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WAP to create web page for hostel registration information for student and
validate it at server side. (Remove white spaces from the input data).

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hostel Registration Form</title>
<h1>Hostel Registration Form</h1>
<form action="process_form.php" method="post">
<label for="name">Name:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" required><br><br>

<label for="roll">Roll Number:</label><br>

<input type="text" id="roll" name="roll" required><br><br>

<label for="email">Email:</label><br>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" required><br><br>

<input type="submit" value="Submit">



$name = trim($_POST['name']);
$roll = trim($_POST['roll']);
$email = trim($_POST['email']);
$errors = [];
if (empty($name) || empty($roll) || empty($email))
$errors[] = "All fields are required.";
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
$errors[] = "Invalid email format.";

if (!empty($errors))
foreach ($errors as $error)
echo $error . "<br>";
echo "Registration successful!<br>";
echo "Name: " . $name . "<br>";
echo "Roll Number: " . $roll . "<br>";
echo "Email: " . $email . "<br>";

7. WAP of Method Overloading for area of circle and rectangle using magic
methods in PHP.

class shape
function __call($name_of_function, $arguments)
If($name_of_function == 'area')
switch (count($arguments))
case 1:
return 3.14 * $arguments[0];
case 2:
return $arguments[0]*$arguments[1];
$s = new Shape;
echo($s->area(2)); //area of circle

echo "\n";
echo ($s->area(4, 2)); //area of rectangle

8. WAP to demonstrate constructor & destructor in a class.


class Student
public $name;
function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;
function __destruct()
echo "<h4>The Student record with name '{$this->name}'
is removed from the database.";

$s = new Student("Ashwini");

9. WAP for counting page refresh using cookies in PHP

function setPageRefreshCount()
if (isset($_COOKIE['page_refresh_count']))
$count = $_COOKIE['page_refresh_count'] + 1;
$count = 1;
setcookie('page_refresh_count', $count, time() + 3600);
if (!isset($_COOKIE['page_refresh_count']))

// Display the page refresh count

echo "Page refresh count: " . $_COOKIE['page_refresh_count'];


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