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Good afternoon teacher and classmate, todat my partner jhon vera and me are going to talk

about asteroid hits.

Description about asteroid: Asteroids have existed in our solar system for millions of years. An
asteroid is a small, rocky celestial object that orbits the Sun, primarily found within the asteroid
belt, a region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are not round like planets. They
have jagged and irregular shapes. These space rocks vary widely in size, from a few meters to
hundreds of kilometers across. Asteroids can have different compositions,like nickel and iron.
Scientists have been studying it with great dedication. They have been observing its trajectory,
size, and composition to gain a better understanding of these celestial bodies. Also, they are
analyzing and collecting data to gain a deeper study of asteroids and potential impacts on

C-Type Asteroids (Asteroides de tipo C) and S-Type Asteroids (Asteroides de tipo S).

How it is caused? Asteroids are created from the remains of our solar system's formation as
particles and materials are added together through gravitational attraction and collisions.

Asteroid impacts can cause various natural disasters. such as Tsunamis: If an asteroid hits the
ocean, it can generate massive tsunamis that affect coastal regions, causing devastating
flooding, Forest fires: An asteroid impact can generate large-scale forest fires due to the
release of energy and the fall of incandescent fragments.

On June 30 international asteroid day is celebrated. It was approved by the United Nations
General Assembly in 2016 because that date commemorates the anniversary of the Tunguska
impact, in Siberia (Russian Federation), which occurred in one thousand nine hundred eight
and also with the objective of “increasing public awareness about the danger of asteroid
impact". I think Researchers around the world anticipate that the study of asteroids will be
essential in the coming years. Their future observations are expected to provide us with an
even deeper understanding of the composition and history of these celestial objects.

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