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1 SPEAKING Wor Reading Ihave a dream I can understand and react to the opinions of four historians about a speech. pairs. Read the quote in the photo above. Who said it? What did he do? What happened to him? GERD Listen to. historian talking about an important ‘event at the memorial in exercise. 1. What's the name cof the memorial? What happened there and when did it happen? Listen again and answer the questions. 1 How did the setting enhance King’s speech? 2 Why was the memorial relevant to King’s speech? 3 In what way does King compare the Emancipation Proclamation to a‘bad cheque”? Read the text. Do any of the four historians clearly express tthe opinion that Martin Luther King’s speech isthe greatest speech in history? Reading Strategy In this task you have to read four texts to identify similar ‘or different opinions and attitudes. Take each question in ‘turn and follow the procedure below: 1 Underline the key words i the question. 2 Note whether you need to find a similar or a different pinion 3 Find and underline the opinion in the text specified in the question. ifno text is specified, ead all the texts. 4 Find and underline the same opinion in the other three texts 5 Compare the opinions and choose the correct answer yshannnasnananananannaannanaaat Read the Reading Strategy and the question below. Follow tthe instructions in the Strategy and answer the question. Which historian has a similar view to Brian Ward about how the speech should be considered? ‘Match the historians A-D with questions 1-4, The historians may be chosen more than once. Which historian 1 has a different opinion from Webb about the quality of king's voice as he gave the speech? 2 shares Lewis's view about the attention paid tothe ‘dream’ partof the speech? 3 agrees with Houston about the part of the speech dedicated to the debt owed to Aftican-Americans? 4 disagrees with Lewis's opinion of King’s use of phrases and ideas that people had used before? _ 7 Unit6 Dreams 7 Read the text again. Answer the questions in your own words. 11 Which of King’s particular skils does Houston think the speech exemplifies? 2. According to Houston, what did King mean by ‘cashing a cheque’? 3. According to Webb, what significance do all the experts attribute to the March on Washington? 4 What was the importance of the new technology that Webb mentions? 5. What does Lewis consider the main strength of King’s speech? 6 According to Lewis, what contrasting impressions did king convey during his speech? 7 What was the cause of the underlying dissatisfaction ‘that Ward mentions? 8 What veiled threat does Ward detect in the speech? Gimeno 8 Look at the highlighted adjectives and nouns and the underlined verbs in the text. How would you describe this language? What effect does it have on the text? How could it improve your own writing? 9 Match the highlighted words in the text with their synonyms below. Use the context to help work out the meaning, anxiety attitude critical disappointed ghost ideas insignificant quiet 3 ‘Try to work out the meaning of the underlined verbs in the text. Then match them with the highlighted words below. 1 The picture GORANI modern and traditional styles. 2 Miltary activity BS@SIBAIBE an imminent attack 3 The two groups of protesters ESWEHOREANEE 2t the townhall 4 What can be done to fila the economy SEfSBIaBain” 5 Do not BlHEBE others before listening to theic reasons. 6 The words of a great speech can BEB in your mind for ays after. 7 The sea mist will BREWSHE the boats FROMIBEINGSEER. 8 As she listened, a plan SSQRIBHEBE in her mind, TI SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 Towhat extent do you think Martin Luther King’s dream. of racial equality has been achieved? 2 In your view, what makes a good speech? 6F a ae Calling King’s address ‘the greatest in history'is [Js For many of the strategists who were close to King and activists who were present, a tall order for any historian and for any speech this was not even the greatest speech atthe March on Washington, let alone of to live up to. It certainly should be classed as King’s career. among a handful of momentous speeches in US In terms of oratorical style it was curiously SUHGMEG, lacking the tone and rhythm history, perhaps second only to the Gettysburg that characterised the southern Baptist church where King was a preacher, Address In terms of content, the most significant section ofthe speech was not its The speech enstallses some of King’s ‘ream’ section but an earlier passage which detalied the real reason tat lay createst gifts, not least of which an ability to behind the gathering atthe March on Washington: that black Americans had address diverse audiences with one voice — to been given a ‘bad cheque’ at the time of their supposed emancipation 100 years ve bot revive the souls ofthe march participants previously, which they were now coming to Washington to demand to be cashed and to str the consciences ofthe greater public The idea of ‘Dream’ caused SHRSTABH: King's colleagues judged it cepetii beyond, to speak eloquently tothe African tothe point of cliche, radical student activists were SHAVE to hear a black leader American experience and yet alo tothe wider dreaming o a fa-aff future ‘American spirit. For those who had not heard King’s oratory previously, however, the reaction was v= He meant to give ‘new meaning’, ashe sid altogether cfferent, and ths is where the genius ofthe speech truly es. inthe speech, to old words and ches that Deep in the White House, President John F Kennedy openly declared that King nonetheless were roted in broader SUBS of ws ‘damn good’. Nrthern white liberals, who provided much of the Democrats’ ‘the American Dream. electoral base, were deeply impressed by his level-headed G&iMIBamigE and His soaring oratory at the March on statesmanike tone 1 Washington spoke of ashing a cheque, of lying claim tothe economic aspirations that remained . . large out of each of Afican Americans Uy) ey It foshadowed King's deepening critique He { t a fave a Dream’ is rightly considered one of the most important speeches of modern of American society that would dorminate his history, yet its significances and meanings are often misunderstood. + thoughts and the social and politcal conics of Wile its impossible otto sympathise withthe sentiments expressed in cere the stirring finale, as King imagines a world of interracial harmony where people ‘will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,’ SEIT too much emphasis nth ‘Drea can bse other important aspects of King’s magnificent oration. On 28 August 1963, a quarter ofa milion The speech is filed with barely concealed frustration atthe slow pace of federal demonstrators, black and white, converged on action to suppor black cl and ving right the caital ofthe United States to participate in Biiliantly blending polities with his inspiring socal vision, King stats by * the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. _reminging white Americans of the continuing abuse of black rights (Afrcan- . ‘Almost singing the words in his great baritone voice, Dr Martin Luther King,Jr. described his cream of a United States that a century later finally fulled the promise of President Abraham = Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, King inclusive vision ofa country united across its racial and religious divide emphasised the idealism and determination of a civil rights ‘ movement that had vera decade of struggle jppable political and moral ee 1 Americans generally didnot need reminding), He goes on to condemn the gap between America’s democratic ideals and the realities of is racial practices Finally he hints at the gif consequences of failing to address these issues immediately (the speech is haunted by the BGRHEG of more militant black protest if w non-violent demands for basic citizenship Fights are not met) <4 «e developed an unst ‘momentum While many commentators observe that the w March on Washington had a HBGIIBIB impact SA ‘on the eventual passage ofthe Civil Fights Act (3 «s of 1964, none deny the importance ofthe event in awakening the national consciousness to the ‘question of civil rights, King’s speech resonated not only throughout the United States but also across the world. A + Telstar communication satellite performed what ‘one British newspaper described as ‘ts most ‘dramatically historic duty so far’ and enabled audiences in the UK to witness the march, although only the end was lve. eT

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