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Transaction confirmation

Document generated on: 09.01.2024, 17:01:00 ING Bank Śląski S.A.

ul. Sokolska 34, 40-086 Katowice

Payer's Data: Payee's Data: Title:

NANGOLO FERNANDO DAVID TCHALENGUA Politechnika Warszawska Centrum Fernando David Tchalengua Nangolo
WYBICKIEGO 12/15 Współpracay Międzynarodowych
61-527 POZNAŃ
69 1240 6003 1111 0010 5413 2862
52 1050 1575 1000 0092 5432 8041 PEKAO XLV O. w Warszawie
ING Bank Śląski S.A.

Accounting date: Details: Amount:

09.01.2024 EXPRESS 85,00 PLN
Transaction date:
Transaction number at ING Bank:

The document was drawn up under Article 7 of the Banking Law Act (Journal of Law of the Republic of Poland No. 72 of 2002,
item 665 with subsequent amendments). The document was generated electronically. It requires no seal or signature.


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