditions. When learning
is included into fun activities like watching cartoons, kids are more likely to be motivated and
interested. Their enthusiasm in learning English is maintained because to the visual appeal,
vibrant animations, and engaging storytelling. This drive may help them advance in their
language acquisition.

Language learning is a normal process, and children are born with the capacity to do so. All
children go through the same process of acquisition when learning language, which disregards
formal training. However, each child's experience learning a language will be unique. The process
of learning a language is influenced and influenced by important aspects. They have various
methods and/or tactics that enable them to efficiently learn a language, as well as elements that
influence it. Based on a few house observations, the researchers came to their conclusions.
Therefore, it was discovered that elements like (1) exposure to multimedia and technology, (2)
social relationships and language environment, and (3) motivation, attitudes, and habits affect
children's acquisition.

(source) said s how it is simpler to understand English by watching movies with English
subtitles. The amount of knowledge pupils has of their skills can be improved with the use
of visual media with English subtitles. They may not be aware that they are learning
English, but English subtitles might be a useful tool. This means that in addition to
reading, viewers must also pay attention to how the subtitled material is spoken by the
speaker. They are pushed in other abilities, such as vocabulary, listening, and reading, by
subtitles in the movie that have English as the target language. Additionally, the experts
looked at how video titles affected incidental vocabulary used in reading and found that
they had a significant impact on student vocabulary growth.

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