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'Not fear, but hope'

David in this very powerful speech informs and reminds us of our future on Earth being destroyed just
because we are living carelessly and not taking climate change as serious as we should.

We’re just living life right now. Tomorrow? What is Tomorrow? If we for a second, glimpse into the
future, we would see people suffering from the thoughtless decisions we are making right now. If you
don't care about your self, then care for your family, or for your future family. They are the ones that
will be affected the most.

I loved his speech and I think that it is something everyone should hear. I completely agree with his
perspective and the solutions he suggested. Nature is the key ally.

Is this how our story is due to end? A tale of the smartest species doomed by that all too human
characteristic of failing to see the bigger picture in pursuit of short term goals. We’re going to have to
learn together, how to achieve this, ensuring none are left behind. We must use this opportunity to
create a more equal world and our motivation should not be fear, but hope. We need to not just talk
about what we can do, but to do what we can.

What I would do to help prevent the fate we are doomed with is conserve water, meaning I would try
cutting back on my long showers, I would use LED bulbs as they use less energy and turn off the lights
when I don’t need them.

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