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Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm Pseudocode:

function EMAlgorithm(data, num_clusters, num_iterations)

initialize random cluster centroids
for iter = 1 to num_iterations:
# Expectation step
for each data point:
calculate the probability of belonging to each cluster using current
assign the data point to the cluster with the highest probability

# Maximization step
for each cluster:
update the centroid by calculating the mean of data points assigned to
the cluster

return final cluster centroids and assignments

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Algorithm Pseudocode:

function PCAAlgorithm(data, num_components)

center data by subtracting mean along each feature dimension
calculate covariance matrix of centered data
perform eigen decomposition of covariance matrix to get eigenvalues and
sort eigenvectors by corresponding eigenvalues in descending order
select top num_components eigenvectors as principal components
transform data onto the new subspace formed by principal components

return transformed data and principal components

Logistic Regression Algorithm Pseudocode:

function LogisticRegression(data, labels, learning_rate, num_iterations)

initialize weights and bias
for iter = 1 to num_iterations:
calculate logits = weights * data + bias
calculate probabilities using sigmoid function: p = 1 / (1 + exp(-logits))
calculate loss using binary cross-entropy: loss = -sum(labels * log(p) + (1
- labels) * log(1 - p))
calculate gradients with respect to weights and bias
update weights and bias using gradients and learning rate

return trained weights and bias

Naive Bayes Pseudocode:

function NaiveBayesTrain(dataset, targetAttribute)

count totalInstances in dataset
calculate prior probabilities P(C_k) for each class C_k

for each attribute A_i:

for each class C_k:
calculate likelihood probabilities P(A_i | C_k)

return prior probabilities and likelihood probabilities

function NaiveBayesPredict(instance, priorProbabilities, likelihoodProbabilities)

for each class C_k:
calculate P(C_k | instance) using Bayes' theorem
store P(C_k | instance)

return the class with the highest P(C_k | instance)

ID3 Pseudocode:

function ID3(dataset, targetAttribute, attributes)

create a new node N

if all instances in dataset have the same class:

return a leaf node labeled with the class

if attributes is empty:
return a leaf node labeled with the majority class in dataset

calculate entropy for targetAttribute in dataset

calculate information gain for each attribute in attributes

select attribute A with the highest information gain

remove A from attributes

add A as a decision attribute for node N

for each possible value v of attribute A:

create a new branch below node N labeled with value v
partition dataset into subsets based on A=v

if subset is empty:
add a leaf node labeled with the majority class in dataset
add the result of ID3(subset, targetAttribute, attributes) as a child
of the branch

return node N

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