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Chapter 1.

“An Odd Night”

It was quite an odd day for me, Linnora Starhunt. Just to think that just 2 weeks ago I was a
normal and ordinary 12-year-old. It all started as a normal day at school, I was in my English
class taking notes of what my teacher, Ms. Enger was saying. Ms. Enger was a very good
teacher who could make anyone eager to learn. She was my favourite teacher.
Suddenly, I heard an odd soft voice in my head, “Ms. Starhunt, I would like to meet you at 8
P.M. tomorrow night at Night Star Café. I will be waiting at the table in the far-right corner.”
I blinked. Everyone was staring at me.

“Linnora, is something wrong dear?”, Asked Ms. Enger

“Umm…No. Sorry, Ms. Enger”, I Apologized.

After that I couldn’t concentrate on what the teacher was saying. I was very confused. After
hours of thinking, I concluded that I was probably imagining the voice and wouldn’t go. But I
was nevertheless curious. I was still confused, so I decided to do what I always did when I
was in doubt. I decided to call Sara when I got home.

Sara had been my best friend for the past 10 years now. Our moms, who were both dentists,
became friends at their workplace. So Sara and I went on loads of playdates together. When
we were old enough, we enrolled in the same school, and we’ve been best friends ever since.
Sara was my therapist; I talked to her about everything, which is exactly why called her when
I got home.

“Are you 100% sure you heard something?”, Asked Sara.

“I don’t know! I think so, but I’m not sure!”, I replied.

“Ok. Well, tell you what. You and I can go for a walk together and if we do see someone
there then we’ll go in, See what they want and leave.”, Said Sara .

At least Sara believed me. I knew she would, but I was worried.

“What if something goes wrong?! What if someone is there but to kidnap me?!”, I said. Was I
going crazy?

“Well if you look at it that way… What if we tell your mom? You know you can trust her.
She’ll know exactly what to do. If she says you shouldn’t go, you can tell her why you want
to go and she’ll probably respect your wishes.”

“Ok then, I’ll ask her tomorrow morning and then I’ll call you.”

“Ok. Bye.”

Chapter 2 “Arazole”

Sara and I burst out in a fit of laughter.

“You’re joking right?”, Lin asked Joan.

Joan and her mom looked dead serious. Lin started getting nervous. How could she, a clumsy
class clown high school girl, be an heir to a throne in a kingdom.

“I’m sorry love, she’s not joking.”, said her mom in a hushed tone.

“Wait, but…Arazole isn’t even a real place.”, said Sara. Sara loved geography so much, in
fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s by hearted all the names of all the states in every country
of the world map.

“Oh, It’s a very real place, ask Mrs. Starhunt here.”, Said Joan.

“How would my mom know?”, I asked.

“I know because I’ve been there many times.”, Said mom.

“What? Why!?”

“Calm down, love.”, mom placed a hand on top of mine. “I go there once every month to
meet my husband, your father, King Arthur.”

“What?! What do you mean?! You told me he left!”

“For your own safety, baby. We decided it was better for you if I told you when you were
mature enough. We were discussing it last month but I didn’t think it would be so sudden.”,
revealed mom.

“So you purposely kept me away from my father,”, I was getting mad , “Purposely didn’t tell
me he was a king and purposely didn’t tell me that I was heir to a freaking kingdom?!’

“Calm down, Lin”, said Joan.

I had completely forgotten about Sara and Joan. I was too mad at mom to think clearly. And I
had all the rights to be mad. I thought dad didn’t like me and thought I was too bad of a
daughter to father so he left.

“So what now? Why did you guys tell me all this?” I asked hotly.

“We told you because now your father has requested that you come to visit him and see if
you would like to settle there. You are allowed 2 visitors other then your mother.”, instructed

“What? When?” I asked.

“Tomorrow, it’s a Saturday so I assume you’ll be free?”

“Tomorrow?! What should I pack?”, Asked Lin

Joan chuckled slightky,

“Just wearing a nice dress and appearing at the station on time will do.”


“Well I better be off then, your father will be oh so happy to see you!”

“Ok, See you tomorrow.”

“Yes, you too.”

And with that, she left.

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