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1) Do a lot of people like music?

Listening to music can ease the pressure.听音乐可以缓解压力。

Listening to music can relax your mind.

I also like to listen to music when I feel depressed.

There're a lot of people who'd like to buy some ....
I'm a university graduate whose major is the flute
2) What kind of music do you listen to?
古典音乐 Classical music 流行音乐 Pop music
蓝调歌曲,忧郁音乐 Blues 摇滚乐 Rock & Roll 爵士乐 Jazz
管弦乐队音乐 Orchestral music 现代音乐 Contemporary music 艺术摇滚 art rock 说唱
rap 雷鬼 reggae 索尔 soul
朋克摇滚 punk rock 唱片舞会 disco 节奏布鲁斯 r&b
It’s so nostalgic.
nostalgic |nɒˈstældʒɪk|
①(sentimental)怀旧的 huáijiù de ‹person, yearning›; 伤感的 shānggǎn de ‹look, mood›
to feel nostalgic
to be nostalgic for [something]
②(evocative)引起怀旧情感的 yǐnqǐ huáijiù qínggǎn de ‹music, experience, trip›
I love songs that take me to some places I haven't been, or haven't been for a long time. It's
fun and exciting。
They bring back some of my childhood memories.
You will find that the time just flies when you are listening to music while you work.
you can learn lessons from the words of songs

i mean some songs have a strong message that you can use in your own life
i definitely think that some
songs can help you in your life.
The rhythm is fantastic too. It makes me eager to dance.
rhythm |'rlÃðem| noun
①Uncountable(pattern of
movement, sound)节奏 jiézòu a sense of rhythm 节奏感
the rhythm of the drums 鼓点的节奏
the rhythm of his breathing 他的呼吸节奏
②Countable(individual pattern)韵律 yùnlù
the song has an infectious rhythm
infectious |In'fekJes| adjective
①Medicine 传染性的
chuánrǎnxing de<disease);患有传染病的 huà nyǒu chuánrǎnb¬ng de <person>
②figurative 富有感染力的 fùyǒu gǎnrǎnli de ‹laughter, emotion, idea>
3) Is it easy to learn music?
read music notes count rhythms
catchy |'kaetfi| adjective
易记的 yì jì de ‹tune, slogan>
rhyme |raim| A.noun
①Uncountable(between words)押韵 yāyùn a sense of rhyme 韵律感
②Countable(rhyming word)押韵词 yÃyÃncí (rhyming sound)韵脚 yùnjiǎo
can you think of a rhyme for‘orange'?
你能想出一个和 orange 押韵的词吗?
③Countable(poem,verse)押韵诗 vāvùnshī
④Uncountable(verse form)韵文 yùnwén
⑤rhyme or reason(sense)道理 dàolǐ(logic)条理 tiÃolǐ
there is no rhyme or reason to the way they work
他 们 的 工 作 方 式 毫 无 条 理 B.transitive verb 使 押 韵 shǐ yÃyùn rhymed verse 押 韵 诗
to rhyme [something] with[something]使…和…押韵
C.intransitive verb 押韵 yāyùn
that doesn't rhyme 那不押韵
i major in

I started learning the flute since i was a child

Hungarian |h^n'gearien| A.adjective
(of Hungary)匈牙利的
XiÃngyali de (of the people)
XiÃngyali de (of the people) 匈 牙 利 人 的 Xiōngyálirén de(of the language) 匈 牙 利 语 的
XiÃngyáliyǔ de B.noun
①Countable(person)匈牙利人 XiÃngyálirén
②Uncountable(language)匈牙利语 XiōngyÃliyǔ

4) Do you have music lessons at school?

Do you think music education is important to children?
Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
develop a child's brain in areas like memory and concentration
creativity, self-expression, and imagination
a sense of pride and accomplishment
09:32 19.8 KB/s 5G 4G+ 95
387 钟老师 ...
1) Do you like to eat cakes or other sweet foods?
have a sweet tooth
I enjoy a piece of cake every now and then.
It's everyone's comfort food.
昨天 15:55
2) Did you like to eat cakes as a child?
a material reward
reward |ri'wo:d| A.noun
①Countable and
uncountable(recompense)报偿 bà ochÃng
as a reward for [something]/ for doing [something] 作为某事/做某事的奖励 virtue is its
own reward 善行本身就是回报
fond memories
09:32 3.60 5G 4G+ 95
388 钟老师 ...
pocket money
sort of those feelings of being taken care of

昨天 15:59
Can you make cakes?
is good at making
have/has a knack for ...
i don't know how to make cakes
i don't need to know how to make cakes
09:33 0.40 KB/s 5G 4G+ 95
389 钟老师 ...
Do you like to have some desserts after meals?
dessert |di'z3:t| noun
(饭后)甜点(fàn h²u)tiándiǎn
calorie |'kaelari| noun
大卡 dÃkǎ
they're high in
tuck into desserts that are high in sugar or salt can make me feel kind of guilty
stay in shape
build up my body

昨天 16:16
09:33 KB/s 2.90 4G+ 95
390 钟老师 .
Is the city where you live crowded?
The population is ... million.
Commuters are packed like sardines.
sardine |sa:'di:n| noun
沙丁鱼 shādingyú
to be packed or squashed (in) like sardines 拥挤不堪
commuter |ke'mju:ta(r)| noun
[通勤者]远距离上下班往返的人 yuǎnjùlí shà ngxià ban wǎngfǎn de rén
rush hour
stay away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities
hustle and bustle 拥挤喧嚣
09:34 0.70 KB/s 5G 4G+ 94
391 钟老师 ...
hustle |'h∧sl|
A.transitive verb
①(force)推搡 tuisǎng
to hustle [somebody] into/ through/out of [something]将某人推进/推过/推出某处
"钟老师”撤回了一条消息 whose population is ... million.
The population is 1.4 million.
Commuters are packed like sardines in the subway during the rush hour,
3) Do you like crowded places?
put me on edge
phobia |'faubial noun
恐惧症 kǒngjùzhèng to have a phobia about[something]

i mean
I have a phobia about crowded places that can put me on edge
what's worse
get a headache, feel sick to my stomach or have an increased heartbeat

I really value peace and quiet.
i don't like these places
mainly because
Do most people like crowded places?
crowded |'kraudid| adjective
①(full of people) 拥 挤 的 yōngjǐ de <place); 人 满 为 患 的 rén mǎn wéi huà n de <earth,
to be crowded with tourists 挤满游客
②(cluttered)塞得满满的 sai de mǎnmǎn de <car park, display, head>
a room crowded with furniture 塞满家具的房间
my mind is crowded with useless facts
我的脑子里塞满了无用的事实③ (busy, full)排满的 pá¡imǎn de<schedule>; 忙碌的 má¡nglù
de<life, day)
that depends, it all depends 那得看情况
unbreathable |∧n'bri:ðebl| adjective
不宜吸入的 bù yí xīrù de <air>
living concert
football game
add the atmosphere
public transportation
packed |paekt| A.adjective
①(crowded)拥挤的 yōngjǐ de<hall, house>
packed out British colloquial 挤得水泄不通的
to be packed with people 挤满人

feel hard to breathe

uncomfortable |^n'kAmftebl, American -fart-| adjective
①(physically)不舒服的 bù
shufu de <shoes, clothes, bed> an uncomfortable journey/ temperature
令人不舒服的旅行/温度 to sit in an uncomfortable position
②(emotionally)不自在的 bù
zizai de <feeling); 不安的 bù'ān de <thought>
to make [somebody] (feel) uncomfortable
an uncomfortable silence 令人不安的寂静
to be uncomfortable about or with
对…感到不安<role, decision, situation, behaviour>
to be uncomfortable with[somebody]
I feel uncomfortable talking about it
When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
shopping street
shopping street during holidays
chock-a-block |,tjpka'blpk| adjective
(completely full)挤满的 jǐmǎn de (tightly packed)塞满的 sÃimǎn de
the town centre was
chock-a-block with traffic 市中心车水马龙
found it unbearable/disturbing/ frightening/
upsetting /annoying/irritating
disturbing |di'st3:bin| adjective
令人不安的 ling rén bù'ān de<news, event, film>
frightening |'frartnin| adjective
骇人的 hà i rén de <idea, sight,
incident, quantity>
that story is frightening 那个故事很恐怖
stampede |staem'pi:d| A.noun
①(rush of animals) 惊 跑 jīngpǎo②(rush of humans) 奔 逃 bentáo(sudden movement of
people)蜂拥 fēngyÃng ; figurative (of people doing the same thing)热潮 rècháo
there was a sudden stampede towards the exit 人们突然涌向出口
falling interest rates have led to a stampede to buy property 利率持续下降引发了一阵购房热 a
stampede for [something]做某事的热潮
Stampede events
Do you like singing? Why?
i major in the ...
i have a knack for
I'm a big fan of ...
have a gift for [something]/ doing [something]有某种/做某事的天赋
put me in a good mood
Have you ever learned how to sing?
to be honest
i haven't
付出 fÃchū<time, effort> to put in time/a lot of work doing [something]
he has put in an honest day's work
⑦ Finance 投入 tó³urù<money,

Who do you want to sing for?

gratitude |'graetitju:d, American -tu:d|
感激之情 gǎnjī zhī qíng to owe [somebody] a
deep debt of gratitude (for[something])
respect |ri'spekt| A.noun
①Uncountable and countable(admiration, politeness)尊敬 zūnjing mutual love and respect 互
standing by my side
be (solidly) behind [somebody](坚决)支持某人
he has no family behind him 他没有家人的支持

i wanna sing for my parents who are always behind me

Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?
release dopamine
cultivate my temperament
bright and cheerful strumming
If i were u, i would do ...
If i were a singer, i would
make more money
have many fans

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