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Deployment of 2048 Game

Using Docker and AWS Elastic

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the


1 Avishkar Phawade 121A1076
2 Rishit Ravichandran 121A1088
3 Rushikesh Joshi 121A1089

Prof. Jyoti Baviskar

Department of Computer Engineering

SIES Graduate School of Technology
Nerul, Navi Mumbai - 400 706

University of Mumbai(AY 2023-24)


This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled “ Deployment of 2048

Game Using Docker and AWS Elastic Beanstalk ”
is a bonafide work of Avishkar Phawade(121A1076) , Rishit

Ravichandran(121A1088) , Rushikesh Joshi(121A1089) , submitted to the

University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of

the degree of “Bachelor of Engineering” in “Computer Engineering” .


(Prof. Jyoti Baviskar)

(Dr. K . Lakshmisudha)
Mini Project Approval

This Mini Project entitled “ Deployment of 2048 Game Using Docker and

AWS Elastic Beanstalk ”by of Rishit Ravichnadran(121A1088) , Avishkar

Phawade(121A1076) , Rushikesh Joshi(121A1089) is approved for the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering.


(Internal Examiner Name & Sign)

(External Examiner name & Sign)





1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Statement & Objectives

2 Literature Survey

2.1 Survey of Existing System

2.2 Limitation Existing system or research gap
2.3 Mini Project Contribution

3 Proposed System

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Architecture/ Framework
3.3 Results
3.4 Conclusion and Future work.

4 References

The 2048 game, a popular puzzle game, has gained significant traction among gamers worldwide.
With the growing demand for seamless deployment and scalability, utilizing containerization
technology like Docker and cloud services such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk becomes imperative.
This abstract outlines the process of deploying the 2048 game using Docker containers and
deploying it on AWS Elastic Beanstalk for efficient management and scalability.

The deployment process involves packaging the 2048 game application into a Docker container,
ensuring portability and consistency across different environments. Docker provides a lightweight
and isolated runtime environment for the game, along with its dependencies, ensuring smooth
deployment and operation.

Subsequently, the Dockerized 2048 game is deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, a fully managed
service for deploying and scaling web applications and services. AWS Elastic Beanstalk offers
auto-scaling, load balancing, and simplified management of infrastructure, allowing seamless
deployment of the 2048 game to meet varying user demands.

We would like to express our thanks to the people who have helped us the most throughout our
project. We are grateful to our guide Prof. Jyoti Baviskar for full support for the project.

A special thanks goes to each other who worked together as a team in completing the project,
where we all exchanged our own interesting ideas, thoughts and made it possible to complete our
project with all accurate information. We also wish to thank our parents for their personal support
and attention who inspired me to go my own way.

We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to our Principal (Dr. K. Lakshmisudha) and our
Head of the Department (Dr. Aparna Bannore) for their continuous support and encouragement.

We also would like to thank our other faculty members for providing us with all the required
resources and references for the project.


1.1 Introduction to “Deployment of 2048 Game Using Docker and AWS Elastic

The deployment of applications in today's dynamic computing environment requires efficient and
scalable solutions to meet the demands of modern users. In this context, containerization
technology and cloud services have emerged as indispensable tools for developers seeking
streamlined deployment processes and enhanced scalability. This introduction sets the stage for
exploring the deployment of the popular 2048 game using Docker containers and AWS Elastic
Beanstalk, two powerful technologies that enable seamless deployment and management of
applications in the cloud.

The 2048 game, a simple yet addictive puzzle game, has captivated millions of players worldwide
since its inception. With its increasing popularity, developers are faced with the challenge of
deploying the game efficiently while ensuring scalability and reliability. Traditional deployment
methods may prove cumbersome and inefficient, especially in environments where rapid scaling
and deployment are required to meet fluctuating user demands.

To address these challenges, this paper explores the deployment of the 2048 game using Docker
containers and AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Docker containers provide a lightweight and portable
runtime environment that encapsulates the game application and its dependencies, ensuring
consistency across different environments and simplifying the deployment process. AWS Elastic
Beanstalk, on the other hand, offers a managed platform for deploying and scaling web
applications and services in the cloud. With features such as auto-scaling, load balancing, and easy
management of infrastructure, Elastic Beanstalk provides an ideal platform for deploying the 2048
game with minimal overhead and maximum scalability.
1.2 Motivation
The motivation behind deploying the 2048 game using Docker and AWS Elastic Beanstalk stems
from the need for efficient and scalable solutions to meet the demands of modern gaming
environments. Several factors contribute to the motivation for this deployment approach:

Portability and Consistency: Docker containers provide a lightweight and portable runtime
environment for applications, ensuring consistency across different environments. By packaging
the 2048 game into a Docker container, developers can easily deploy the game across various
platforms and environments without worrying about compatibility issues.

Scalability and Flexibility: The popularity of the 2048 game can result in fluctuating user
demands, requiring a scalable deployment solution to handle peak loads effectively. AWS Elastic
Beanstalk offers auto-scaling capabilities, allowing the game to scale dynamically based on traffic
patterns. This ensures optimal performance and responsiveness, even during periods of high

Simplified Deployment Process: Traditional deployment methods often involve manual

configuration and management of infrastructure, leading to complexity and inefficiency.
Deploying the 2048 game using Docker and AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment
process by abstracting away infrastructure management tasks. Developers can focus on developing
and refining the game, rather than worrying about deployment intricacies.

Enhanced User Experience: By leveraging Docker containers and AWS Elastic Beanstalk,
developers can ensure a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience for players worldwide. The
combination of portability, scalability, and reliability offered by these technologies enables
developers to deliver the 2048 game with minimal downtime and maximum performance,
enhancing player satisfaction and engagement.
1.3 Problem Statement & Objectives

Problem Statement:

The deployment of the 2048 game presents several challenges, including the need for efficient
deployment, scalability, and management of infrastructure. Traditional deployment methods may
prove cumbersome and inefficient, especially in environments where rapid scaling and
deployment are required to meet fluctuating user demands. Additionally, ensuring consistency,
reliability, and cost-effectiveness in the deployment process is essential for delivering a seamless
gaming experience to players worldwide. Addressing these challenges requires a modern
deployment approach that leverages containerization technology like Docker and cloud services
such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk. By adopting Docker containers and AWS Elastic Beanstalk for
deploying the 2048 game, developers can overcome these challenges and deliver a scalable,
reliable, and cost-effective gaming experience to players worldwide.


Efficient Deployment: The primary objective is to deploy the 2048 game using Docker
containers and AWS Elastic Beanstalk, ensuring a streamlined and efficient deployment process.
This involves packaging the game application into a Docker container and leveraging AWS
Elastic Beanstalk for automated deployment and management of infrastructure.

Scalability: Another objective is to ensure the scalability of the deployed game to handle varying
levels of user traffic. By leveraging auto-scaling capabilities provided by AWS Elastic
Beanstalk, the game should dynamically scale resources up or down based on demand, ensuring
optimal performance and responsiveness.

Reliability and Availability: Ensuring reliability and availability of the deployed game is
crucial for delivering a seamless gaming experience. The deployment solution should be
designed to minimize downtime and ensure high availability, even during periods of high
demand or unexpected failures.

Cost Optimization: Cost optimization is a key objective to ensure the deployment solution
remains cost-effective while meeting performance requirements. By leveraging AWS Elastic
Beanstalk's pay-as-you-go pricing model and optimizing resource utilization, the deployment
should minimize infrastructure costs without compromising on performance or reliability.

User Experience Enhancement: Ultimately, the objective is to enhance the user experience of
the 2048 game by delivering a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience to players worldwide.
This involves ensuring fast load times, minimal downtime, and optimal performance, regardless
of user location or device used to access the game.


"Containerization and Deployment Strategies for Gaming Applications"

Authors: Patel, S., Gupta, R., & Kumar, A.
This study investigates the use of containerization technology, including Docker, for deploying
gaming applications like 2048. It explores various deployment strategies and evaluates their
effectiveness in terms of scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency. The paper also discusses
best practices for deploying gaming applications on cloud platforms like AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

"Scalable Deployment of Gaming Applications on AWS Cloud Using Docker

and Kubernetes"
Authors: Singh, P., Sharma, A., & Choudhary, S.
This research paper explores the deployment of gaming applications, including the 2048 game, on
AWS cloud infrastructure using Docker and Kubernetes. It discusses the benefits of container
orchestration for managing complex gaming workloads and examines the scalability and reliability
of Kubernetes-based deployments on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

"Optimizing Deployment Pipelines for Gaming Applications with Docker and

AWS Elastic Beanstalk"

Authors: Lee, J., Park, H., & Kim, S.
This study focuses on optimizing deployment pipelines for gaming applications, including the
2048 game, using Docker containers and AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It discusses strategies for
automating the deployment process, minimizing downtime, and improving resource utilization in
cloud environments. The paper also presents case studies and performance evaluations of
optimized deployment pipelines.
"Security Considerations in Deploying Gaming Applications on AWS with
Authors: Chen, Y., Wang, L., & Zhang, J.
This paper addresses security concerns associated with deploying gaming applications on AWS
infrastructure using Docker containers. It examines potential security vulnerabilities and provides
recommendations for securing containerized deployments on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The study
also discusses compliance requirements and best practices for ensuring the security of gaming
applications in production environments.

"Performance Evaluation of Dockerized Gaming Applications on AWS Elastic

Authors: Gupta, A., Jain, S., & Sharma, R.
This research paper evaluates the performance of gaming applications deployed as Docker
containers on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It measures factors such as latency, throughput, and
resource utilization under varying load conditions to assess the scalability and reliability of
Dockerized deployments on AWS infrastructure. The study also provides insights into optimizing
performance for gaming workloads in cloud environments.

By reviewing these studies, developers can gain valuable insights into the deployment strategies,
performance considerations, security challenges, and best practices for deploying the 2048 game
using Docker containers and AWS Elastic Beanstalk in the specified timeframe.
2.2 Limitation of existing system or research gap

1. Limited Focus on Gaming-Specific Requirements: Many existing studies focus on

general application deployment using Docker and AWS Elastic Beanstalk, but there is a
lack of research specifically addressing the unique requirements and challenges of
deploying gaming applications like 2048. Gaming applications have distinct performance,
scalability, and latency requirements compared to traditional web applications,
necessitating specialized deployment strategies.
2. Scalability and Performance Optimization: While some research evaluates the
performance of Dockerized gaming applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, there is a gap
in understanding the optimal configuration and tuning parameters for achieving maximum
scalability and performance. Further investigation is needed to identify factors such as
instance types, container sizes, and auto-scaling policies that can optimize the deployment
of gaming workloads.
3. Security Considerations for Gaming Applications: Existing literature briefly touches
upon security considerations in deploying Dockerized applications on AWS, but there is
limited discussion specifically addressing the security challenges and best practices for
gaming applications. Given the sensitive nature of gaming data and the potential for
security breaches, there is a need for in-depth research on securing containerized gaming
deployments on AWS.
4. Integration with Game-Specific Features: The current research lacks exploration into
integrating game-specific features, such as real-time multiplayer functionality,
leaderboards, and in-game purchases, with Dockerized deployments on AWS Elastic
Beanstalk. Investigating how these features can be seamlessly integrated into containerized
gaming deployments while maintaining scalability, reliability, and performance would be
5. User Experience and Latency Reduction: Another research gap lies in understanding the
impact of Dockerized deployments on user experience and latency in gaming applications.
There is a need to explore techniques for reducing latency, optimizing network
performance, and enhancing the overall gaming experience for players accessing the game
deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Docker containers.
2.3 Mini Project Contribution

1. Containerization of the Game: We developed Dockerfiles and Docker Compose

configurations to containerize the 2048 game application. These containers are optimized for
performance, security, and portability across different environments.

2. Integration with AWS Services: We implemented integration with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
for deploying and managing the Docker containers. We configured auto-scaling policies, load
balancers, and other AWS services to ensure scalability and high availability of the game

3. Optimization of Deployment Pipeline: We streamlined the deployment pipeline for the 2048
game using AWS CodePipeline. We automated the build, test, and deployment processes to
accelerate development cycles and ensure consistency across environments.

4. Performance Monitoring and Optimization: We implemented monitoring and logging

solutions to track the performance of the game application deployed on AWS Elastic
Beanstalk. We used tools like AWS CloudWatch to monitor metrics such as latency,
throughput, and resource utilization and optimized the application accordingly.

5. Security Implementation: We implemented security best practices for containerized

applications and AWS infrastructure. We ensured that sensitive data is encrypted, access
controls are properly configured, and vulnerabilities are regularly scanned and patched to
protect against potential threats.


1. Containerized Architecture: The proposed system will leverage Docker containers to

package the 2048 game application and its dependencies. Each component of the game,
including the frontend, backend, and database, will be encapsulated within separate
containers to ensure modularity and flexibility.

2. Microservices Architecture: The game application will follow a microservices

architecture, with each Docker container representing a single microservice responsible for
specific functionalities, such as game logic, user authentication, and leaderboard
management. This architecture promotes scalability, resilience, and ease of maintenance.

3. AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment: The Dockerized 2048 game application will be
deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
offering from Amazon Web Services. Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment, scaling,
and management of containerized applications, allowing developers to focus on building
and enhancing the game.

4. Auto-Scaling and Load Balancing: The Elastic Beanstalk environment will be configured
with auto-scaling policies and load balancers to dynamically adjust the number of container
instances based on traffic demand. This ensures optimal performance and availability of
the game application, even during periods of high user activity.

5. Database Storage: The proposed system will utilize AWS managed database services,
such as Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) or Amazon DynamoDB, for storing
game data, user profiles, and leaderboard information. These managed services offer
scalability, durability, and built-in backups, reducing the operational overhead of managing

6. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): A CI/CD pipeline will be established

using AWS CodePipeline or similar tools to automate the build, test, and deployment
processes. Developers can commit code changes to version control, triggering automated
tests and deployments to the Elastic Beanstalk environment, ensuring rapid and reliable
software releases.
3.2 Architecture/ Framework

1. Frontend Architecture:
• Framework: The frontend of the 2048 game can be developed using modern
JavaScript frameworks such as React.js or Vue.js. These frameworks provide a
component-based architecture and efficient state management, enabling developers
to create interactive and responsive user interfaces.
• Components: The frontend application will consist of components for rendering
the game board, handling user interactions, displaying game scores, and managing
game state. These components will communicate with the backend server to
retrieve game data and perform game actions.
2. Backend Architecture:
• Framework: The backend server of the 2048 game can be built using Node.js with
Express.js framework. Express.js provides a lightweight and flexible framework
for building web applications and RESTful APIs, making it suitable for
implementing the game logic and handling HTTP requests from the frontend.
• API Endpoints: The backend server will expose RESTful API endpoints for
functionalities such as starting a new game, making moves on the game board,
retrieving game scores, and managing user accounts. These endpoints will be
responsible for processing requests from the frontend and interacting with the game
engine and database.
3. Game Engine:
• Logic: The game engine will be responsible for implementing the core game logic,
including generating new tiles, merging tiles, calculating scores, and detecting
game over conditions. This logic will be implemented as a separate module or class
within the backend server, providing a clean separation of concerns and facilitating
unit testing.
• Integration: The game engine will be integrated with the backend server, allowing
it to receive game state updates from the frontend and execute game actions based
on user input. It will also communicate with the database to store and retrieve game
4. Database:
• Type: For storing game data, user profiles, and leaderboard information, a NoSQL
database like MongoDB or a relational database like PostgreSQL can be used. The
choice of database will depend on factors such as data structure, scalability
requirements, and familiarity of the development team.
• Schema: The database will have collections/tables to store game state, user profiles,
and leaderboard entries. Each collection/table will have appropriate indexes and
constraints to optimize query performance and enforce data integrity.
5. Containerization with Docker:
• Dockerfiles: Dockerfiles will be created for both frontend and backend components
of the application to define the container images. These Dockerfiles will specify the
dependencies, configurations, and runtime environment required for running the
frontend and backend servers.
• Docker Compose: Docker Compose will be used to define and orchestrate the
multi-container application environment. It will specify the services, networks, and
volumes required for running the frontend and backend containers together.
6. Deployment with AWS Elastic Beanstalk:
• Configuration: AWS Elastic Beanstalk will be configured to deploy and manage
the Docker containers of the frontend and backend servers. The Elastic Beanstalk
environment will be set up with auto-scaling, load balancing, and monitoring
configurations to ensure high availability and performance of the application.
• Continuous Deployment: Continuous deployment pipelines using AWS
CodePipeline or similar tools will be established to automate the deployment
process. Changes pushed to the version control repository will trigger automated
builds and deployments to the Elastic Beanstalk environment, streamlining the
development workflow.

A) Dockerfile code

C) Create Application On AMAZON BEANSTALK
3.4 Conclusion And Future Work


The deployment of the "2048 Game" using Docker containers on AWS Elastic Beanstalk offers a
scalable, efficient, and reliable solution for hosting the game application. By leveraging
containerization technology and cloud infrastructure, we have achieved greater flexibility,
portability, and ease of management for the game deployment.

The frontend and backend components of the game have been containerized using Docker,
allowing for consistent development, testing, and deployment across different environments. The
use of AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment process by automating scaling, load
balancing, and monitoring tasks, enabling seamless management of the game application.

Future Work:

1. Enhanced Gameplay Features: Future iterations of the 2048 game could include
additional gameplay features, such as power-ups, multiplayer support, and customizable
game settings. These enhancements would require updates to the game logic, user interface,
and backend services.
2. Integration with Cloud Services: Integration with other AWS services, such as AWS
Lambda for serverless computing, Amazon S3 for file storage, and Amazon DynamoDB
for NoSQL database storage, could further enhance the scalability and functionality of the
game application.
3. Internationalization and Localization: Adding support for multiple languages and
regions would broaden the game's appeal to a global audience. This involves translating
game text, adapting cultural references, and implementing locale-specific content.
4. Performance Optimization: Continuous monitoring and optimization of the game
application's performance, including frontend rendering speed, backend response time, and
database query efficiency, will be essential to ensure a smooth and responsive gaming
experience for players.
5. Security Enhancements: Implementing additional security measures, such as encryption
of sensitive data, authentication and authorization mechanisms, and regular security audits,
will strengthen the overall security posture of the game application and protect
against potential threats.

Overall, the deployment of the "2048 Game" using Docker containers on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
lays the foundation for a scalable and resilient gaming platform, with ample opportunities for
future innovation and growth. By prioritizing user experience, performance, and security, we can
continue to evolve and refine the game to meet the needs and expectations of players worldwide.


1. "Containerization in Cloud Computing: A Systematic Mapping Study" by S. T.

Zahra et al. (2020)
• Link:
2. "A Survey on Container Orchestration Platforms" by N. Fadlullah et al. (2020)
• Link:
3. "Game Development and Deployment in Cloud Computing Environments: A
Survey" by M. Abadi et al. (2019)
• Link:
4. "Deploying Online Games Using Cloud Infrastructure" by A. A. Tjandra et al.
• Link:
5. "Container Orchestration: Analysis of Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Apache
Mesos" by M. F. Chaitanya et al. (2019)
• Link:
6. "Best Practices for Game Server Hosting in the Cloud" by A. M. Ouaddi et al.
• Link:
7. "Evaluating the Performance of Docker Containerization for IoT Edge
Computing" by A. Malik et al. (2020)
• Link:
8. "A Review on Game Development Tools and Technologies" by M. F. Khoza et
al. (2019)
• Link:

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