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Dear Henry,

Hello my love , I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Lately, my mind
has been occupied by a captivating subject – figure skating. It's a pursuit that
seems to seamlessly blend elements of aesthetic appeal, delicate execution,
and an almost ephemeral quality that borders on the enchanting.

Just picture it: figure skating competitions. The skaters gracefully navigating
the icy expanse, executing maneuvers that defy conventional expectations of
physical limits. The entire spectacle is reminiscent of a carefully
choreographed dance performance, where the harmonious blend of elegance
and physical prowess unfolds before our eyes.

Allow me to delve a bit into the world of Yuzuru Hanyū, a luminary in the
realm of figure skating. Despite his relatively young age, Hanyū has secured
not one but two Olympic gold medals, leaving an indelible mark on the
annals of world championships with a series of record-breaking
achievements. His unwavering commitment and unparalleled proficiency
render him a paragon of inspiration within the intricate sphere of figure

Beyond the technical facets, figure skating for me evokes a sense of

nostalgia, reminiscent of cinematic portrayals wherein resolute individuals
embark on arduous journeys to master the art of gliding on ice. Far from
facile, the endeavor unfolds as an exploration of an enchanting world,
patiently awaiting discovery.

Now, consider with me the prospect of embracing figure skating devoid of

apprehensions. Such a venture may potentially unveil a hitherto
undiscovered realm, replete with its own form of enchantment.

I eagerly await your reflections on this matter.

With all my love,

Andrea Carolina Arango Otalora.

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