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Why choose a software engineering career?

According to the State of the Developer Nation report, there were 26.8 million active
software engineers worldwide in 2021. Becoming a software engineer is a challenging yet
rewarding task. And there are plenty of reasons why the world has so many software
engineers. Some of them are listed here.

1. Endless opportunities and high demand

The field of software engineering is so broad and involves a wide range of roles in both
software and services. This allows people to work in the areas that most interest them.

Some software engineers work on building and managing computer information systems.
They use their skills to develop websites or improve a company's network security. Which
path you choose is entirely up to you.

You can work for a diverse range of industries, from healthcare to fintech, from the comfort
of your home.

2. Higher rewards than most other jobs

Software engineers can earn a six-figure salary on average. According to Glassdoor's
estimates, the annual median salary for software engineers is about $100,000 to $1,20,000
per year. Sometimes entry-level software engineers can expect to make around $86,000 to
$100,000 per year.

3. Work from anywhere (remote work)

Working from home is becoming more and more important to job seekers. Software
developers can often work from home because almost all of their work is done on a
computer. As long as you can communicate with the team, you can work from anywhere,
from shared workspaces and hotels to coffee shops and even cafes.

4. Travel your heart out

Traveling is an integral part of a software engineer’s job. In addition to their ability to work
remotely, many software developers must travel as part of their job. Major corporations
usually promote their new products and services at conferences, which often form an integral
part of software jobs. Most often than not, the companies pay for their trips and
accommodation expenses.

5. Scope for creativity and problem solving

Are you a person with a creative touch? Software development can be your future career
option. It offers tremendous scope to express yourself. You can create virtually any software
product in this role. While you'll spend more time writing technical code, you'll also have to
be creative, particularly if you get to collaborate on other projects.

Top 10 highest paying software jobs in 2022

According to Robert Half's 2022 Salary Guide, these are the highest-paying software jobs in
the United States. The guide includes a variety of jobs ranging from Artificial Intelligence
(AI) / Machine Learning (ML) specialists, big data engineers, data scientists, and so on.

Here’s the list of some of the highest-paid software jobs.

1. Big data engineers

Businesses value people who can turn large amounts of data into actionable insights for
strategic goals, decision-making, and innovation. According to Indeed, the median annual
salary of big data engineers is around $160,000. These individuals design a company's
software and hardware architecture and the systems that employees use to work with data.
Big data engineers typically have a computer science degree and knowledge of mathematics
and databases.

2. Data architects
These data experts are responsible for all complex processes necessary for strategic
decision-making in large-scale businesses. They convert business needs into database
solutions and manage data storage (data centers) and data organization. It's a part of their job
to ensure the databases' security. According to Indeed, an average data architect’s annual
salary is about $145,000 per year.
3. Data security analyst
Data security analysts must thoroughly understand firewall administration, encryption
technologies, and network protocols. Outstanding communication and problem-solving skills
and knowledge of security and government regulations are also necessary. This position
requires professional certifications, such as the Certified Information Systems Security
Professional (CISSP). According to Indeed, the average salary for data security analysts is
about $134,000 per year.

4. Data scientists
These data professionals use their statistics and modeling skills to decipher complex data
from various sources. In addition to statistics, mathematics, and computer science expertise,
data scientists need business acumen and communication skills to earn a median salary of
$130,000, says Indeed. Knowledge of programming languages such as Python, Java, and R
is typically required, while experience with machine learning is considered a big plus.

5. DevOps engineer
DevOps engineers act as the link between development and operations teams. According to
Indeed, these specialists work across departments to help boost a company's productivity by
developing and enhancing various IT systems, earning a median salary of $120,000. DevOps
engineers often require experience with coding languages, software engineering, security
systems, and strong analytical, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

6. Mobile app developer

Mobile application developers are high in demand due to the massive increase in smartphone
users over the last decade. These professionals must have experience developing apps for
popular platforms like iOS and Android. They must have experience with web development
languages and mobile frameworks.

According to Indeed, the average median salary for mobile app developers is $135,000.

7. Full-stack developers
Full-stack developers create back-end logic and user interfaces for web applications using
their front-end and back-end development knowledge. They are also responsible for
developing mobile apps for these websites. A bachelor's degree in computer science,
software development, or computer programming is required for a full-stack developer job.
They should also be proficient in several technologies, such as Python, JavaScript, and CSS.
According to Indeed, the average salary for full-stack developers is $110,000.

8. Data warehouse architects

Data warehouses are large-scale storage management systems that allow businesses to store
analytics data. Data warehouse architects collaborate with businesses to design and build
data warehouses. They're also in charge of determining what types of data a company uses to
ascertain what goes into a data warehouse, such as employee contact information, files,
financial statements, and customer complaints. A bachelor's/master's degree in software
engineering or information systems is required for data warehouse architects. The average
annual salary for data architects is $130,000, according to Indeed.

9. Site reliability engineers (SRE)

As an SRE, you're expected to know everything about the application and its code. Site
reliability engineers closely monitor application performance, availability, latency,
efficiency, change management, emergency response, and capacity planning. They can also
write codes like other software developers, effectively bridging the development and
operations divide in application development. With a median salary of $123,000 (as per
Indeed data), this is one of the highest-paying software jobs.

Technical support teams frequently employ site reliability engineers to assist with support
tickets, defects, and emergency support.

10. System engineer

A system engineer looks after a company's technical infrastructure, which includes tasks like
installing software programs, networks, and databases for IT firms or corporations. To
translate technical information to non-technical users, systems engineers must have strong
communication skills. They must also be able to assist in the maintenance and repair of the
system to ensure that security measures are effective. According to Indeed, the average
salary for this position is $110,000 per year.

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