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2/5/24, 3:19 PM MERN Project - Taskade

💻 MERN Project

Project Overview
This project involves building a full-stack web application using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js (MERN).


Milestone 1: Project Setup

Task 1.1: Setup Development Environment
Create a new directory for the project #setup
Task 1.2: Initialize Project
Initialize Node.js project with npm init #development
Install Express.js #development
Create a basic server with Express.js #development

Milestone 2: Front-end Development

Task 2.1: Setup React
Install React.js #frontend
Create a new React app #frontend
Task 2.2: Develop Front-end Pages
Create Home Page #frontend
Create About Page #frontend 1/2
2/5/24, 3:19 PM MERN Project - Taskade

Create Contact Page #frontend

Milestone 3: Back-end Development

Task 3.1: Setup MongoDB
Setup MongoDB database #backend
Connect MongoDB with Express.js #backend
Task 3.2: Create API Endpoints
Create API for fetching data #backend
Create API for posting data #backend

Milestone 4: Integration and Testing

Task 4.1: Integrate Front-end and Back-end
Fetch data from API on Home Page #integration
Post data to API from Contact Page #integration

Team Roles
Develop Front-end Pages #frontendDeveloper
Setup MongoDB #backendDeveloper
Integrate Front-end and Back-end #fullStackDeveloper
Testing #QA 2/2

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