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Sex and
My dear friend,

- Do you know that you were specially created

by God?
- Do you know that the God who created you
wants you to be fulfilled in life?
- Do you know that God, out of special love for
you, put the sexual capacity which you have
within you?
- Do you know that God put that capacity in you
for your good and not for your destruction?

Yes, your sexual capacity did not result from an

accident. God put it within you and saw you
(including your sex organs and sexual capacities) as
very good. There is nothing wrong in sex. It is one of
God's good gifts to the people He created.

Because God is the Creator of our sexual capacities,

He knows best the conditions under which those
capacities should be used so that they bring lasting
satisfaction to all involved. These conditions have
been clearly stated in His Instructions Book on
Sexual Matters. That "Instructions Book on Sexual

Matters" is called the Bible. In it God, the Creator of
sex, has said everything that man needs to know on
how to use his sexual capacities. He has neither
complicated things nor put conditions that are
impossible for man to fulfil. In fact, all His
instructions are for the benefit of man. They are
given to man as a token of love and not to curtail his

I know you are beginning to ask what these God-

given instructions are on how to have a fulfilled
sexual life that is pleasing to God, to yourself, to your
partner, and to the whole world. Read on, friend.

God says in the Bible that a man should leave his

father and mother, cleave to his wife, and then the
two will become one flesh. That is, a man has to set
himself apart from his family and all others, publicly
take one woman as his wife, and the two of them can
then enter into the sexual relationship with the full
approval and blessings of God. In saying this, God as
the Creator, is also saying that all other sexual
relationships are not permitted by Him because
they will ultimately cause harm to man. There is no
sexual relationship which God has not permitted
which can bring lasting happiness to man.

This means that before any two people enter into

any sexual relationship, they must ask themselves
the following questions:

1. Is this relationship permitted by God? Does He

approve of it?

2. Will this relationship bring happiness to us who

are involved in it now and in all the future on
earth and in all the future after death?

3. Will this relationship bring happiness for all time

and for all eternity, to any children who may
result from it?

4. Will this relationship bring happiness to all our

parents and relatives? Will it help to build our
nation? Will it make the world a happier place for

The sexual relationships that are entered into

according to the instructions of God in the Bible will
answer all the above questions with a "YES". Those
relationships that He does not approve of will have a
"NO" as an answer to the questions. Although
people ought not to enter into any relationship
which has "NO" as an answer, people have gone
ahead and carried out such relationships. These
relationships include:

a) Fornication: This is a sexual relationship

between any two unmarried people. Such people
may be pupils, students or just anyone.

b) Adultery: This is a sexual relationship between

two people, one or both of whom are married, but
not to each other.

c) Homosexuality: This is a sexual relationship

between two people of the same sex. If, for example,
a man goes to bed with another man, this is
homosexuality. When a woman has a sexual
relationship with another woman, it is a form of
homosexuality called lesbianism.

d) Masturbation: This is the act of stimulating

oneself into a sexual experience alone.

These sexual relationships which God forbids can

also be carried out only in thoughts. It does not
ultimately matter whether the relationship is
carried out in thoughts or whether the thoughts are
allowed to become action. God looks at the heart
and He sees the violation of His law right at the root
of things. The Bible says: "Everyone who looks at a
woman lustfully has already committed adultery
with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:28). There are
those who read immoral books and magazines,
watch immoral films, attend dances and night clubs.
There are those who caress, kiss, pet and touch parts
of the bodies of others that they should not touch.
Through all these things, they fill their thoughts
with immorality, and even when these thoughts are
not transformed into action, the people are
nevertheless impure before God who sees all. In
addition, when opportunities do arise, those with
impure thoughts carry out in practice that which has
filled their hearts.

There is a salary for all who break God's instructions

on the sexual life. This salary is two-fold. There is
the first part (salary advance) and there is the
second part (full pay). You surely want to know in
detail something about the salary I am talking
about. The salary advance includes girls who go to
school and become pregnant. This results in the
birth of babies who are neither desired by the
mother nor by the father, and who may not have a
home filled with love and care. Such children suffer
a lot psychologically, and later on grow up to
produce similar children, for "like begets like"; or
the girl may carry out an abortion. A child is
murdered! The mother carries the guilt all her life
for killing. She may become barren because of the
abortion and never have children again. This may
lead to an unhappy marriage or to divorce. Her
career may be ruined, because she had to drop out of
school because of pregnancy. She may never get
married since many people do not want to marry
girls who already have children with other people.
The hopes of the parents may be crushed, and so on.
Would you want that to happen to your daughter?
Would you want to be that bastard child?

The boy may contact a venereal disease that will
destroy his health, deplete his finances and cause
him to be sterile or impotent. He may spread the
disease to others. He may pass it to his wife and
children and cause many to suffer. Would you like to
be one such man? The woman may only see her
husband at 2 a.m. each day. Money may be spent on
the woman outside whereas there is nothing for the
wife and children at home. Would you like to be that
woman? The man may be killed and thrown into the
Sanaga river so that another man should take over.
These are just a few examples of the salary advance
that those who practise sex outside God's
instructions have in this world.

The full pay will also come. Salary advance is an

assurance that the full pay will surely come. On
judgment day, God will punish all who have broken
His law by throwing them into the lake of fire. The
Bible says, "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the
polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers,
idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake
that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second
death" (Revelation 21:8). The Bible further says,
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not
inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;
neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers, will inherit the
kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). This means
that if you have committed any sexual sin, be it in
thought or action, or if you have committed any
other sin, you will go to the lake of fire. It does not
matter whether you have sinned once or many
times. You are lost. You cannot hide from God. He
knows you and all your life is on His record. He must
pay you for your sinful actions, words and thoughts.

Although all people have sinned in one way or the

other, especially in the area of sex, God loves the
sinner. You fornicator, adulterer, adulteress, you
who have committed an abortion or abortions,
passed venereal diseases to people, God loves you so
much. He has manifested His love for you, not by a
philosophy or by a religion, but by a person. That
person is Jesus Christ. The Bible says, "For God so
loved the world that He gave His only Son, that
whoever believes in him should not perish but have
eternal life" (John 3:16). God sent Jesus Christ into
the world to save sinners. Jesus Christ went to the
cross to die where you ought to have died because of
your sin and sins. All the immorality that you have
ever committed was put on Him and He bore it for
you and died in your place. He was punished for you
so that God should not punish you on Judgment Day
because of your sins. He did not only die for you. He
rose again from the dead and He lives forever. He is
prepared to come into your life by His Holy Spirit
and repair all that is broken and scattered in your
life because of your past sins. He is prepared to
restore your virginity to you, heal you of your
venereal diseases and take away your impotence
and sterility. He is prepared to heal your
psychological and emotional problems, heal your
broken marriage and restore a proper relationship
between you and your parents or children. He is
prepared to change you radically so that you can
become the wonderful person He meant you to be.
Yes, He wants to do all these and at the end give you
eternal life. The Bible says, "Therefore, if anyone is
in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed
away, behold the new has come" (2 Corinthians

I believe you surely want to be forgiven by God,

united with Jesus and set free from the salary of sin.
I believe you want to do it now. You can! Jesus is
anxious to receive you now. You can pray in the
following way and mean it with all your heart. God
will answer your prayer at once. So pray, "Lord God,
I have sinned in my thoughts, words and actions. I
believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place. I
believe in Him now as my Lord and Saviour.
Forgive me all the sins I have committed and heal
me of all the diseases I have. Make me Your child.
Send Your Holy Spirit to live within me now and
give me the power to follow You to the end. Thank
you for hearing my prayer and for answering it
now. Amen."

If you have prayed the above prayer sincerely, then

God has forgiven you and you are now His child. As
God's child, you must stop all your past sinful
practices at once. Therefore no more fornication, no
more adultery, no more masturbation, no more
reading of immoral books, no more going to places
that will excite immoral thoughts. Break up your
relationship with your former sex partners at once
and follow the Lord with your whole heart.

Write to me at once and I will pray for you and

answer any question that you may have.

I love you. God bless you.

Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum


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