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Resources for Everything and

Anything Diabetes
It takes every kind of people
To make what life’s about.
Every kind of people
To make the world go ’round.
—Robert Palmer, “Every Kinda People”

Giving Support, Getting Support

Feeling the ups and downs of blood sugar swings. Handling the incessant
responsibilities of managing a chronic disease. Trying to make sense out of a
highly imperfect science. And facing the grim reality that, despite all your
best efforts, serious health problems may be in your future.
Living with diabetes can be a frustrating, frightening, and sometimes
lonely experience. If you have ever felt the need to reach out to someone who
understands how you feel (someone who has been there), support networks
may be just the answer. Even if you don’t feel the need to receive support
yourself, the act of giving support to others is worth its weight in gold.
Nothing will make you feel better and enrich your life more than helping
Opportunities for giving and getting support are widespread: both in
person and online. And the beauty of it is that you can find groups that are
general and diverse or highly specialized and tailored to your particular
For an in-person type of support group, a good place to start is at your

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