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Health Vocabulary Bank:


Balanced diet/ Healthy diet/ Unhealthy habits/ Good eating habits/ Excessive eating/
Eating disorders/ Malnutrition/ calorie intake/

Overweight/ Obesity/ Slim figure/ To put on weight/ To lose weight/ Body fat/
Optimal weight/ Calorie controlled diet/ Pinch an inch

To fast/ Restrictions / Restricted diet/ To count calories/ To restrain someone from

eating/ To grab a bite to eat

Fast food/ Nutritional value/ Ready-made meals/ Home-cooked meals/ Calorific


Nutritional supplements/ Protein/ Carbs/ Vitamins/ Detox

To have a sweet tooth/ To snack between meals/

Genetically modified food/

comfort food/ crash diet/ pescetarian/ 5 a day/ eat sensibly/ to overindulge / To pile
on the pounds/

Scrumptious meal/ gourmet/ Metabolism (slow/fast)/Whole grain/ Free range

Skimmed(semi-skimmed) milk/ Junk food/ Processed food/ Vegan food


To workout/ To do regular exercise/ Exercise regularly/ Sporty person/ Gym rat/

Sedentary lifestyle/

Fit/ To be In shape (good or bad)/ Good fitness levels/ To lack fitness/ To be


Bodybuilding/ Cardio workout/ Stretching/ Flexibility/ moderate intensity/ agility/

endurance / Stamina

Burn calories/ Toned muscles/ To count calories/ To build muscles

Callisthenics/ aerobics/ relieve stress/ recovery / to pull a muscle/ To hit the gym/
warm up/ to jog/

Dumbbells/ to lift weights/ Planks/ Tred-mill/ Pull ups/ Push up

Drug test/ To push yourself to the limit/


Heart problems/ High cholesterol/ Anxiety/ Headache/ Migraines/ Back problems/

Arthritis/ Asthma/ Sore Throat/ Blocked nose/

To make a speedy recovery/ to call in sick/ To get prescribed/ To overcome/ To take

time off/ To go for a check up/ To get a second opinion/ To soldier through
something/ To shiver/ To undergo surgery/ Go through rehabilitation

Severe pain/ unbearable pain/ Excruciating pain/ a slight discomfort/ an ache/ a

cramp / a cold sensation/ To feel numb/

Do you have any unhealthy habits?

Fast food/ calorific/ ideal weight/ cut down / get in shape.

In what ways do you try to stay healthy?

What are the health benefits of playing a sport?

Gym rat/ Cardio work/ Stamina/ Avoid sedentary lifestyle.

Do you think more about your health now than when you were younger?

Describe your (or your friend's) illness or injury experience. You should say:
● What was it
● When did it happen
● How did you (or your friend) handled it

and say how do you feel about it now

Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today?

Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?

Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are
damaging to their health?

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