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1.) Flip the tuned and locked guitar over on Your lap.

(Point the bar towards the

back strapbutton -and balance the bridge tension/bar against Your lap -as You
remove the springs.)
2.) Remove all the trem springs at back.
3.) Lay the guitar back onto Your workbench.
4.) insert allen key in the post you want to adjust.
5.) Use your fingers to push the baseplate away from the posts -as you adjust the
6.) Back with the guitar onto Your lap.
7.) Mount back the springs.
8.) Congratulations! -You're DONE!

JUST repeat THIS process untill satisfied. -Easy enough, right?

This process is also easy to combine -with having that extra popular spring tension
block between the tremblock and the rear trem cavity wall -for exact
testing/playing/intotaing process during the set up.
Yes: This is a part reason why some of us techs are faster; both in live gig
situations -as well as in our shops. But beware: Many shop techs still adjust with
string tension on. Basicly charging You -for fucking up Your instrument.

In most cases you do not even have to de-tune the instrument at all. The guitar
(with the locked nut) should be fairly in tune with the springs back.
However: On some guitars the string tension makes it harder to push the base plate
back. If this is the case You need to lock up the nut -and loosen the strings that
pulls the template the most.
Absolutely NOT all thestrings; but only enough -to able You to push back the
baseplate when adjusting the posts. Example: Maybe just one clamp -holding the High
E and B/H string.

To understand and know THIS: Accually puts Your own knowledge about Floyd Rose sep
up ahead of many, many selfnamed; pros, techs and luthieres out there.
(Simply too many don't know -or refuse to understand; that turning the posts under
ANY ammont of contact and pressure: WILL scar the posts -as well as dull-up knife
edges on the trem base plate.

-Do it right my friends -and let the 'dummies' keep doin' their thing...
(If You want to help others from fucking up their locking trems: -Just spread the

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