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Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI)

On a range from 1 = Never or almost never true, to 7 = always or almost always true, how well does each
item describes you?

Key Item M 31. Makes decisions easily

M 1. Self-reliant F 32. Compassionate
F 2. Yielding N 33. Sincere
N 3. Helpful M 34. Self-sufficient
M 4. Defends own beliefs F 35. Eager to soothe hurt feelings
F 5. Cheerful N 36. Conceited
N 6. Moody M 37. Dominant
M 7. Independent F 38. Soft spoken
F 8. Shy N 39. Likable
N 9. Conscientious M 40. Masculine
M 10. Athletic F 41. Warm
F 11. Affectionate N 42. Solemn
N 12. Theatrical M 43. Willing to take a stand
M 13. Assertive F 44. Tender
F 14. Flatterable N 45. Friendly
N 15. Happy M 46. Aggressive
M 16. Strong personality F 47. Gullible
F 17. Loyal N 48. Inefficient
N 18. Unpredictable M 49. Acts as a leader
M 19. Forceful F 50. Childlike
F 20. Feminine N 51. Adaptable
N 21. Reliable M 52. Individualistic
M 22. Analytical F 53. Does not use harsh language
F 23. Sympathetic N 54. Unsystematic
N 24. Jealous M 55. Competitive
M 25. Has leadership abilities F 56. Loves children
F 26. Sensitive to the needs of others N 57. Tactful
N 27. Truthful M 58. Ambitious
M 28. Willing to take risks F 59. Gentle
F 29. Understanding N 60. Conventional
N 30. Secretive

Scoring Instructions
Each item is assigned a category as follows: M for Masculine; F for Feminine, N for Neutral.
Each respondent receives three scores, one for each category. Masculinity and Femininity scores are calculated
as mean of all responses for each category, with values between 1 and 7. The results indicate the extent to
which a person endorses one or the other personality characteristics.

Development Paper
Bem, S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
42, 155–162

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