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1. What are some potential risks involved in germline alterations?

A. Reversibility of alterations
B. Enhanced heterozygosity
C. Increase in genetic diversity
D. Decrease in genetic pool

2. What shifts the paradigm from therapeutic legitimacy to therapeutic benefit in genetic editing?
A. Genetic diversity
B. Informed consent
C. Patient autonomy
D. Embryo utilization

3. What new gene editing modality made it possible to modify the germline of humans for the first
A. Zinc finger nucleases
B. CAR T-cells

4. What is the potential impact of genetic interference on human nature?

A. It improves freedom of choice
B. It enhances human nature
C. It alters the very essence of human nature
D. It has no impact on human nature

5. What is the main concern when identifying the efficaciousness of new gene editing techniques?
A. Popularity
B. Accessibility
C. Cost-effectiveness
D. Safety

6. What must be identified in individual cases to legitimize a treatment protocol?

A. Therapeutic benefit
B. Informed consent
C. Genetic diversity
D. Therapeutic legitimacy

7. What is the theological perspective on the goal of science in helping humankind?

A. To discourage medical research
B. To hinder scientific advancements
C. To cooperate with mankind
D. To limit scientific progress

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