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Base Week 6 weeks Week 1/6

Keep track of load used


Muscle Snatch (no contact) Maximum double

Hang Power Snatch Build to heavy triple then 3x3 at 90% of that save some for next week
Back Squat 75%/(5) * 3 Unbroken sets full depth
Weighted plank 3*:30
Parired w/ Standing Single arm side crunch 3*20 each arm

Power Clean + Split Jerk Build to heavy 1+3 then 3 sets at 90% of that save some for next week
Clean Pull to knees + 2 pause sec 80%(5)*3
Back extensions (pause in hyperextension) 3*10 this will be challenging but pause as high as you can
Kettlebell Swing 3*10 heavy


Snatch Balance + OHS Build to heavy 1 + 3 then 3 sets of 90% of that save some for next week
Back Squat 75%/(5) *3 Unbroken sets full depth
Belt/hack/leg press 3 sets of 10 with 4 second eccentric
Hamstring Curl 3*10


Jerk + 3 sec pause in catch Build to heavy 3 then 3*3 at 90% of that
Push Press 75%/(5)*3
Arnold Press 3*10

Paired with pull up 3*10


Snatch 75%/(3)*3

Clean and Jerk 75%/(3+1)*3

Pause Bench Press 3*10

Ring Row w/ Pause 3*10


Back Squat Work to set of 5 at rpe 8 then drop to 85% of that for 3 sets of 5 Unbroken sets full depth
Back Squat 80% of top set of day for 3 sets of 3 with pause Unbroken sets full depth
Clean dead 100%/(5)*3 ---- sets must be touch and go
Back extensions (pause in hyperextension) 3*10 this will be challenging but pause as high as you can

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