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B K Sujatha
Professor and Head
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering department
Ramaiah Institute of Technology

Professor and Head of Department

Department of Horticulture
GKVK (Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra)
Hebbal ,Bengaluru,560024

Subject: Request for Tomato Nutrient Deficiency Dataset for Academic Research

Respected Professor,

I trust this letter finds you well. I am Dr. B K Sujatha, HOD of Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering .My students named Bharath Reddy K (1MS20ET013), Punith HM
(1MS21ET405) ,Parth Navale (1MS21ET403) and Punith SL (1MS21ET404), is currently engaged in a study
on tomato nutrient deficiency under the guidance of Dr. Arvind Kumar G,Assistant Professor Electronics
and Telecommunication Engineering department ,Ramaiah Institute of Technology, and after careful
consideration, we have identified the need for a comprehensive dataset on this subject.

Recognizing the esteemed reputation and expertise of the Department of Horticulture at GKVK, we
would like to request your support in providing access to a dataset on tomato nutrient deficiency

We are committed to the ethical conduct of our research and assure you that the dataset will be used
exclusively for academic purposes, adhering to all institutional guidelines.

If there are any formalities or documentation required to facilitate this request, please do let us know.
We appreciate your time and consideration of our proposal, and we believe that the collaboration
between our institutions will not only benefit our research project but also foster stronger ties between
our academic communities.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to a positive response.

Dr. B K Sujatha Signature of HOD
Professor and Head
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering department
Ramaiah Institute of Technology

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