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Data Analytics Training Case Study: Superstore Sales

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Google Data Studio



Data Studio Tutorial

SuperStore Dashboard

This case study is based on a dataset from a superstore. It includes information on orders, customers,
products, and sales across various regions and categories. The dataset is a rich source for insights into sales
performance, customer behavior, and operational efficiency.

Target Audience:
Data science trainees with basic knowledge of Excel and data visualization tools.

Data Dictionary:
● Row ID: Unique identifier for each row.
● Order ID: Unique identifier for each order.
● Order Date: Date when the order was placed.
● Ship Date: Date when the order was shipped.
● Ship Mode: The mode of shipping used for the delivery.
● Customer ID: Unique identifier for each customer.
● Customer Name: Name of the customer.
● Segment: The market segment to which the customer belongs.
● Country: Country of the customer/order.
● City: City of the customer/order.
● State: State of the customer/order.
● Postal Code: Postal code of the customer/order.
● Region: Geographical region of the order.
● Product ID: Unique identifier for each product.
● Category: The category of the product.
● Sub-Category: The sub-category of the product.
● Product Name: Name of the product.
● Sales: Sales amount for each transaction.
● Quantity: Quantity of product per transaction.

● Discount: Discount provided per transaction.
● Profit: Profit earned per transaction.

Problem Statement:
Analyze the sales data to identify trends, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement in the superstore's
operations. The goal is to enhance sales performance, optimize product assortment, and improve customer

Importance of the Problem:
Addressing this problem will enable the superstore to make data-driven decisions to increase profitability,
optimize inventory management, and tailor marketing strategies to specific customer segments.

Questions for Data Exploration and Analysis:

1. Top 5 Best-Selling Product Sub-Categories:
Connect your dataset to Google Data Studio.
Use a bar chart or pie chart to visualize sales by sub-category.
Sort the data by total sales and limit the chart to display the top 5 sub-categories.

2. Top 3 Most Profitable Product Categories:

Create a bar chart or pie chart showing total profit by category.
Sort the chart by profit and limit it to the top 3 categories.

3. Sales and Profits Variation Across Regions:

Use a geographical map to display sales and profits by region.

Alternatively, use a bar chart with dual axes to compare sales and profits side by side for each region.

4. Relationship Between Discount and Profit:

Create a scatter plot with Discount on the x-axis and Profit on the y-axis.
Add a trend line to visualize the correlation between discount and profit.

5. Most Profitable Customer Segment:

Utilize a bar chart to compare the total profit across different customer segments.
Sort the segments by total profit to identify the most profitable segment.

6. Sales Trends Across Different Times of the Year:

Use a line chart to plot monthly sales.
Group the data by month and year to observe seasonal trends and year-over-year changes.

7. Impact of Shipping Mode on Sales and Profit:

Create a bar chart with shipping modes as the dimension and sales and profit as metrics.
This will allow a comparison of the performance of each shipping mode in terms of sales and profit.

8. Geographical Analysis of Sales and Profits:

Use geographical maps to display sales and profits by city or state.
Incorporate filters to allow users to select specific cities or states for a detailed view.

9. Sales Patterns for Top 5 Customers:

Identify the top 5 customers based on total sales.
Use a line or bar chart to display the sales pattern of these customers over time.

10. Products with Highest and Lowest Sales-to-Profit Ratios:

Create a calculated field for sales-to-profit ratio.

Use a bar chart to display this ratio for each product, sorting to show the highest and lowest ratios.

● Case Study Document: Outlining the problem, dataset, analysis process, and questions.
● Solution Guide: Detailed answers and explanations for each question.
● Additional Resources: References for further exploration in data analytics.

Desired Outcome:
● Trainees develop an analytical and logical mindset.
● Gain proficiency in using data visualization tools for analysis.
● Learn to make data-driven decisions and recommendations.

Note: The case study is intended to be exploratory and open-ended, allowing trainees to apply various
analytical techniques and derive multiple insights. The solution guide will provide one of many possible
approaches to each question

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