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MRS liberty albag MARCH 10 2024


The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, has been a contentious issue for centuries,

sparking debates on morality, justice, and its effectiveness as a deterrent to crime. While some

argue that it serves as a necessary tool for justice and deterrence, others believe it is inherently

unethical and fails to address the root causes of crime. In this essay, we will explore both sides of

the argument surrounding the death penalty to determine whether it has a rightful place in

modern society. Supporters of the death penalty often argue that it serves as a form of justice,

especially in cases of heinous crimes such as murder. They believe that imposing the ultimate

punishment on offenders sends a clear message that society will not tolerate such egregious acts,

thus providing closure and a sense of justice for victims and their families. Additionally,

proponents assert that the death penalty acts as a deterrent, dissuading potential offenders from

committing similar crimes out of fear of facing the same fate. Conversely, opponents of the death

penalty raise several compelling arguments against its use. Firstly, they argue that it is a violation

of human rights, as it involves taking the life of another individual, regardless of their actions.

Moreover, the application of the death penalty has been marred by issues of racial and

socioeconomic bias, with marginalized groups disproportionately sentenced to death.

Additionally, there is a risk of executing innocent individuals due to flaws in the justice system,

leading to irreversible miscarriages of justice.In conclusion, the debate over the death penalty

remains highly contentious, with valid arguments on both sides of the issue. While proponents

view it as a necessary form of justice and deterrence, opponents highlight its ethical and practical

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