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Java Memory Model, Part 1

The Java Memory Model:

Java (and all programming languages) split the memory available for the program
into two parts: the heap and the stack.

The stack is organized memory used for method calls. In Java, the default is to
set aside about 1MB for the stack (this can be changed when you launch Java).
The heap is unorganized memory used for data that needs to be more permanent. In
Java, all classes and objects are stored in the heap.

For every class your program uses, a class "object" is stored in the heap. The
class "object" stores:
1) The super class of the class
2) All methods (static and non-static) defined in the class.
3) All constructors of the class.
4) All static fields declared in the class.
5*) Any classes that are inside this class.

For every object (instance of a class) created by your program (e.g. by the new
operator), space for the instance is allocated in the heap.
The instance record stores:
1) The true type of the object.
2) All non-static fields of all the polymorphic types of the object. (this class,
the class this class extends, etc.)
The fields are stored in order starting from Object and down to the true type.

For example, we have a program that uses our Employee and HourlyEmployee classes.
In the heap, Java will place "objects" for the Employee and HourlyEmployee classes.
There will also be an "object" for the Object class since that class is extended by
There will also be an "object" for String since String is used in these classes.

The Employee class "object" in the heap stores:

super class: the address of the Object class "object"
methods: getName(), setName(String), getNumber(), getSalary(),
setSalary(double), toString(), equals(Object), earnsMoreThan(Employee)
constructors: there are two overloaded constructors: Employee(String),
Employee(int, String)
static fields: lastNumberUsed

The HourlyEmployee class "object" in the heap stores:

super class: the address of the Employee class "object"
constructors: there is currently only one constructor:
methods: getHourlyWage(), setHourlyWage(double), getHoursWorked(),
setHoursWorked(double), getSalary()
static fields: none

Creating an object:
Employee e1 = new Employee("Ishika")

Space is allocated for an instance in the heap. The instance object contains:
true type: the address of the Employee class "object"
the fields of Object: (whatever they are)
the fields of Employee: name, number, salary

How does new work:

1) allocates space in the heap for the instance
2) calls the constructor for Employee. In this case we call the Constructor
that takes (String) as input.
2.a) the first thing the constructor for Employee does is call
this(Employee.lastNumberUsed + 1, name), another constructor of Employee.
2.b) the first thing that constructor for Employee does is call super(), the
constructor for Object. That initializes all the Object fields.
2.c) next the constructor initializes the Employee fields to 0, null or
false - this is important because salary is not being set in the constructor body.
2.d) now we execute the body of the constructor (if you look at the code, it
assigns the name and number fields as well as the lastNumberUsed static field)
3) returns the location in the heap of the instance (this is the value that
gets assigned to variable e1)

Another example:
Employee e2 = new HourlyEmployee("Walter")

1) Space is allocated for an instance in the heap. The instance object

true type: the address of the HourlyEmployee "object"
the fields of Object: (whatever they are)
the fields of Employee: name, number, salary
the fields of HourlyEmployee: hourlyWage, hoursWorked
2) Run HourlyEmployee's constructor to initialize those fields
2.a) The first line is "super(name)" so Employee's constructor that takes a
String as input is run
2.a.1) The first line of Employee's constructor is
"this(Employee.lastNumberUsed + 1, name)" so Employee's constructor that takes a
string and an int is run
2.a.2) The first line of Employee's constructor is "super()" so Object's
constructor is run
2.a.3) The fields of Employee are given their default values.
2.a.4) Now the rest of Employee's constructor body is run to initialize
the name and number fields.
2.b) The fields of HourlyEmployee are given their default values
3) The address of the HourlyEmployee object is returned so it can be stored
in variable e2.

Polymorphism: An object is multiple types: every type from its true type up the
hierarchy to Object
true type (run-time type): what the object is (as created by new).
The true type never changes.
The true type of a value in a piece of code can often not be determined just by
reading the code. (This is why "run-time type" is often used. You can only know
what the true type is by running or tracing the code and seeing what gets stored.)
The true type determines what version of a method is executed.

current type (compile-time type): how the object is being used - what whas it
typecast to?
The current type constantly changes with each typecast.
You can always tell what the current type is by reading the code -> just look
at the variable declaration, any typecast, or the return value of the method (This
is why "compile-time type" is often used. The compiler can figure out the type by
reading the code.)
The current type determines whether a method call is legal and which fields can
be accessed.

Remember that the computer does not care about types (everything it sees is
binary numbers).
We, the programmer, use types as a safety feature. By setting a type, we are
indicating what the value represents, and the Java compiler (Java being a strictly
typed language) verifies that we are using the types correctly.
That means, the compiler verifies that we do not call a method unavailable to
the type nor access a field unavailable to the type.

Polymorphism and methods:

Typecasting has no effect on what version of an instance method is called. The
instance method version is always the version
of the true type.
Typecasting does affect what field is accessed and what static method is called.

Consider the two variables/instances:

Employee e1
Employee e2
Both variables have type Employee so whatever is stored in those variables will
have current type Employee.

However, we used the code:

Employee e1 = new Employee("Ishika")
Employee e2 = new HourlyEmployee("Walter")
So, because we can see the new operators, at this point it time we have the
address to an instance with true type Employee in e1,
and the address of an instance with true type HourlyEmployee in e2.

What happens when we call a method?

(When the code was compiled, the compiler used the type of e1 to verify that
getName with no inputs is valid for that type. i.e. is valid for Employee.)

When Java sees a method call, Java does the following:

1) Evaluates the left side of the dot to get an address. (Here the needed
address is stored in e1.)
2) Goes to that address in the heap (it is an object), and goes to that
object's true type in the heap. (Here, it will go to the Employee class.)
3) Run's through the class's list of methods to find one that matches. (It
will find getName() in this list.)
4) Since the method is found, it does not go to the super class.
In this case, it finds the getName method of Employee. It runs
The current type of "this" is Employee so it uses the name field of Employee and
it returns the String value from that field.

Another example:
The compiler uses the type of e2 to verify that the method getName with no input
is valid for that type.

When Java sees a method call, Java does the following:

1) Evaluates the left side of the dot to get an address. (Here the needed
address is stored in e2.)
2) Goes to that address in the heap (it is an object), and goes to that
object's true type in the heap. (Here, it will go to the HourlyEmployee class. Note
that the type of e3 does not matter. It uses the address stored in e3 to find the
method to run.)
3) Runs through the class's list of methods to find one that matches. (There
is no such method in HourlyEmployee.)
4) Since the method is not found, if goes to the class's super class, and
repeats step 3.
In this case, it finds the getName method of Employee. It runs
The current type of "this" is Employee so it uses the name field of Employee and
it returns the String value stored there.
(Note that if HourlyEmployee also had a name field, that field would NOT be used
by the getName method. It is the field of Employee that is used.)

Another example:
Java does the following:
1) Evaluates the left side of the dot to get an address. (Here it is stored in
2) Goes to that address in the heap (it is an object), and goes to that
object's true type in the heap. (Here, it will go to the Employee class.)
3) Runs through the class's list of methods to find one that matches. (It will
find earnsMoreThan with a single Employee input.)

Now it will run earnsMoreThan.

Inside, it runs "this.getSalary().
1) Evaluates the left side of the dot to get an address. (Here it is the value
this which is the address of the object that called earnsMoreThan, which is the
address in e1.)
2) Go to that address in the heap (it is an object), and goes to that object's
true type in the heap. (Here, it will go to the Employee class.)
3) Runs through the class's list of methods to find one that matches. (It will
find getSalary.)

Then it runs "e.getSalary()

1) Evaluates the left side of the dot to get an address. (Here it is the value
this which is the address of the object that is input to the earnsMoreThan method,
which is the address in e2.)
2) Go to that address in the heap (it is an object), and goes to that object's
true type in the heap. (Here, it will go to the HourlyEmployee class.)
3) Runs through the class's list of methods to find one that matches. (It will
find getSalary.)

Note that "e" and "this" inside earnsMoreThan both have "current type" Employee
("e" because Employee is the type of the input parameter and "this" because we are
in the Employee class), but in this case the value stored in "e" has true type
As a result, it found HourlyEmployee's version of getSalary() and will use that
This is why we used getSalary() instead of the salary field inside
If we used the salary field, since the current type of "this" is Employee, it
will only know about Employee's fields and will use Employee's salary field. But
with methods, the version of the true type is always run.

Polymorphism and static methods:

When you access a static method, you place the class name or an instance to the
left of the dot. If you place an instance,
the Java compiler replaces it with the current type name.
Since the class name is used, Java goes directly to that class to access the

Polymorphism and fields:

The compiler uses the current type to determine which field is accessed.
When you typecast an HourlyEmployee as Employee, you are saying that you will be
treating it as an Employee. Java will only
make the Employee part of the instance visible (Object's fields and Employee's
fields). The fields
of HourlyEmployee are still there, but they can't be accessed when the current
type is not HourlyEmploye (or something that
extends HourlyEmployee.)

** The current type will be used by the compiler to determine of an instance method
call is legal for that type, but the true type version of
the method is always run. **
** The current type will determine the field or static method accessed by the code

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