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Medical Management

Intravenous fluids or IVF Therapy

IV fluid therapy is used to maintain homeostasis when enteral

intake is insufficient when a patient is “nil by mouth” or has reduced
absorption, and to replace any additional losses. These losses may
occur from the gastrointestinal tract due to vomiting, diarrhea or a
fistula) or the urinary tract, diabetes insipidus, or be caused by
blood loss from trauma or surgery.

In addition, insensible losses can increase during fever or after

suffering from burns because the barrier function of the skin is
impaired. Sodium chloride and water help compensate the sterile
solution. Every IV solution starts with this liquid, which provides
essential hydration, dissolves medications, and improves vitamin
absorption. For patients with perforated cecum secondary to
appendiceal carcinoma have fluid status that is being monitored and
maintained by adequate IV fluid and electrolyte replacement.

Fluids should be administered with focus on preventing fluid

overload, which can cause complications including heart failure or
fluid accumulation in the lungs. At least once an hour, nurses should
check on the patients IV.

Nutritional and Supportive Therapy

Antibiotics is used to treat or to prevent certain infections

caused by bacteria and used to treat symptoms such as vomiting,
nausea. Surgical treatment is delayed only until acute effects
diminish, which generally takes a few days only if the patient's
situation changes.

The diet immediately after an episode is usually to eat foods

that are easy to swallow and digest. A soft diet serves as a
transition from liquids to a regular diet. It generally eliminates
foods that are difficult to chew or swallow and also spicy, fried, or

gas-producing foods. These usually consist of soft, moist foods

such as soup, gelatin, pudding, and yogurt. Avoid gummy foods such as
bread and tough meats, as well as spicy, fried, or gas-producing
foods. Avoid any foods that you know cause stomach gas and distention,
including corn, beans, peas, lentils, onions, broccoli, cauliflower,
and cabbage.

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