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Low FODMAP Cookbook

1200+ days of quick & simple low-fat recipes | 28-

day diet and workout plan to get active and start
a new lifestyle
Low FODMAP Cookbook
Why is it famous and how does it work?
Why you should start the Low FODMAP diet?
Foods Allowed In Low FODMAP Diet
Foods Banned in In Low FODMAP Diet
The low FODMAP diet is a nutritional approach that has been
shown to be quite effective in reducing symptoms of irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS). The diet is based on the premise that
certain types of carbohydrates are difficult for the digestive
system to break down, leading to fermentation and the
production of gas. The low FODMAP diet is designed to
minimize the intake of these carbohydrates, specifically those
known as FODMAPs. While the diet does not eliminate all
sources of carbohydrates, it can significantly reduce the
amount of fermentable carbs that are consumed. This, in
turn, can help to reduce symptoms of IBS, such as bloating,
abdominal pain, and diarrhea. The low FODMAP diet is not a
proper cure for IBS, but it can be an efficient way to manage
symptoms and improve quality of life.
This diet is is used to help reduce symptoms associated with
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The diet focuses on avoiding
"trigger" foods that contain high levels of certain
carbohydrates called fermentable oligosaccharides,
disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These
carbohydrates are not well absorbed by the gut and can cause
bloating, abdominal pain, gas and diarrhea in people with IBS.
While the diet may initially seem restrictive, there are many
delicious Low FODMAP recipes available that can help you
stick to the diet long-term. With a little planning, the Low
FODMAP diet can help you enjoy your meals without
Low FODMAP Cookbook
For those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the
Low FODMAP diet can be a godsend. FODMAPs are a type of
carbohydrate that is poorly absorbed by the gut, and they are
found in many common foods such as wheat, dairy, and
onions. The Low FODMAP diet eliminates these foods in order
to reduce symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
However, this does not mean that you cannot enjoy all of your
favorite foods. With a little creativity, it is possible to make
delicious low FODMAP meals that are nutritious and satisfying.
A low FODMAP cookbook is a book of recipes that are suitable for
people who need to limit their intake of foods high in
fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides,
monosaccharides, and polyols. The recipes in a low FODMAP
cookbook are designed to be gentle on the digestive system,
and many of them are also gluten-free. While a low FODMAP
diet can be challenging to follow, there are many delicious
recipes that can make it easier. From hearty stews to light
salads, a low FODMAP cookbook has something for everyone.
So if you are looking for an effective way to make your
digestion less sensitive, why not give this low FODMAP
cookbook a try? You might just be surprised by how much you
enjoy it.

Why is it famous and how does it work?

The low FODMAP diet is gaining popularity in recent years due to
its effectiveness in treating gastrointestinal disorders. The diet
is based on the premise that certain carbohydrates can trigger
gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, abdominal pain,
and diarrhea. by restricting the consumption of these
carbohydrates, known as FODMAPs, the diet can provide relief
for those with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. In
addition, the diet can also be beneficial for those with
inflammatory bowel disease and other digestive disorders.
While the low FODMAP diet can be restrictive, it is often
recommended by doctors as an effective way to manage
gastrointestinal symptoms. For those looking for relief from
digestive issues, the low FODMAP diet may be worth
The Low FODMAP diet is gaining popularity for its potential to
relieve digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, and abdominal
pain. But what exactly is this diet, and how does it work?
FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides
And Polyols. These are all different types of carbohydrates
that are absorbed poorly in the small intestine. After reaching
the large intestine, they are fermented by bacteria, which can
lead to the production of gas and other digestive symptoms.
The Low FODMAP diet involves eliminating foods high in these
fermentable carbs. This allows the gut bacteria to rebalance,
and can help to reduce digestive symptoms. The diet is
divided into two phases: elimination and reintroduction.
During the elimination phase, all high-FODMAP food
components are removed from the diet. This includes
common trigger foods like wheat, dairy, onions, garlic, and
beans. The reintroduction phase is then conducted to slowly
add back in certain foods to see what you can tolerate without
experiencing symptoms.
A growing body of research is quite supportive towards the use
of the Low FODMAP diet for managing digestive symptoms. If
you're struggling with digestive issues, talk to your physician
or a registered dietitian about whether this diet could be right
for you.

Low FODMAP diet is a quite effective way to manage the
symptoms of IBS, as well as other digestive disorders. While
the diet may seem restrictive at first, there are many benefits
to following a low FODMAP diet. Here are 10 benefits of
following a low FODMAP diet:
Relief from IBS symptoms
The low FODMAP diet has been shown as an effective way to
reduce the symptoms of IBS, including abdominal pain,
bloating, and diarrhea.
Improvement in gut health
A low FODMAP diet can improve gut health by reducing
inflammation and promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.
Weight loss
Following a low FODMAP diet can help you lose extra weight by
reducing bloating and improving digestion.
Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
A low FODMAP diet can highly reduce the risk of cardiovascular
disease by reducing inflammation and improving gut health.
Improved energy levels
Many people following a low FODMAP diet report increased
energy levels due to improved gut health and nutrient
Improved skin health
The low FODMAP diet can improve skin health by reducing
inflammation and promoting detoxification.
Improved mental health
The low FODMAP diet can improve mental health by reducing
inflammation and improving gut health.
Reduced risk of cancer
The low FODMAP diet can reduce the risk of cancer by reducing
inflammation and improving gut health.
Improved fertility
The low FODMAP diet can improve fertility by reducing
inflammation and promoting hormonal balance.
Improved sleep quality
The low FODMAP diet can improve sleep quality by reducing
inflammation and promoting detoxification.
Indicator of food triggers
Finally, following the Low FODMAP diet is a great way to discover
which foods trigger your digestive symptoms so that you can
avoid them in the future.

Why you should start the Low FODMAP diet?

The low FODMAP diet is gaining popularity as more and more
people realize the benefits it can have for gut health. The diet
eliminates high-FODMAP foods, which are known to contribute
to digestive issues like bloating, gas, and irritable bowel
syndrome. While the diet may initially seem restrictive, there
are actually a lot of delicious and healthy recipes that fit
within the guidelines. The low FODMAP cookbook is a great
resource for anyone looking to try the diet. It includes over
100 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, all of
which are easy to make and incredibly delicious. Whether
you're looking to improve your gut health or simply want to
try something new, the low FODMAP cookbook is a great place
to start.
Foods Allowed In Low FODMAP Diet
The low FODMAP diet is a specific dietary protocol that is utilized
to help manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other
digestive disorders. The diet works by avoiding high FODMAP
foods, which are believed to trigger symptoms in sensitive
individuals. While the list of allowed foods may seem
restrictive initially, there are plenty of delicious and nutrient-
rich options to choose from. For example, meats, poultry, and
fish are all permitted on the diet, as long as they are cooked
without high FODMAP ingredients like garlic or onion.
Additionally, most fruits and vegetables are also safe to eat,
with a few notable exceptions like apricots, mushrooms, and
artichokes. For those with a sweet tooth, there are still plenty
of options available, including some types of chocolate, honey,
and using approved sweeteners in baking recipes. With a little
creativity and careful meal planning, following a low FODMAP
diet can be both delicious and nutritious.

Foods Banned in In Low FODMAP Diet

If you suffer from IBS, you may have heard of the low FODMAP
diet. This diet eliminates foods that contain high amounts of
fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides,
monosaccharides, and polyols, which are all types of
carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest. While the low
FODMAP diet can be effective for reducing symptoms, it can
also be restrictive, since it eliminates many common foods.
Here is a list of some foods that are banned on the low
FODMAP diet:
• Wheat
• Barley
• Rye
• Oats
• Milk
• Yogurt
• Cheese
• Ice cream
• Bread
• Pasta
• Rice
• Beans
• Lentils
• Garlic
• Onion
• Artichoke
• Cauliflower
• Mushrooms
While this list may seem daunting, there are still plenty of
delicious as well as nutritious foods that you can enjoy on a
low FODMAP diet. With a little bit of creativity and effort, you
can find recipes that fit your needs and help you stick to your



Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 15 mins.|Serves: 1

 1 packet frozen acai berry puree

 1 banana, cut into chunks
 ½ C. strawberries
 ½ C. blueberries
 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
 ¼ banana, sliced
 2 sliced strawberries
 ¼ C. fresh blueberries
 ¼ C. your favourite granola (gluten free if needed)
 ½ tbsp. natural peanut butter

1. Take a blender and add all acai bowl ingredients except

for toppings. Blend well.
2. Transfer this mixture in a bowl, top with toppings and

Per Serving:
Calories: 334| Fat: 13.9g| Carbs: 50.1g| Fiber: 10.2g| Protein:


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 3

 ½ C. blueberries
 ½ C. raspberries
 2 tbsp. maple syrup
 1 C. unsweetened almond milk
 ½ C. mashed banana from 1 large
 2 tbsp. almond butter
 ½ tsp. vanilla extract
 1/8 tsp. sea salt
 1 C. rolled oats
 ¼ C. chia seeds

1. Take a pan and add raspberries, blueberries, 2 tbsp. water

along with maple syrup.
2. Place the pan over medium heat and let the mixture come
to simmer. Let simmer for 5 more minutes stirring
3. Take a bowl and add all other ingredients in it. Mix well.
4. Top this mixture with berry sauce and refrigerate
overnight before use.

Per Serving:
Calories: 266| Fat: 9.3g| Carbs: 41.9g| Fiber: 6.7g| Protein:


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 tbsp. olive oil

 8 eggs
 ¼ C. unsweetened cashew milk
 1/8 tsp. salt
 1/8 tsp. pepper
 ¼ C. cheese, shredded
 ¼ C. dill, chopped
 ¼ C. bacon, chopped
 ¼ C. green onion, chopped
 ½ C. cherry tomatoes, sliced
 1 C. fresh spinach

1. Turn on the oven and preheat to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Take a bowl and add eggs, milk, dill, cheese and whisk
really well.
3. Take a skillet, grease it and place over medium heat.
4. Add in tomatoes, bacon, spinach, spring onions and sauté
for 3-4 minutes.
5. Pour in the eggs mixture in the pan. Stir well to mix it
with all ingredients.
6. Cook for 2 minutes, now place the skillet in oven and bake
for 10 minutes.
7. Once baked, serve and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 243| Fat: 18.1g| Carbs: 4.2g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 16.9g

Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 2
 2 ½ C. unsweetened almond milk
 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
 2 tbsp. pure maple syrup
 ½ tbsp. cinnamon
 ½ C. chia seeds
 ½ C. frozen mixed berries
 1 tbsp. pure maple syrup

1. Take a bowl and add all ingredients in it. Mix well.

2. Refrigerate overnight and before serving, add berries,
maple syrup on top and enjoy yummy pudding!

Per Serving:
Calories: 114| Fat: 4.5g| Carbs: 17.7g| Fiber: 2.2g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 12
 10 eggs
 ½ C. coconut milk
 1 C. chopped chicken sausage
 ½ C. chopped vegetables (any you like)
 1 tsp. salt
 ½ tsp. pepper

1. Turn on the oven and preheat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Take a muffin tray and grease it with cooking spray.
3. In a bowl add milk, eggs, salt, pepper and whisk really
4. Add in all remaining ingredients and mix well.
5. Pour the mixture in the muffin tray and bake for 20
6. Once baked, let cool for 5 minutes and take them out.
7. Serve and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 83| Fat: 6.4g| Carbs: 1.4g| Fiber: 0.3g| Protein: 5.4g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.| Serves: 4
 ½ C. chia seeds
 2 C. almond milk
 3 tsp. vanilla extract
 2 tbsp. maple syrup

1. Take a bowl and add all ingredients in it.

2. Set it aside and after 5 minutes, whisk well.
3. Refrigerate for an hour before serving.
4. Top with berries and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 312| Fat: 28.7g| Carbs: 13.8g| Fiber: 2.7g| Protein:

Prep Time: 2 mins.| Cook Time: 5 mins.| Serves: 4
 2 large eggs
 1 tbsp. unsweetened almond milk
 ¼ tsp. cinnamon
 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract
 1 tbsp. olive oil
 4 slices gluten-free bread
 Fresh Berries for toppings

1. Take a bowl and add milk, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla extract.

Whisk well.
2. Take a non-stick pan, grease it with butter and place it
over medium heat.
3. Dip slice of bread in milk mixture and place it on pan.
Cook for 2 minutes each side. Repeat until all slices
4. Served with berries and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 149| Fat: 7.2g| Carbs: 14g| Fiber: 2.3g| Protein: 7.5g

Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.| Serves: 1
 ¾ C. blueberries
 ¼ avocado
 ½ banana
 ½ tsp. cinnamon
 2 large dates, pitted
 3/4 C. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
 1 scoop vanilla plant protein

1. Merge all the ingredients in a blender and blend until

2. Pour into a serving glass and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 427| Fat: 13.7g| Carbs: 57.4g| Fiber: 13.2g| Protein:


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 60 mins.| Serves: 2
 2 medium sweet potatoes
 2/3 C. non-dairy milk
 2 tbsp. ground flax
 1 tbsp. seed butter
 2 tsp. vanilla extract
 1 tsp. cinnamon
 Pinch of salt

1. Turn on the oven and preheat to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Take a baking dish, grease it and place potatoes in it.
Bake for 60 minutes.
3. Once baked take out the potatoes, let them cool and peel
their skin off.
4. Take a bowl and add remaining ingredients in it and mix
5. Mash the potatoes and add in the bowl mixture. Mix well.
6. Warm the mixture about a minute in the microwave and

Per Serving:
Calories: 156| Fat: 9.5g| Carbs: 11.3g| Fiber: 5g| Protein: 7g

Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.| Serves: 2

 1 C. unsweetened almond milk

 1 frozen banana
 1 C. frozen mango
 2 C. spinach
 1 tsp. spirulina powder
 ½ C. natural orange juice
 ½ C. oat milk
 ½ tsp. almond butter

1. Merge all the ingredients in a blender and blend until

2. Pour into a serving glass and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 217| Fat: 5.5g| Carbs: 41.4g| Fiber: 5.1g| Protein:


Prep Time: 2 hours.| Cook Time: 0 mins.| Serves: 2

 ¼ C. chia seeds
 1¼ C. unsweetened coconut milk
 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
 2 tbsp. pure maple syrup
 1 tsp. matcha green tea powder

1. Take a bowl and add all ingredients in it. Mix well.

2. Refrigerate overnight and before serving, add berries,
maple syrup on top and enjoy yummy pudding!

Per Serving:
Calories: 346| Fat: 28.8g| Carbs: 24.8g| Fiber: 3.8g| Protein:

Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.| Serves: 1
 ½ C. almond milk
 6 strawberries
 1 tsp. chia seeds
 ½ tbsp. maple syrup
 1 tsp. lemon juice
 ¼ tsp. vanilla extract

1. Merge all the ingredients in a blender and blend until

2. Pour into a serving glass and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 334| Fat: 29.2g| Carbs: 19.6g| Fiber: 4.4g| Protein:


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 40 mins.| Serves: 2
 1 C. blueberries and raspberries
 1 C. strawberries
 2 tbsp. cornstarch
 2 tbsp. water
 2 tbsp. maple syrup
 ½ C. oatmeal
 ½ C. gluten-free flour
 5 tbsp. butter
 2 tbsp. pumpkin spice
 A pinch of salt

1. Turn on the oven and preheat it with 350 degrees

2. Take a pan and place it over medium heat.
3. Add in fruits, 2 tbsp. water and cornstarch, mash them a
bit until they get softened.
4. Take a bowl and add all remaining ingredients in it and
mix until the mixture becomes sticky.
5. Put fruits mixture on top of the crumble.
6. Bake for 35 minutes and yummy pumpkin spice crumble
is ready!
Per Serving:
Calories: 529| Fat: 31.5g| Carbs: 56g| Fiber: 6.2g| Protein:


Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 15 mins.|Serves: 4

 6 beef sausages, cut into slices
 ½ tbsp. garlic infused oil
 1 C. leek
 2 C. spinach, chopped
 2 C. broccoli, florets
 1½ C. green beans
 2 C. gluten free pasta, boiled


 6 tbsp. lemon juice
 4 tbsp. dairy free spread
 1 C. unsweetened almond milk
 1½ tsp. corn starch
1. Take a skillet and place it over medium heat. Drizzle some
oil in it.
2. Add in leeks and cook for 2 minutes.
3. Now remove leeks from skillet and sausages into the
skillet, cook for 3 minutes.
4. Add in spinach and cook until its wilted.
5. Set the spinach and sausage mixture aside.
6. Now add milk, lemon juice and mix well. To thicken add
7. Keep stirring continuously while adding pasta, leeks,
spinach mixture and remaining ingredients into it.
8. Serve and enjoy your yummy pasta!

Per Serving:
Calories: 407| Fat: 26.2g| Carbs: 29.3g| Fiber: 8g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 35 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 tbsp. olive oil

 3 C. ground beef
 ½ C. leek, chopped
 1½ C. canned tomatoes
 1 tsp. dried oregano
 1 tsp. dried basil
 ½ tsp. dried thyme
 4 C. baby spinach, chopped
 1¼ C. gluten free spaghetti, boiled
 ½ C. cheddar cheese, grated
 2 large carrots
 1 C. green beans

1. Take a large skillet and place it over medium heat.

2. Add a little splash of oil and cook beef in it until the beef
turns brown.
3. Add in tomatoes, paste, leek, herbs, and spinach to the
ground beef and cook for 20 minutes.
4. Add in salt and pepper while stirring occasionally.
5. Take a pan, grease it and place it over medium heat.
6. Sauté the veggies for 3-4 minutes.
7. Now take a serving dish add in Bolognese and place beef
mixture on it.
8. Serve with veggies and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 417| Fat: 23.2g| Carbs: 30.3g| Fiber: 4g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 12 mins.| Serves: 2
 2/3 C. gluten-free pasta
 ¾ C. oyster mushrooms
 1 green bell pepper, thinly sliced
 2 tbsp. low FODMAP pesto, cooked
 Parmesan cheese for serving
 Olive oil, as required

1. Take a pan, add a splash of oil in it and place it over

medium heat.
2. Add in oyster mushrooms, pesto, bell pepper in it and stir
occasionally for 5 minutes.
3. Add in pasta and mix well.
4. Serve and sprinkle parmesan on top.

Per Serving:
Calories: 260| Fat: 14g| Carbs: 26.9g| Fiber: 3.6g| Protein: 4.9g

Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 8 mins.| Serves: 4

 1½ C. gluten-free fusilli, cooked

 2 green bell peppers, sliced
 2/3 C. tomatoes, sliced
 Few black olives
 ¾ C. haloumi
 2 tbsp. olive oil, sliced
 A splash of lemon juice
 Salt, to taste
 Pepper, to taste

1. Take a pan, spray some oil in it and place it over medium

2. Add in tomatoes, bell peppers and cook for 5 minutes
until they are softened.
3. Add in haloumi slices and cook for 2 minutes each side.
4. Add in pasta in the pan.
5. Add in salt, pepper as required and mix well.
6. Serve and enjoy.

Per Serving:
Calories: 320| Fat: 15g| Carbs: 29.9g| Fiber: 3.6g| Protein: 8.9g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 15 mins.| Serves: 2

 2/3 C. gluten-free spaghetti, cooked

 2 C. fresh spinach
 2 C. oyster mushrooms
 ½ C. lactose-free cream cheese
 3 fillets salmon, sliced or cubed
 Lemon juice to taste
 ½ tsp. pepper
 ½ tsp. salt

1. Take a large skillet, add some oil in it and place it over

medium heat.
2. Add in salmon pieces and fry for 5 minutes each side.
3. Add in spinach and fry for 2 more minutes.
4. Add in oyster mushrooms and fry them for 2 more
5. Now add in all remaining ingredients and mix well, cook
for 5 minutes.
6. Serve and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 171| Fat: 4g| Carbs: 14.5g| Fiber: 2.8g| Protein: 19.6g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 2


 ¾ C. frozen spinach, thawed
 ¼ C. walnuts
 2 tbsp. olive oil
 1 tbsp. lemon juice
 ¼ C. grated cheese
 Pepper to taste
 Salt to taste
 ¾ C. gluten-free spaghetti, cooked
 ½ C. frozen shrimps, thawed
 ½ C. oyster mushrooms, canned

1. Take a bowl and add all ingredients of pesto in it. Mix well.
2. Take a pan and spray some oil in it, place it over medium
3. Add in shrimps and fry them for 5-10 minutes.
4. Add in oyster mushrooms and mix well.
5. Add in pesto sauce and stir well.
6. Take a serving plate and serve spaghettis and pesto sauce
over it.
7. Serve with some cheese on top and enjoy.

Per Serving:
Calories: 364| Fat: 28.6g| Carbs: 13.1g| Fiber: 2.8g| Protein:
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 15 mins.| Serves: 2

 ½ C. gluten-free pasta, cooked

 ¼ C. broccoli, boiled heads
 ¾ C. tomatoes, cut into quarters or halved
 ½ C. oyster mushrooms, sliced
 ½ C. canned tuna, drained
 125 ml lactose-free crème fraîche
 A splash of lemon juice
 Salt, to taste
 Pepper, to taste
 1 tbsp. olive oil

1. Take a skillet, add oil and place it over medium heat.

2. Add in oyster mushrooms and fry for 5 minutes.
3. Add in tuna and crème, stir well and cook for 5 minutes.
4. Add in tomatoes, broccoli and cook for 3 more minutes,
stirring occasionally.
5. On a serving dish add pasta and pour the tuna sauce over
6. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
7. Serve and enjoy.

Per Serving:
Calories: 130| Fat: 1.6g| Carbs: 9.6g| Fiber: 1.8g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 28 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 tbsp. vegetable oil

 1 egg
 ¼ C. frozen peas
 ¼ C. carrots, chopped
 2 C. white rice
 1 tbsp. sesame oil
 1 tbsp. soy sauce
 Water as needed

1. In a large frying pan, put oil and crack an egg over

medium heat, constantly stirring.
2. Add carrots, peas and cook for 5-8 minutes until soft.
3. Add in water and then rice.
4. Cook until the water is evaporated and then add sesame
oil and soy sauce.
5. Mix well and it is ready to be served.

Per Serving:
Calories: 396| Fat: 5.1g| Carbs: 76.3g| Fiber: 1.9g| Protein:


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 22 mins.| Serves: 2

 1 tbsp. garlic-infused olive oil

 1 C. risotto rice
 4 C. water
 2 low FODMAP stock
 1/2 tsp. ground pepper
 1 tbsp. butter
 ½ C. parmesan cheese
 2 stems of spring onions, the green part only

1. Take pot and water along with stock in it. Bring the water
to boil and set aside.
2. Take a pan and add oil in it, place it over medium heat.
3. Add in rice and cook for 2 minutes.
4. Now add stock with rice and stir regularly while stock is
5. Once cooked add in all remaining ingredients, give a good
6. Serve and enjoy.

Per Serving:
Calories: 472 Fat: 13.5g| Carbs: 75.3g| Fiber: 1.3g| Protein:

Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 30 mins.| Serves: 2

 ¾ C. risotto rice
 1¼ C. pumpkin puree
 ½ stock cube
 1¼ C. water
 1 tbsp. butter
 ½ tsp. salt
 ½ tsp. pepper
 ¼ tsp. nutmeg
 1/3 C. parmesan cheese, grated
 ¼ C. goat cheese
 ¼ C. pecans chopped
 Fresh parsley
 2 stalks of spring onion, the green part

1. Take a pot and add water, stock in it and thoroughly boil.

2. Once it is boiled ad din pumpkin puree and cook for 2
minutes. Set aside.
3. Take a pan, add oil and place it over medium heat.
4. Add in all ingredients along with puree mixture. Keep
stirring constantly and cook for 20 minutes.
5. Serve and enjoy.

Per Serving:
Calories: 610| Fat: 23.2g| Carbs: 86.8g| Fiber: 11.9g| Protein:


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 16 mins.| Serves: 4

 Garlic-infused olive oil

 ¼ C. cherry tomatoes, halved
 2 C. canned tomatoes
 1¼ C. risotto rice
 3 C. water
 2 C. low FODMAP stock
 ¼ C. lactose-free crème fraiche
 ½ lemon juice
 1 C. shrimps cooked
 Basil, for garnish

1. Take a pan, add oil and place it over medium heat.

2. Add in tomatoes and cook for 2 minutes.
3. Add rice and cook for 5 minutes.
4. Add in water and cook until water is evaporated while
stirring regularly.
5. Add in remaining ingredients and cook for 5 minutes.
6. Serve with some basil and Parmesan cheese on top.

Per Serving:
Calories: 498| Fat: 1.6g| Carbs: 103.1g| Fiber: 1.8g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 tbsp. olive oil

 1¼ C. white rice
 3 C. water
 1 can tomatoes
 ½ stock cube
 Pepper to taste
 Salt to taste

1. Take a pan, add oil and place it over medium heat.

2. Add garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Remove garlic from oil.
3. Add all remaining ingredients in it and cook until water
gets evaporated. Stir regularly.
4. Once done, serve and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 496| Fat: 4.4g| Carbs: 102g| Fiber: 1.7g| Protein: 9.2g


Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4

 ¾ C. white rice, boiled

 ¾ C. chicken thigh, in cubes
 2/3 C. broccoli, florets
 ¾ C. oyster mushrooms
 1 green bell pepper
 3 tbsp. soy sauce
 1 tbsp. rice vinegar
 ½ tbsp. brown sugar
 ½ tsp. grated ginger
 1 tsp. cornstarch

1. Take a bowl and all ingredients of teriyaki sauce in it,

except for cornstarch. Mix well.
2. Add in cornstarch and mix until the sauce is smooth.
3. Take a pan, add oil and place it over medium heat.
4. Add in chicken and fry for 8-10 minutes until it is fully
5. Season chicken with salt and pepper.
6. Add in oyster mushrooms and fry for 3 minutes.
7. Add in teriyaki sauce and let simmer for 5 minutes.
8. Add in broccoli and stir well.
9. Take a serving plate and place rice on one side and place
chicken teriyaki on other side.
10. Sprinkle sesame seeds and spring onions on top.
11. Serve and enjoy.

Per Serving:
Calories: 199| Fat: 1.2g| Carbs: 34g| Fiber: 1.4g| Protein: 11.7g

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 22-30 mins.| Serves: 6

 1¾ C. carrots, peeled and halved

 2 tbsp. unsalted butter
 1 tbsp. honey
 1 tbsp. rice syrup
 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
 Kosher salt, to taste
 Freshly ground black pepper

1. Take a large frying pan and add some water in it.

2. Now add in carrots and let it come to a boil. Simmer well
until the carrots are tender. Drain them well.
3. Now take another pan and add butter, let it heat over
medium heat for a while.
4. Add in rice syrup, honey, and stir well.
5. After 2 minutes add in carrots in it. Stir continuously.
6. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

Per Serving:
Calories: 79| Fat: 3.9g| Carbs: 11.4g| Fiber: 1.5g| Protein: 0.6g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 15

 5½ C. spinach
 2 tbsp. unsalted butter
 2 tbsp. Low FODMAP Garlic-Infused Oil,
 ¾ C. heavy cream
 ½ tsp. nutmeg
 ¼ C. Parmesan, grated
 Kosher salt to taste
 Pepper to taste

1. Take a large pan and add butter in it.

2. Add in spinach, stir continuously until wilted.
3. Add in all remaining ingredients and stir continuously for
5-10 minutes.
4. Serve and enjoy.

Per Serving:
Calories: 54| Fat: 4.6g| Carbs: 2.1g| Fiber: 1.1g| Protein: 2.2g

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 50 mins.| Serves: 12
 1 tbsp. unsalted butter
 5 C. russet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced in circles
 3 C. heavy cream
 2 tsp. salt
 ½ tsp. black pepper

1. Turn on the oven and preheat it 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Take a baking dish and grease it.
3. Take a bowl and add cream along with salt and pepper in
4. Now place the potatoes in the baking dish in which they
overlap each other.
5. Pour cream on the top of the potatoes.
6. Move the dish in the oven and bake for 50 minutes.
7. Take out and serve!

Per Serving:
Calories: 155| Fat: 12.1g| Carbs: 10.7g| Fiber: 1.5g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4
 2¾ C. potatoes, skinned and cut quarterly
 Water as needed
 Kosher salt to taste
 Pepper to taste

1. Take a large pot and place steamer basket inside it.

2. Add water so that its level is below steamer basket and
keep it on medium heat.
3. Place potatoes on the steamer basket and let water come
to a boil, cook for 15- 20 minutes.
4. Once potatoes are tender, dish them out. Season with salt
and pepper and serve.

Per Serving:
Calories: 149| Fat: 0.2g| Carbs: 33.9g| Fiber: 5.2g| Protein:


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 12
 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
 2/3 C. bacon thick-cut sliced
 1¾ C. Brussel sprouts
 Kosher salt to taste
 Black pepper to taste

1. Take a large skillet and place it over medium heat.

2. Grease the skillet with oil and add bacon. Sauté for 3-4
3. Once done, take out bacon from skillet and set them
4. Now add brussels sprouts in the skillet and sauté for 5-6
5. Add in salt and pepper along with bacon and toss well.
6. Serve and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 22| Fat: 1.1g| Carbs: 2.2g| Fiber: 0.9g| Protein: 1.4g


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 40 mins.| Serves: 6
 6 tbsp. unsalted butter
 1½ tbsp. Dijon mustard
 2 tsp. coriander seeds, crushed
 1½ C. baby carrots
 1½ C. parsnips, cut and peeled
 Kosher salt to taste
 Pepper to taste
 ¼ C. Dill, chopped

1. Set the temperature of the oven to 425 degrees

2. Take a large bowl and add all ingredients in it. Toss well
until well mixed.
3. Now take a baking sheet and grease it well.
4. Layer the vegetables mixture in the bowl.
5. Place the dish in the bowl and bake for 40 minutes.
6. Serve and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 211| Fat: 12.6g| Carbs: 24.6g| Fiber: 7g| Protein: 2.7g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.| Serves: 6
 1¾ carrots, trimmed and peeled, shredded
 1 lemon, halved
 4 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided
 Kosher salt
 Pepper to taste

1. Take a large bowl and add all ingredients well.

2. Toss until mixed well and serve.
Per Serving:
Calories: 73| Fat: 5g| Carbs: 7g| Fiber: 2g| Protein: 1g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 4

 2 C. lettuce, leaves washed

 2 C. leafy endive, leaves washed
 2 C. red leaf lettuce, leaves washed
 ½ lemon juice
 Salt to taste
 Pepper to taste

1. Take a large bowl and add all ingredients well.

2. Toss until mixed well and serve.

Per Serving:
Calories: 15| Fat: 0.1g| Carbs: 3.1g| Fiber: 0.7g| Protein: 0.7g

Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 4

 6 red radishes, thinly sliced into circles

 2 medium carrots, thinly sliced into circles
 2 small cucumbers, thinly sliced into circles
 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
 Kosher salt to taste

1. Take a large bowl and add all ingredients well.

2. Toss until mixed well and serve.

Per Serving:
Calories: 32| Fat: 1g| Carbs: 6g| Fiber: 2g| Protein: 1g

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.| Serves: 6

 1½ C. low FODMAP gluten-free orzo, cooked

 3 cucumbers, thinly sliced
 15 cherry tomatoes, halved
 ¼ C. Dill, chopped
 ¼ C. Parsley, chopped
 ¼ C. Scallions, chopped
 1 tbsp. finely minced lemon zest
 Kosher salt to taste
 Pepper to taste

1. Take a large bowl and add all ingredients well.

2. Toss until mixed well and let sit for 15 minutes.
3. Serve and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 86| Fat: 0.9g| Carbs: 19.1g| Fiber: 4.9g| Protein: 4.3g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 6
 1½ C. chicken, cubed and cooked
 ¼ C. scallions, chopped
 ½ C. Low FODMAP Green Goddess Dressing

1. Take a large bowl and add all ingredients well.

2. Toss until mixed well and serve.

Per Serving:
Calories: 368| Fat: 19.9g| Carbs: 3g| Fiber: 0.1g| Protein: 38.6g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4

 1½ tsp. unsalted butter

 1½ tsp. Garlic-Infused Oil,
 2 slices of low FODMAP sourdough bread, cubed
 3 slices low FODMAP gluten-free sliced sandwich bread,
 8 C. lettuce, chopped
 1 whole chicken, cooked and cubed
 ¾ C. Low FODMAP Caesar Salad Dressing
 Kosher salt to taste
 Black pepper to taste

1. Take a pan and place it over medium heat.

2. Add in butter and let it melt.
3. Now add bread cubes and cook until they turn brown.
4. Once done, set them aside for 15 minute to cool down.
5. Take a large bowl and add all ingredients well.
6. Toss until mixed well and serve.

Per Serving:
Calories: 467| Fat: 23g| Carbs: 16g| Fiber: 3g| Protein: 47g


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 12

 3 tbsp. lemon juice

 ¼ C. extra virgin olive oil
 2 tbsp. maple syrup
 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
 Kosher salt to taste
 Pepper to taste

1. Add all the ingredients in a small bowl.

2. Mix well and it is ready to use.

Per Serving:
Calories: 47| Fat: 4.3g| Carbs: 2.5g| Fiber: 0.1g| Protein: 0.1g


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 10
 ¼ C. mayonnaise
 ½ tsp. dry mustard
 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
 2 tbsp. lactose free milk
 1 tbsp. sugar
 1 tbsp. poppy seeds

1. Add all the ingredients in a small bowl.

2. Mix well and it is ready to use.
Per Serving:
Calories: 59| Fat: 3.4g| Carbs: 5.5g| Fiber: 0.1g| Protein: 1.9g

Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 10
 ¼ C. lemon juice
 ½ C. extra virgin olive oil
 ¾ tsp. kosher salt
 ¼ tsp. black pepper

1. Add all the ingredients in a small bowl.

2. Mix well and it is ready to use.

Per Serving:
Calories: 88| Fat: 1.5g| Carbs: 0.2g| Fiber: 0g| Protein: 0.1g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 10

 1/3 C. peanut oil

 2 tbsp. sesame oil
 2 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
 2 tbsp. soy sauce
 2 tsp. sesame seeds, toasted

1. Add all the ingredients in a small bowl.

2. Mix well and it is ready to use.

Per Serving:
Calories: 95| Fat: 10.2g| Carbs: 0.4g| Fiber: 0.1g| Protein: 0.3g
Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 10

 ½ C. lactose free milk

 ¼ C. mayonnaise
 1 tbsp. lemon juice
 1 tbsp. dill, chopped
 1½ tbsp. parsley, chopped
 2 tsp. garlic infused oil
 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
 Kosher salt to taste
 Pepper to taste

1. Add all the ingredients in a small bowl.

2. Mix well and it is ready to use.

Per Serving:
Calories: 33| Fat: 2.5g| Carbs: 2.4g| Fiber: 0.1g| Protein: 0.6g

Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 10
 ½ C. garlic infused olive oil
 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
 2 tsp. Dijon mustard
 Kosher salt to taste
 Pepper to taste

1. Add all the ingredients in a small bowl.

2. Mix well and it is ready to use.

Per Serving:
Calories: 2| Fat: 0g| Carbs: 0.1g| Fiber: 0g| Protein: 0g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 6

 5 tbsp. pine nuts, toasted

 ½ C. parmesan cheese
 3 handfuls of basil
 4 tbsp. olive oil
 Pepper to state
 Salt to taste
 A splash of lemon juice

1. Add all the ingredients in a high-power blender and pulse

until smooth.
2. Add some more oil if required, and it is ready to use.

Per Serving:
Calories: 150| Fat: 15.6g| Carbs: 1.2g| Fiber: 0.3g| Protein: 3g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 15 mins.|Serves: 4

 3 tbsp. butter
 1 can oyster mushrooms, rinsed and drained
 2 tbsp. gluten-free flour
 ½ C. stock (use a low FODMAP stock cube)
 ¼ C. lactose-free heavy whipping cream

1. Take a pan and add butter in it. Let it heat.

2. Add oyster mushrooms in the pan and stir fry for 5
3. Lower the heat and add in flour. Stir well.
4. Add in stock and keep on stirring.
5. Simmer well until desired thickness is reached.
6. Dust with salt and pepper and serve with your favorite

Per Serving:
Calories: 132| Fat: 13.8g| Carbs: 0.9g| Fiber: 0.2g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 17 mins.|Serves: 4

 1 tbsp. olive oil

 1 clove garlic
 2 C. tomatoes
 1 tsp. Italian herb
 1 tsp. red wine vinegar
 Pepper to taste
 Salt to taste

1. Take a pan and add oil in it. Let it heat for a while.
2. Add in garlic and sauté it for 2 minutes. Now remove
garlic from oil.
3. Add in remaining ingredients in the pan and let it cook for
10 -15 minutes.
4. Season it with salt and pepper.
5. Serve with your favourite pasta and enjoy!

Per Serving:
Calories: 75| Fat: 4.4g| Carbs: 9.8g| Fiber: 4.9g| Protein: 3.6g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 4

 ¼ C. sundried tomatoes
 2 bell peppers
 2 tbsp. pine nuts, roasted
 ¼ C. parmesan cheese, grated
 2 tbsp. fresh basil
 3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
 Pepper to taste
 Salt to taste

1. Add all the ingredients in a high-power blender and pulse

until smooth.
2. The sauce is ready to serve with any dish you like.

Per Serving:
Calories: 146| Fat: 14g| Carbs: 5.6g| Fiber: 1.1g| Protein: 1.9g

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 2
 2 anchovy fillets
 3 tbsp. mayonnaise
 1 tbsp. lemon juice
 ½ tsp. white wine vinegar
 ¼ C. parmesan cheese
 Black pepper to taste
 Salt to taste
 Olive oil as required

1. Add all the ingredients in a high-power blender and pulse

until smooth.
2. Yummy dressing is ready to be served.

Per Serving:
Calories: 108| Fat: 8.6g| Carbs: 5.6g| Fiber: 0g| Protein: 2.5g

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 0 mins.|Serves: 8
 ½ C. Garlic-Infused Oil
 ½ C. soy sauce
 ½ C. apple cider vinegar
 ½ C. smooth peanut butter
 ¼ C. lime juice
 ¼ C. sesame seeds, toasted
 2 scallions, green parts only, roughly chopped
 2 tbsp. firmly brown sugar
 2 tbsp. ginger
 Water, if needed

1. Add all the ingredients in a high-power blender and pulse

until smooth.
2. Delicious peanut sauce is ready!

Per Serving:
Calories: 144| Fat: 10.6g| Carbs: 7.9g| Fiber: 1.9g| Protein: 6g

Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins. | Serves: 8-10

 2 C. raspberries
 3\4 C. sugar
 2 tbsp. lemon juice
 1 C. water
 Mint leaves for garnishing (optional)

1. Boil water in a sauce pan. Stir in sugar and cook until it is

dissolved. Simmer for 5 minutes until the syrup thickens.
Turn off the flame and set it aside to cool.
2. Put Raspberries in the food processor and pulse until
smooth. Add lemon juice and mix again. Strain raspberry
mixture to discard seeds.
3. Combine sugar syrup and raspberry mixture. Add this
mixture in the freeze proof bowl and freeze for 1 hr.
4. Whisk the mixture with the hand whisker to break ice
crystals and freeze again for 1 hour.
5. Repeat this step for 2-3 times. Stop mixing when the
mixture becomes firm.
6. Serve chilled with raspberries and mint leaves.

Per Serving:
Calories: 156| Fat: 6.5g| Carbs: 19.3g| Fiber: 3.1g| Protein:
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 40 mins. |Serves: 4

 1\3rd C. oat flour
 1\3rd C. brown sugar
 1\4th tsp. ground cinnamon
 2 tbsp. vegan butter
 1\3rd C. rolled oats
 1\8th tsp. salt
 3 C. strawberries
 2 tbsp. sugar
 1 tbsp. corn flour
 1 tsp. vanilla essence
 1 pinch salt

1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius.

2. Grease an 8x9 inch glass dish with butter or oil.
3. For filling cut strawberries into quarters. Combine these
quartered strawberries with corn starch, sugar, vanilla
essence and salt. Put in the greased dish and set aside.
4. For topping, in a separate bowl combine, oat flour,
cinnamon, brown sugar and salt. Cut the butter into the
sugar mixture and combine until little lumps are formed.
Mix in the rolled oats, then sprinkle the topping over the
strawberry filling.
5. Move in the oven and bake for 40 min or until the topping
is slightly golden brown and the strawberries are seen
6. When cooked, remove from the oven and serve.
7. It can be kept in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Per Serving:
Calories: 273.8| Fat: 6.8g| Carbs: 52.3g| Fiber: 5.2g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.|

Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 4
 1 C. rolled oats.
 1\2 C. desiccated coconut.
 1\4th C. chopped walnuts.
 1\4th C. chopped almonds.
 1\4th C. dates pitted.
 1\4th C. dried cranberries.
 2 C. coconut yogurt or lactose-free yogurt (non-vegan).
 1 C. mixed berries.
 1\2 C. sliced kiwis.
1. Grease a 9-inch rectangular pan or glass dish with butter
or oil.
2. For the crust put rolled oats, desiccated coconut, walnuts,
almonds, dates and cranberries in a food processor and
pulse till you get moist mixture.
3. Set it in the greased dish or pie pan and put it in the
fridge for 30 min. It would be ideal to refrigerate it for 2
hours straight.
4. Take out the crust and spread yogurt on it.
5. Decorate the top with mixed berries, kiwis and fruits of
your choice.
6. Put the tart in the fridge for 30 more minutes
7. Cut the pie in 8 slices and serve cold.

Per Serving:
Calories: 459| Fat: 17.5g| Carbs: 66.9g| Fiber: 8.4g | Protein
Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook time: 45 mins. | Serves: 12

 1½ C. gluten-free rolled oats

 1/3 C. corn starch
 ¼ C. brown sugar
 1½ C. brown rice flour
 ½ tsp. salt
 ½ C. chopped walnuts
 ½ tsp. baking soda
 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
 ¾ C. refined coconut oil
 ¾ C. fruit preserves
 1 C. fresh blueberries .
 1 C. fresh sliced strawberries

1. Preheat the oven at 190 degrees Celsius. Line a nine-inch pan

with foil. Put the parchment paper on top and spray with oil.
2. Add rolled oats, corn starch, sugar, baking soda, flour,
walnuts, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl and thoroughly
mix. Add coconut oil and mix together until the mixture
becomes clumpy.
3. Add more than half of the mixture in the tray and press down
4. Spread fruit preserves on the crust and add fresh strawberries
and blueberries on it.
5. Finally add the remaining crumble mixture on top.
6. Bake it for 40-45 min rotating half way through. When the top
becomes golden brown, eliminate it from the oven.
7. Chill it on refrigerator and cut 12 bars.

Per Serving:
Calories: 479| Fat: 22g| Carbs: 69g| Fiber: 4g| Protein: 5g


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 2 mins.| Serves: 2
 1 C. cubed papayas
 1 C. unsweetened almond milk
 2 tbsp. maple syrup
 2 tbsp. flax seeds
 3 tbsp. lime Juice
 1 tsp. chopped fresh ginger
 1 C. ice cubes

1. Dump papayas and flax seeds with the remaining

ingredients in the blender and blend till smooth
2. Garnish with lime zest and serve chilled.

Per Serving:
Calories: 221| Fat: 6.4g| Carbs: 42.1g| Fiber: 7.6g| Protein:


Prep Time: 35 mins.| Cook Time: 35 mins.| Serves: 8
 10 pineapple slices (canned)
 ¼ C. melted clarified butter.
 10 cherries (pitted)

 ¼ C. maple sugar
 3 large eggs
 2 C. almond flour
 ½ C. tapioca flour
 ½ tsp. salt
 ¼ tsp. baking soda
 ½ tsp. baking powder
 ⅓ C. pineapple juice
 ¼ C. melted coconut oil
 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
 3 tbsp. lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 190 Degrees Celsius

2. Grease the sides and bottom a 9.5-inch by 2-inch pie dish
or pan with oil spray.
3. For Topping: Add melted clarified butter into a pie dish.
Stir in maple sugar and whisk until sugar is combined
well. Place pineapple rings all along the bottom of the
dish. Set cherries inside the pineapple rings. Keep the
dish aside
4. For the cake batter, in a medium bowl combine almond
flour, tapioca flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
Mix them with the hand whisk and keep them aside.
5. In another large bowl crack eggs and whisk them well.
Then add vanilla essence, pineapple juice, lemon juice and
coconut oil in the eggs. Mix them well.
6. Pour dry ingredients into wet ingredients and mix them
with a wooden spoon until well combined. Make sure no
lumps are formed.
7. Pour the batter into the prepared pie dish and spread it
8. Put the cake in the pre heated oven for 30- 35 min.
9. Check the cake by inserting the skewer in the middle. It
should come out with little crumbs sticking to it. The
edges of the cake should be golden brown.
10. Take out the cake and let it cool on the cooling rack
for 10 min. Later flip the cake on the cake stand with the
fruit topping on the top.
11. Serve warm and keep the leftover cake in the airtight

Per Serving:
Calories: 504| Fat: 19.4g| Carbs: 56.3g| Fiber: 19g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.|

Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 1
 1/2 C. all purpose gluten free flour
 1 C. rolled oats
 ¼ tsp. baking powder
 1/2 C. dried cranberries
 2 tbsp. flax seeds
 1¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
 2 tbsp. hemp seeds
 1/2 C. raw pepitas
 1/2 C. pureed canned pumpkin
 ¼ tsp. salt
 1/4 C. maple syrup
 1/4 C. vegetable oil
 1 tsp. vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven at 165 degrees Celsius. Line the baking

sheet with the silicon baking mat or parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, merge together all the dry ingredients
including flour, baking powder, oats, cranberries, flax
seeds, cinnamon, hemp seeds, raw pepitas and salt.
3. In another bowl mix pureed pumpkin, oil, maple syrup
and vanilla extract.
4. Combine wet and dry ingredients and fold gently until well
5. Scoop out 10- 12 cookies with the scooper and place
them on the baking sheet. Gently press the cookies with
the hand.

6. Finally bake them for 20-25 min or until the bottom

becomes crisp and brown.
7. Cool the cookies on the wire rack. Store them in the air
tight container.

Per Serving:
Calories: 241| Fat: 14g| Carbs: 25g| Fiber: 3g| Protein: 6g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook
Time: 5 mins.| Serves: 4

 3/4 C. gluten-free all-purpose flour
 1/2 C. sugar
 ¼ tsp. salt
 3/4 C. toasted and sliced almonds
 6 tbsp. unsalted butter
Cranberry Curd Filling:
 3 C. fresh or frozen cranberries
 1/2 C. fresh orange juice
 1/2 C. softened unsalted butter
 2large eggs, at room temperature
 Zest of 1 orange
 1 C. sugar
 2 egg yolks, at room temperature
 2 egg whites, at room temperature
 1/2 C. sugar
 1/8 tsp. cream of tartar
 Pastry bag & Pastry tip.
Prepare Crust:
1. Preheat oven at 180°C
2. Grease a 10-inch pie pan with oil or butter.
3. In a food processor combine all the ingredients of the
crust and pulse till a coarse mixture is formed.
4. Press the mixture in the pie dish and firmly press it.
5. Prick the bottom with the fork and bake in the oven for 15
min or until the crust is light golden brown. Set it aside to
cool on the wire rack.
Curd Filling:
6. In a medium sized pot, cook cranberries, orange juice and
orange zest for 10 min on low flame.
7. Put the cooked cranberries in the blender and blend till
smooth. Strain the blended mixture through a sieve. Add
the smooth mixture again in the pot and whisk butter
until fully incorporated.
8. In another pot whisk together egg whites and yolks. Add
some cranberry mixture to the eggs and mix lightly. Put
the egg mixture back in the cranberry mixture. Cook on
low flame until thickens, continuously stirring.
9. Pour the filling in the prepared crust and back on the
preheated oven for 10 min. Take out the pie when the
curd is firmed.
10. Whisk egg whites with the stand mixer or hand held
mixer. Add cream of tartar whisking continuously. Add
sugar in the egg whites slowly until egg whites are firm
and stiff peaks are formed.
11. Put the whisked egg whites in the piping bag and pipe
out meringue on top of the curd.
12. Use a torch to brown the meringue.
13. Tart is ready to serve.
Per Serving:
Calories: 389| Fat: 19g| Carbs: 53g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 4g
Prep Time: 25 mins.|
Cook Time: 15 mins.| Serves: 8

 3 C. diced rhubarb
 2/3+ 3/4 C. fine granulated sugar
 1 tbsp. unsalted butter
 1 tbsp. firmly packed light brown sugar
 1 tsp. vanilla extract
 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
 2 ¼ C. chilled lactose-free heavy cream
 2 tbsp. water
 1/3 C. rolled oats
 3/4 C. chilled lactose-free whole milk.

1. In a medium sized pot cook rhubarb and 2/3rd C. of sugar

on medium heat for 10 min. when the sauce becomes
thick set it aside and cool completely.
2. In a small pot melt butter and add rolled oats, cinnamon
and brown sugar. Cook until oats are roasted and
everything is well combined.
3. In a large bowl whisk together cream, milk and vanilla
with ¾ C. of sugar. Whisk until sugar is completely
dissolved. Add this mixture into the ice cream maker and
churn until the mixture is firm.
4. Add oats mixture in the ice cream and mix till the large
pieces of oats break down.
5. Pour the mixture in a cake tin or a freezer safe container.
Stir half of the rhubarb mixture in the ice-cream and add
the rest of the mixture on top of the ice cream. Fold it
with the spatula gently so that ribbons are formed.
6. Freeze the ice cream for 4 hours and serve chilled.

Per Serving:
Calories: 419| Fat: 17g| Carbs: 44g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 3g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 2

 1 C. fresh lemon juice

 1 C. sugar
 2 1/2 C. water
 1 1/2 tsp. lemon zest
 Lemon Slices & Mint, for Garnishing (optional)

1. In a medium pot heat up sugar and half of the water until

combined. Eliminate from heat and stir in the rest of
remaining water lemon juice and lemon zest.
2. Pour the mixture into an 8-inch metal pan. Freeze the pan
for about 45 min. when the edges started to freeze scrape
the sides with the fork and bring the crystals in the middle
on the pan.
3. Freeze for another 30 min again and stir the mixture
again. Fluff the crystals with the fork again and bring the
slush in the middle of the pan.
4. Check every 30 min and repeat the above step until it is
all frozen. Freeze up to 24 hours or serve immediately.
Don’t forget to fluff up the ice crystals before serving.
5. Garnish with the lemon slice and mint leaves.

Per Serving:
Calories: 122| Fat: 0g| Carbs: 32g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 1g
Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook
Time: 30 mins.| Serves: 6
 2 C. almond Milk
 3 tbsp. corn flour
 Slices of 2 bananas
 1 large egg
 1 tsp. vanilla extract
 1 Pinch salt
 1/3 C. granulated sugar
 gluten free biscuits (crumbled) as required

1. Heat milk in a sauce pan until it starts bubbling. Then

remove from the heat and set aside.
2. In a heatproof bowl whisk eggs, sugar, salt and corn
starch together. Add milk slowly to the egg mixture and
keep stirring until it is well combined.
3. Pour this mixture back in the saucepan and cook on
medium heat for 20 min or until it has a custard like
4. Remove from heat and add vanilla extract in the pudding.
5. Assemble the dessert by putting crumble in the base of
the dessert glass, add pudding mixture, then top it with
sliced bananas and sprinkle some crumble on the top.
6. Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
Per Serving:
Calories: 145| Fat: 10g| Carbs: 14.2g| Fiber: 1.4g| Protein: 1.7g

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook

Time: 30 mins.| Serves: 12
 1¾ C. gluten-free baking flour
 2 large eggs
 ½ C. unsweetened almond milk
 ¾ C. granulated sugar
 ½ C. vegetable oil
 2 tsp. baking powder
 ½ tsp. salt
 1 tsp. vanilla extract
 1½ C. fresh blueberries

1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line the muffin tin with the liners.
2. In a bowl, combine together dry ingredients including
flour, baking powder and salt with a whisker.
3. In another bowl mix together oil, milk, vanilla extract and
eggs. You can use stand mixer, electronic hand held mixer
or a balloon whisk.
4. Combine dry ingredients with the wet ingredients and
whisk until well combined. Do not over whisk otherwise
muffins will be hard and rubbery.
5. Gently fold fresh blueberries into the muffin batter with a
6. Divide the batter equally in the muffin liners using ice
cream scoop.
7. Bake the muffins for 30 min or until they are well risen.
8. Remove muffins and cool them on the wire rack.
9. You can serve them warm or can store in an air tight
container at room temperature for 3-4 days.

Per Serving:
Calories: 231| Fat: 10.1g| Carbs: 33.6g| Fiber: 11g| Protein:


Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 50 mins.| Serves: 4

 3 C. Japanese pumpkin, deseeded and chopped

 1 1/2 potatoes, chopped
 2 tbsp. oil
 1/2 tsp. paprika
 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
 1/2 tsp. ground coriander
 Season with salt & pepper
 3 tablespoons leek
 2 tbsp. dairy-free spread
 4 C. low FODMAP chicken stock
 4 tbsp. pure regular fat cream
 8 slices soft FODMAP bread
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Line a roasting
pan with parchment paper.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the potato and pumpkin.
Drizzle with oil and season with paprika, cumin, and
coriander. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Toss until
the vegetables are evenly coated.
3. Spread the vegetables out in a single layer on the roasting
tray. Place in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
4. Finely chop the green leek leaves as the veggies cook.
5. Eliminate the vegetables from the oven and set them
aside when they are cooked and slightly browned.
6. Heat a big pot on medium-low. Melt the dairy-free
spread/butter, then stir in the leeks. Fry the leek for 1 - 2
minutes, occasionally tossing, until aromatic and tender.
7. Pour in the stock after adding the roast vegetables to the
saucepan. Boil thoroughly for 10 minutes.
8. Remove from the heat. Allow the soup to cool for a few
minutes before blending with a blender until smooth.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
9. Divide the soup among the bowls.
10. Serve with a splash of cream and a side of toasted
low-fat bread.
Per Serving:
Calories: 472| Fat: 23g| Carbs: 58g| Fiber: 9g| Protein: 12g
Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 2 mins.| Serves: 4

 2 C. cooked chicken
 ½ C. fresh grapes
 3 tbsp. celery
 1 small cucumber
 2 tbsp. fresh parsley
 4 tbsp. green onions/scallions
 1/2 tsp. dried tarragon
 1/2 cup mayonnaise
 2 tbsp. lemon juice
 2 tsp. Dijon mustard
 Salt & pepper, to taste
1. Slice the cooked chicken into small pieces.
2. Cut the grapes into quarters. Weigh and finely slice the
celery, dice the cucumber, and finely slice the parsley and
spring onion/scallion green leaves.
3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the salad ingredients and
the chicken.
4. Merge the tarragon, lemon juice, mayonnaise, mustard,
salt and black pepper in a small bowl.
5. Toss in the mayonnaise dressing until well mixed. Chill the
salad in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 272| Fat: 13g| Carbs: 10g| Fiber: 1.7g| Protein: 26g
Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 C. low FODMAP bread
 2 tbsp. dairy-free spread
 1 tbsp. garlic-infused oil
 1/2 tsp. dried oregano
 ½ C. green beans
 ½ C. small Roma tomatoes
 1 small cucumber
 1 tbsp. green onions
 3 tbsp. assorted lettuce leaves
 Season with black pepper
 1 tbsp. olive oil
 ½ C. tomatoes
 1 tbsp. lemon juice
 1 C. halloumi
 1 tbsp. olive oil
 2 tsp. pure maple syrup
1. Preheat the oven to 390 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare a
baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Cut the bread into small pieces. In a small bowl, melt the
butter. Then fold in the garlic-infused oil and oregano.
Toss the bread in a large mixing bowl with the butter
mixture until it is uniformly coated. Season with salt and
pepper. Then distribute in a single layer on the tray. 8–10
minutes in the oven
3. Prepare the salad ingredients while that is cooking and
cook for about 2 minutes.
4. Set aside after draining. Cut the tomatoes and cucumber
into small bits and the spring onion leaves into fine slices.
5. In a large mixing bowl, merge all the salad ingredients
except the lettuce. Mix gently.
6. Assemble the salad dressing. Tomatoes, finely chopped.
Mix the oil, lemon juice, and tomatoes in a jar or small
glass. Then drizzle over the salad.
7. Remove the golden crunchy croutons from the oven and
set aside to cool.
8. Cut the halloumi into slices. Pour the olive oil and maple
syrup into a mixing dish.
9. Melt butter on a griddle pan over medium heat. To the
pan, add the halloumi. Cook for about 1-2 minutes per
side until golden and slightly burned.
10. Toss the salad with the croutons and grilled halloumi.
Season with black pepper to taste.
11. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 320| Fat: 28g| Carbs: 26g| Fiber: 3g| Protein: 13g
Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 1

 1 large egg
 1/3 C. bok choy
 1 medium carrot
 1 C. low FODMAP vegetable stock
 ½ C. boiling water
 2 tbsp. peanut butter
 1 tsp. brown sugar
 1 tsp. soy sauce
 1 tsp. garlic-infused oil
 1/2 tsp. crushed red chilli
 ½ C. thin rice noodles
 1 1/2 tbsp. green onions
 1/4 tsp. sesame seeds
1. For the egg, bring a small saucepan of heated water to a
2. Peel and slash the carrot on a diagonal to prepare it. Chop
the bottom end of the bok choy/pak choy bunch, so the
leaves fall apart. Spring onion/scallion green leaves, finely
3. Place the egg in the boiling water once it has reached a
boil. Boil for 5-6 minutes for soft-boiled potatoes or more
for hard-boiled potatoes. Make a timer. Remove the egg
from the pot and place it in a dish of cold water to cool.
4. Mix the stock, water, peanut butter, brown sugar, soy
sauce, garlic infused oil, and chilli in a small saucepan.
5. Bring the saucepan to a simmer over medium heat. Cook
for 3 minutes after adding the rice noodles and carrots.
6. Then, add the bok choy/pak choy and continue to cook for
about 2 minutes. If desired, season the broth with extra
chilli purée.
7. Pour the noodle soup into a bowl and top with the spring
onion/scallion leaves. Slice the egg in half and sprinkle
sesame seeds on top of the noodle dish.
8. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 611| Fat: 28g| Carbs: 58g| Fiber: 5g| Protein: 21g
Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 1
 1 C. carrots, chopped
 ½ C. sweet potatoes, chopped
 2 tsp. olive oil
 Season with salt & pepper
 ½ C. firm tofu
 2 tsp. cornstarch
 1 tsp. soy sauce
 2 tsp. pure maple syrup
 1/4 tsp. sesame seeds
 2 tsp. garlic-infused oil
 1 C. precooked microwave medium-grain brown rice
 1/3 C. spinach
 2 tbsp. green onions
1. Preheat oven to 355 degrees F. Line a roasting pan with
parchment paper.
2. Position the carrot and sweet potato in a roasting pan,
trickle with olive oil, and dust with salt and pepper to
3. Cook for ten minutes, then flip and cook again for 10
minutes, until golden brown and tender.
4. Cook the tofu while the vegetable roast. Place the tofu in
a basin and cut it into small cubes. Mix in the
cornflour/starch until evenly distributed. Drizzle the soy
sauce, maple syrup, and sesame seeds on top. To blend,
mix everything.
5. Put a medium non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.
Pour in the garlic-infused oil.
6. Scrape any sauce into the skillet before adding the tofu.
Push the tofu into the sauce quickly so that it caramelises
on the tofu.
7. Cook for 2 minutes, flip and cook for another 2 minutes.
8. Wilt the spinach in the pan for 1 minute. Turn off the heat.
9. Microwave the precooked rice until it is hot.
10. Mix the roasted vegetables, brown rice, sticky tofu,
and spinach in a mixing bowl. Season with black pepper to
taste. Season with black pepper and top with chopped
spring onion/scallion leaves.
11. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 651| Fat: 26g| Carbs: 86g| Fiber: 10g| Protein: 19g
Prep Time: 25 mins.| Cook Time: 15 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 tbsp. olive oil

 2 C. Japanese pumpkin
 1 tbsp. garlic infused oil
 1/3 C. baby spinach
 1 ½ C. plain tomatoes canned
 1 C. gluten free penne pasta
 1 C. ricotta
 1/2 C. fresh basil
 1/3 C. cheddar cheese
1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Grease a baking
2. Get your pumpkin ready. Peel and seed the pumpkin
before cutting it into 2.5cm cubes. Drizzle with oil and
season with salt and pepper in a roasting pan. 20 to 25
minutes in the oven
3. Prepare the rest of your ingredients while your pumpkin
cooks. Bring a big saucepan of water to a boil. Prepare the
4. Heat the garlic-infused oil in a large skillet over medium-
low heat. Cook until the spinach has wilted. Add the
tomatoes and season with salt and pepper to taste. Allow
to cook for 5 to 8 minutes.
5. Basil, finely chopped
6. Combine the cooked pumpkin, pasta, tomato and spinach
mixture, ricotta cheese, and basil in a casserole dish.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. Then top with the
grated cheese.
7. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted, then
finish under the grill until brown.
8. Allow 5 minutes to cool before serving.
9. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 480| Fat: 17g| Carbs: 68g| Fiber: 9g| Protein: 14g
Prep Time: 30 mins.| Cook Time: 25 mins.| Serves: 4
 1 ½ C. sweet potatoes
 1 1/3 C.g carrots
 1 tbsp. olive oil
 Season with salt & pepper
 6 large eggs
 1 C. low FODMAP milk
 1/3 C. feta
 1 tsp. dried thyme
 1/4 tsp. salt
 1/4 tsp. black pepper
 1/3 C. green onions
 Half green bell pepper
 1/3 C. broccoli
 1 C. green beans
 1/3 C. cheddar cheese
Homemade Tomato Relish
 1/2 tbsp. garlic infused oil
 ¼ C. leek
 2 C. plain tomatoes canned
 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
 2 tbsp. white sugar
 1/4 tsp. smoked paprika
 Season with salt & pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 430 ℉ . Line a roasting pan with
parchment paper. Drizzle in the olive oil and season with
salt and pepper before adding the sweet potato/pumpkin
and carrot. To mix, toss everything together. Roast for 20
2. Make the tomato relish while the vegetable roast. Heat a
small frypan or saucepan over medium heat. Fry the
garlic-infused oil and leave for 1–2 minutes or until
3. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Simmer, stirring
regularly, for 10 to 15 minutes or until thickened and
reduced. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Prepare the frittata. In a large mixing basin, combine the
eggs and milk until blended. Then add the crumbled feta,
thyme, salt, and pepper to taste.
5. Over medium heat, heat a large ovenproof fry pan. Stir-
fry the spring onion and pepper/capsicum for 1 to 2
minutes with a sprinkle of olive oil. Eliminate the pan off
the heat and stir the roasted veggies, green beans, and
broccoli. Pour over the egg mixture and top with the
6. Bake for 20 minutes until the frittata has set and is
slightly brown. Allow for a 5-minute rest before serving
with the prepared tomato relish.
7. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 509| Fat: 27g| Carbs: 43g| Fiber: 7g| Protein: 24g
Prep Time: 25 mins.| Cook Time: 45 mins.| Serves: 8
 1 tbsp. olive oil
 270 g sweet potatoes
 1 ½ C. Japanese pumpkin
 1 ½ C. potatoes
 Season with salt & pepper
Other Ingredients
 2 tbsp. garlic-infused oil
 1/3 C. leek
 1 red bell pepper
 2 C. pork, beef or lamb sausages
 1/3 C. baby kale or baby spinach
 Egg Mixture
 12 large eggs
 1/2 C. low FODMAP milk
 1/2 tsp. dried oregano
 1 tsp. salt
 1/4 tsp. black pepper
1. Set the temperature of the oven to 200 ° C and lightly
grease a baking tray.
2. Sweet potato, pumpkin, and potato should all be peeled
and diced.
3. Trickle with olive oil and dust with salt and pepper in a
roasting pan.
4. Bake for 20 minutes in a single layer or until tender.
5. In a large skillet, put butter with leeks, red
capsicum/pepper, and sausage over medium-high heat.
6. Cook for a few minutes until the garlic-infused oil, leek
tips, and red capsicum are fragrant. Then set it to one
side. Then, add the diced sausages to the pan and cook
until done.
7. Grease a large casserole dish with cooking spray. Combine
the sausages, leeks, red capsicum/pepper, and roast
vegetables in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the chopped
8. Add the eggs, low FODMAP milk, salt, black pepper, and
dried oregano in a large mixing bowl. Then, evenly
distribute it over the items in the casserole dish.
9. Bake for 25–30 minutes or until the eggs are just set and
slightly brown.
10. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 429| Fat: 27g| Carbs: 20g| Fiber: 3g| Protein: 20g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 55 mins.| Serves: 6

 Roast Vegetables
 1 ½ C. Japanese pumpkin
 1 ½ C. carrots
 1 tsp. ground cumin
 Drizzle olive oil
 Season with salt & pepper
 Other Soup Ingredients
 2 C. low FODMAP chicken stock/vegetable stock
 1/3 C. green onions/scallions
 1 tsp. crushed ginger
 1/2 tsp. lemon zest
 2 tsp. Thai fish sauce
 1/8 tsp. dried chilli flakes
 1 C. coconut milk
 1 C. thin rice noodles
 1/4 C. fresh cilantro
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Remove the
seeds and skin from your pumpkin before chopping it into
3cm pieces.
2. Make cubes out of the carrot. Toss the carrots and
pumpkin in a roasting pan with the oil. Dust with salt and
pepper and sprinkle with cumin.
3. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, turning once. Remove when
the meat is tender and browned.
4. Allow 10 minutes for the vegetables to cool. Then, with
the stock, mix until smooth.
5. Warm up a big pot. Cook the spring onion tips for 2 to 3
minutes, until aromatic, then add the ginger and cooking
for another minute. Add pumpkin puree and coconut milk.
6. Stir in the lemon zest, fish sauce, and chilli flakes. Allow
simmering for 10 to 15 minutes on low heat. If your soup
becomes too thick, add a splash of boiling water to thin it
7. Cook your noodles according to package directions while
the soup simmers.
8. Incorporate the cooked noodles and fresh
coriander/cilantro into the broth.
9. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 373| Fat: 16g| Carbs: 52g| Fiber: 7g| Protein: 7g
Prep Time: 4 mins.| Cook Time: 6 mins.| Serves: 1

 2 slices low FODMAP bread

 1 tbsp. dairy-free spread
 1/3 C. canned pineapple chunks in juice
 1/3 C. cheddar cheese
 1/3 C. shaved ham
 1 tsp. green onions
 Season with black pepper
1. Preheat a medium skillet over medium heat.
2. Butter the outside of the FODMAP-free bread.
3. Grate the cheese and cut the ham into slices. Drain, rinse,
and chop the canned pineapple coarsely. Green
onion/scallions, green tips, finely chopped
4. Make your cheese toastie. Ensure the outside has
buttered sides before adding the cheese, ham, pineapple,
green onions/scallions, and a sprinkle of black pepper.
5. Cook for about 3 minutes per side and dish out.
6. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 453| Fat: 26g| Carbs: 33g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 19g
Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4
 1 lb. ground chicken
 2 large eggs
 1 tbsp. mayonnaise
 ½ C. gluten-free all-purpose flour
 ½ C. mozzarella cheese or vegan cheese
 2 tbsp. fresh basil
 2 tsp. dried chives
 1/4 tsp. salt
 Season with black pepper
 Drizzle olive oil
1. Grate the cheese and finely cut the fresh basil. In a
mixing dish, combine the ground chicken, eggs,
mayonnaise, flour, cheese, basil, dried chives, salt, and
pepper. Stir until thoroughly blended.
2. Heat a sprinkle of olive oil in a large nonstick frypan over
medium heat. Once the oil is hot, scoop 1/4 C. of the
mixture into fritters, place in the pan, and flatten slightly
with a spatula.
3. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side or until golden brown,
adding additional oil as needed. Drain the fritters on a
paper towel-lined dish when the chicken is done. Prepare
the fritters in batches.
4. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 415| Fat: 26g| Carbs: 11g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 31g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4

 2 large eggs
 ½ C. low FODMAP milk
 ½C. gluten-free all-purpose flour
 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
 1 1/2 tsp. paprika
 3/4 red bell pepper
 1 C. carrots
 0.05 C. fresh chives
 2 tbsp. fresh parsley
 1 C. sweet corn kernels
1. Grating the carrots, dicing the red bell peppers, and
measuring the corn kernels are all steps.
2. Chop the chives and parsley finely.
3. In a large mixing bowl, merge the eggs and low-FODMAP
milk. After that, stir in the flour, paprika, and cumin.
4. Stir in the corn, carrot, red bell peppers, chives, and
parsley and thoroughly combine. Season with salt and
pepper to taste.
5. Spray a big non-stick fry pan with oil and heat it over
medium heat. Pour 1/4 C. of the mixture into each fritter
6. Cook the fritters in batches to prevent them from
becoming too thick. Allow 3–4 minutes per side until
golden brown and heated through. Before cooking each
batch, make careful to whisk the mixture.
7. Serve and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 185| Fat: 4g| Carbs: 7g| Fiber: 3g| Protein: 30g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4

 4 clementines, segmented and diced

 ½ C. pomegranate arils
 ⅓ C. chopped green onions
 ¼ C. chopped cilantro leaves
 ½ tsp. lime zest
 2 tbsp. lime juice
 1 tbsp. maple syrup
 ¼ tsp. salt
1. Toss clementines, pomegranate arils, green onion, cilantro
leaves, lime zest, lime juice, maple syrup, and salt.
Combine thoroughly.
2. Serve with corn chips and Enjoy.
Per Serving:
Calories: 47| Fat: 0.4g| Carbs: 12g| Fiber: 2g| Protein: 0.7g


Prep Time: 15 mins.| Cook Time: 40 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 C. zucchinis
 1 C. carrots
 2 green onions
 5 large eggs
 1 tbsp. garlic-infused oil
 Season with black pepper
 1 C. gluten-free all-purpose flour
 1 tsp. baking powder
 1/4 tsp. salt
 1 tsp. dried chives
 1 tsp. dried oregano
 114 g cheddar
1. Preheat the oven to 355oF fan bake mode. Line a 20 x 30
cm baking tray with parchment paper.
2. Spring onion, finely sliced. Grate the carrot and zucchini.
Place the shredded vegetables in a clean cloth and
squeeze lightly to remove excess moisture.
3. In a mixing dish, combine the eggs and garlic-infused oil.
Season with black pepper to taste.
4. Merge the flour with the baking powder, salt, chives, and
oregano. Pour the whisked eggs and cheese over the
grated vegetables and sliced spring onion/scallion leaves.
5. Mix well and spoon into the prepared baking pan. Sprinkle
a little cheese on top if desired.
6. Place in the oven for 30 minutes and then check. Cook till
the top is lightly golden - if the slice looks oily on top, add
another 5 to 10 minutes to the oven. Allow for a 10-
minute rest before slicing.
Per Serving:
Calories: 139| Fat: 6g| Carbs: 12g| Fiber: 0.9g| Protein: 5g


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 6

 6 slices low FODMAP bread

 3 tbsp. garlic-infused oil
 4 tbsp. dairy-free spread
 Sprinkle with salt
 Sprinkle with dried oregano
1. Make triangles out of the bread.
2. Melt the butter or dairy-free spread with the garlic-infused
oil in a saucepan.
3. Dip each toast triangle in the buttery mixture and place it
on an oven tray.
4. Season with salt and oregano.
5. Place in the broiler until the top is brown. Then turn the
bread and sprinkle with more salt and oregano. Then
return to the grill until browned.
6. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 219| Fat: 6g| Carbs: 15g| Fiber: 0.7g| Protein: 3g


Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 6

 1 ½ C. precooked microwave medium-grain brown rice

 2 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
 4 tbsp. mayonnaise
 1 ½ C. plain pink salmon
 3 tbsp. sesame seeds
 1 nori sheet
 Sweet Chilli Soy Dressing
 1 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
 1 tsp. soy sauce
 1 tbsp. neutral oil
 2 1/2 tsp. sweet chilli sauce
1. Pour the rice wine vinegar over cooked rice, allowing it to
2. Open the can of salmon and empty it.
3. The nori sheet should be shredded into small flakes.
Combine the mayonnaise, salmon, crushed nori, and rice
in a medium mixing bowl. Stir until everything is
completely blended.
4. Using damp hands, scoop out the mixture with a tbsp.
Make a tiny ball out of each tbsp. Pour the sesame seeds
onto a plate and roll each ball until lightly covered.
5. In a small jar or dish, combine the rice wine vinegar, soy
sauce, sweet chilli sauce, and rice bran oil to make the
salad dressing. Mix until everything is well blended.
6. Drizzle the sweet chilli soy dressing over the sushi balls.
7. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 329| Fat: 14g| Carbs: 35g| Fiber: 5g| Protein: 17g
Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 6

 1 C. unsweetened almond milk

 ½ C. mashed ripe banana
 ¼ C. avocado oil
 ¼ C. pure maple syrup
 1 large egg
 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
 1 ½ C. rolled oats
 1 C. gluten-free baking flour
 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
 ¼ tsp. salt
1. Preheat the oven to 350 ℉ . Coat a muffin tray lightly with
non-stick cooking spray.
2. In a large mixing dish, combine almond milk, mashed
banana, oil, maple syrup, egg, and vanilla extract.
3. Mix in the rolled oats, gluten-free flour, cinnamon, and
4. Fill the prepared muffin tin halfway with the batter. I
prefer to use an ice cream scoop for this.
5. Optional pecan halves on top of each.
6. Bake for 20-22 minutes. Cool slightly before topping it
with optional maple syrup or peanut butter, and serve
7. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 314| Fat: 10g| Carbs: 45g| Fiber: 3g| Protein: 5g
Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 10

 1 C. rolled oats
 ½ C. unsweetened peanut butter
 ¼ C. pure maple syrup
 ¼ C. unsweetened shredded coconut
 1-ounce box of raisins
 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1. In a food processor, combine the oats and peanut butter.
Pulse until the oats are finely ground and the peanut
butter is just incorporated.
2. 14 C. maple syrup, raisins, and cinnamon Pulse until
everything is properly combined.
3. Using clean hands, take a tiny portion of the mixture and
roll it into a 1-inch ball. Repeat with the remaining
mixture and place the ball on a parchment-lined pan.
4. Place the finished product in the freezer until it is no
longer sticky. Place in a freezer-safe container to store.
5. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 84| Fat: 10g| Carbs: 9g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 2g
Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 10 mins.| Serves: 10

1. 1 C. rolled oats
2. ½ C. unsweetened peanut butter
3. ¼ C. Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips
4. ¼ C. pure maple syrup
5. 2 tbsp. cocoa powder
6. 2 tbsp. chia seeds
1. In a food processor, combine the oats and peanut butter.
Pulse until the oats are finely ground and the peanut
butter is just incorporated. A couple of times should
2. 14 C. maple syrup, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, chia
seeds, and salt Pulse until everything is properly
combined. If the mixture appears too dry – the
consistency will vary depending on the peanut butter used
– add more maple syrup and a tablespoon until the
desirable, slightly sticky, rollable consistency is obtained.
3. Grab a tiny bit of the mixture with clean hands, squeeze it
together between your palms, and roll it into a 1-inch ball.
Repeat with the remaining mixture and place the ball on a
parchment-lined pan.
4. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 100| Fat: 5g| Carbs: 11g| Fiber: 2g| Protein: 2g
Prep Time: 20 mins.| Cook Time: 60 mins.| Serves: 1

 ⅓ C. canned coconut milk

 ¼ C. water
 2 tbsp. chia seeds
 1 tsp. maple syrup
 ¼ C. diced cantaloupe
 10 blueberries
1. In a small mixing dish, combine coconut milk, water, chia
seeds, and maple syrup until well combined.
2. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours until a gel-like substance
has formed.
3. Chill the pudding and top with chopped cantaloupe,
blueberries, and optional mint leaves.
4. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 313| Fat: 24g| Carbs: 32g| Fiber: 9g| Protein: 6g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 40 mins.| Serves: 10

 1½ C. raw pepitas
 2 tbsp. butter, melted
 2 tbsp. maple syrup
 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
 ¼ tsp. ground ginger
 ⅛ tsp. ground nutmeg
 ⅛ tsp. ground cloves
 Sea salt, to taste
1. Heat the oven to 275°F. Using parchment paper, line a
baking sheet.
2. In a medium mixing bowl, merge the pumpkin seeds with
the melted butter and maple syrup until the seeds are
completely covered.
3. Combine cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and salt in a
small basin. Stir the mixture into the seeds to coat.
4. Place the seeds on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for
30-40 minutes, or until the seeds are golden brown,
stirring now and then. Eliminate from the oven and serve
Per Serving:
Calories: 63| Fat: 6g| Carbs: 6g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 1g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 12

 12 large hard-boiled eggs, peeled and cut lengthwise

 1/2 C. mayonnaise
 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1. 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
2. Salt and pepper, to taste
3. Paprika, to taste
4. Chives, chopped
1. Remove cooked yolks with care and place them in a large
mixing bowl. With a fork, mash the yolks.
2. Stir in the mayonnaise, mustard, and cayenne pepper
until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Fill egg whites halfway with the yolk mixture. Garnish with
paprika and chives. Chill before serving.
4. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 68| Fat: 5g| Carbs: 0.3g| Fiber: 0.1g| Protein: 3g


Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 6

 ¾ C. dark chocolate chips

 1 tbsp. coconut oil
 ½ C. macadamia nuts
 ½ C. fresh blueberries, washed and dried
 Sea salt
1. Line a baking sheet with wax paper.
2. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate. Thirty
seconds in the microwave. Continue to stir and melt in
10-second intervals until the chocolate is melted. Mix in
the coconut oil.
3. Toss macadamia nuts and blueberries in a small bowl.
Toss a dollop of the chocolate mixture to coat. Remove
the covered nut and berry mixture with a fork, carefully
shaking off excess chocolate, and lay it on wax paper.
Continue until all of the nuts and berries are coated.
4. Refrigerate or freeze until the chocolate has firmed.
5. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 168| Fat: 15g| Carbs: 16g| Fiber: 2.1g| Protein: 2g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 6
 1 ¾ C. Gluten-Free baking flour
 ¾ C. granulated sugar
 2 tbsp. poppy seeds
 1 ½ tsp. baking powder
 ¼ tsp. baking soda
 ¼ tsp. salt
 ⅔ C. extra light-tasting olive oil
 ½ C. low FODMAP milk
 3 large eggs
 ¼ C. lemon juice + 2 tsp. lemon zest
1. Heat the oven to 350°F. Line or grease a muffin pan.
2. Combine the flour, sugar, poppy seeds, baking powder,
soda, and salt in a medium mixing basin.
3. In a large mixing bowl, merge the oil, milk, eggs, lemon
juice, and zest. Stir in the dry ingredients until barely
combined. Fill muffin C. halfway.
4. Bake for 20 minutes and dish out to serve.
Per Serving:
Calories: 268| Fat: 16g| Carbs: 28g| Fiber: 0.8g| Protein: 3g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 6
 1 ¾ C. flour
 2 tsp. baking powder
 ½ tsp. salt
 ¾ C. granulated sugar
 ½ C. avocado oil
 ½ C. unsweetened almond milk
 2 large eggs
 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
 1½ C. fresh raspberries
1. Heat the oven to 350°F. Line a muffin pan with muffin
2. Merge the gluten-free flour, baking powder, and salt in a
large basin.
3. Whisk together sugar, avocado oil, low FODMAP milk,
eggs, and vanilla extract in a bowl.
4. Fill the well, produced in the centre of the dry ingredients
with the wet ingredients. Whisk until well combined.
5. Fold the raspberries into the muffin batter gently.
6. Divide the batter evenly among the muffin cup. To assist,
I like to use a 14-C. ice cream scoop.
7. Bake for 28-32 minutes until the tops are gently brown
and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
8. Take the muffins out of the oven.
9. Alternatively, remove the muffins from the pan. Allow
muffins to cool completely before storing.
10. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 231| Fat: 10g| Carbs: 33g| Fiber: 11g| Protein: 2.4g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 mins.| Serves: 4

 1 pound chicken breasts, boneless, skinless, cut into 1-inch

 1/2 C. arrowroot starch or cornstarch
 1 large egg beaten
 2 tbsp. coconut oil
 1/2 C. coconut sugar or regular white sugar
 1/4 C. apple cider vinegar
 2 tbsp. Coconut Aminos
 1/4 C. ketchup or Low FODMAP Ketchup
 1/4 C. chicken stock
 1 red pepper cut into chunks
 1 C. pineapple chunks
 3 spring onion stalks, green part only for low fodmap
1. In a medium saucepan, combine the coconut sugar,
vinegar, coconut aminos, chicken stock, and ketchup.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to low
and set aside till later.
2. In a large ziplock bag, combine the chicken pieces and the
beaten egg. Shake to coat the chicken. Then add
arrowroot starch and shake lightly.
3. In a large non-stick skillet, heat the coconut oil. Pour in
the coated chicken. Fry for 5 minutes on each side over
medium heat until the coating begins to crisp. Mix in the
pepper and pineapple chunks. Continue to sauté the
chicken over medium heat until it is browned and cooked.
4. Combine the sauce with the chicken and peppers. Cover
and reduce the heat to a gentle simmer for a few minutes
to enable the juices to soak into the chicken. Serve with
sliced green onions on top. Serve with rice
5. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 429| Fat: 7g| Carbs: 59g| Fiber: 2g| Protein: 25g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 60 mins.| Serves: 4

 3 tbsp. olive oil

 4 chicken legs are skinless
 1 C. canned coconut milk
 3 tbsp. peanut butter
 Pinch of salt
1. In a large pot, put the olive oil and chicken over medium-
high heat.
2. Cook for 3 minutes, frequently stirring to ensure even
3. Cover the chicken with water and simmer for 40 minutes
over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally.
4. Mix the coconut milk and peanut butter in a separate dish
until smooth.
5. Cook for around 20 minutes after adding the preparation
to the chicken.
6. Stir everything together and season with salt to taste.
7. Eliminate the pan off the heat and serve with your
favourite rice.
8. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 254| Fat: 27g| Carbs: 4g| Fiber: 1g| Protein: 4g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 6 hrs.| Serves: 4

 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts

 3 tbsp. Low-FODMAP Taco Seasoning
 1 C. Low-FODMAP Chicken Broth or Stock
1. Position the chicken breasts in the slow cooker. Pour the
taco seasoning and chicken stock over the top of the
2. Cook for 6 to 8 hours, covered, on low settings.
3. If preferred, shred the chicken with two forks and serve
with savoury juices.
4. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 240| Fat: 8.5g| Carbs: 4.7g| Fiber: 0g| Protein: 33g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 15 min.| Serves: 4

 1/4 C. gluten-free all-purpose flour blend

 1/4 tsp. salt
 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
 2 tbsp. canola oil
 1/4 C. reduced-sodium soy sauce
 1/4 C. granulated sugar
 2 tbsp. toasted sesame seeds
 1 tsp. toasted sesame oil
 1/4 C. fresh chopped chives
1. Merge the flour mixture, salt, and pepper in a large plastic
bag. Shake well to coat the chicken breast strips.
2. In a large non-stick wok, put the canola oil. Cook the
chicken for 4 minutes over medium-high heat on each
3. Reduce the heat to medium and transfer the chicken to a
dish. Stir in the soy sauce and sugar in the wok or skillet
until the sugar is dissolved.
4. Combine the sesame seeds and sesame oil in a mixing
bowl. Return the chicken to the wok and lightly stir to
coat. Remove from the heat, add the chives, and serve.
5. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 484| Fat: 23g| Carbs: 16.7g| Fiber: 0.8g| Protein:
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 40 min.| Serves: 4

 1/4 C. pure maple syrup

 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
 2 tbsp. mustard, stone-ground
 1 tbsp. fresh chopped basil
 1/2 tsp. dried parsley
 1/2 tsp. salt
 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
 1 1/4 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a 13 ′′ x 9 ′′ baking dish
with foil and coat with olive oil cooking spray.
2. Mix the maple syrup, mustard, basil, parsley, salt, and
pepper in a medium mixing bowl. Place each chicken thigh
in the prepared baking pan after dipping it in the maple-
mustard mixture. Pour any remaining sauce over top of
the chicken.
3. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes and dish out to serve.
Per Serving:
Calories: 332| Fat: 11.2g| Carbs: 14.2g| Fiber: 0.6g| Protein:

Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 20 min.| Serves: 4
 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts
 ½ tsp. salt
 ½ tsp. ground black pepper
 1 tbsp. olive oil
 ¼ C. dry white wine
 1 tbsp. unsalted butter or butter substitute
 2 tsp. Gluten-Free Rice Flour Blend
 3/4 C. Low-FODMAP Chicken Broth or Stock
 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
 2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
1. Dust the chicken with salt and pepper to taste.
2. In a large skillet, put the olive oil and chicken and cook
for 3 minutes over medium-high heat.
3. Reduce heat to medium-low after flipping. Cook until the
potatoes are golden brown. Move the chicken to a platter
and cover it with aluminium foil to keep it warm.
4. Remove the skillet from the heat and carefully pour in the
wine, scraping away any brown pieces as you go. Return
the skillet to the medium-low heat setting.
5. Melt the butter in the pan. Incorporate the flour. Whisk in
the broth slowly. Simmer until the liquid has been cut in
half. Combine the Dijon mustard and parsley in a mixing
6. Serve the chicken with the Dijon sauce.
Per Serving:
Calories: 290| Fat: 15.1g| Carbs: 1.3g| Fiber: 0.3g| Protein:
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 30 min.| Serves: 4

 2/3 C. grated Parmesan cheese

 1 tbsp. minced fresh parsley
 2 tsp. dried oregano
 1/4 tsp. salt
 1/4 tsp. pepper
 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
 3 tbsp. butter or margarine, melted
1. Preheat the oven to 400 ℉ .
2. Combine the first five ingredients in a shallow bowl. Coat
the chicken with butter, then dredge in the Parmesan
3. Place in a greased 13" x 9" baking dish. Sprinkle any
remaining cheese on top, then drizzle any remaining
4. Bake for 25-30 minutes, uncovered, or until the juices run
5. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 372| Fat: 20.6g| Carbs: 0.8g| Fiber: 0.4g| Protein:
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 30 min.| Serves: 4
 2 tsp. coconut oil
 1-inch chunk of ginger, peeled
 2 medium potatoes
 1 broccoli
 1 courgette
 250g spinach
 240ml coconut milk
 240ml water
 1 tsp. cumin
 2 tsp. ground turmeric
 1/2 tsp. chilli flakes
 1/2 a lime juice
1. In a large saucepan, melt the coconut oil over medium
2. Peel and chop the ginger, then add it to the pan with the
turmeric and cumin, stirring and simmering for a few
minutes until the ginger is tender.
3. Meanwhile, peel and cube the potato before adding it to
the pan and sautéing for a few minutes.
4. Cut the broccoli into florets and the courgette into tiny
slices, then add them to the pan with the coconut milk
and the same water.
5. Cook the potato cubes until they are tender.
6. Remove from the fire and mix in the spinach, chilli flakes,
and a squeeze of lime.
7. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 272| Fat: 17.6g| Carbs: 27.2g| Fiber: 6.8g| Protein:
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 129 min.| Serves: 4

 3 C. boneless pork belly

 1/4 tsp. olive oil
 1 1/2 tsp. rock salt
 1 tbsp. sesame seeds
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Preparing the pork Rub the meat lightly in olive oil, then
dust with salt and pepper.
3. Rub with sea salt to season the rind/skin. Transfer the
meat to a roasting pan using a wire rack. Roast for 30–40
minutes or until the rind has crackled. Reduce the heat to
150oC and continue roasting for 1 hour.
4. Sprinkle with sesame seeds to serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 977| Fat: 88g| Carbs: 49g| Fiber: 1.9g| Protein: 24g
Prep Time: 10 mins.| Cook Time: 15 min.| Serves: 4
 3 C. fresh salmon fillets
 2 tsp. garlic-infused oil
 1 large lime
 1 1/2 tsp. crushed ginger
 1 1/2 tbsp. pure maple syrup
 3 tbsp. soy sauce
 1 tbsp. sesame seeds
1. Salmon should be deboned and skinned before being cut
into 2.5cm cubes. Combine the garlic-infused oil, crushed
ginger, maple syrup, lime juice and zest, and soy sauce in
a mixing bowl. Allow the salmon to marinate for 10
2. In a dish of water, place the wooden skewers.
3. Thread the fish slices onto the skewers. Place in a roasting
pan that has been lightly greased. Then bake for 10
minutes or until cooked through. During cooking, turn
three times, basting with additional marinade each time.
4. While the salmon cooks, toast the sesame seeds for 2
minutes over medium-high heat until golden.
5. Serve the sweet and sticky salmon skewers with toasted
sesame seeds on top.
6. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 197| Fat: 8g| Carbs: 9g| Fiber: 0.9g| Protein: 26g
Prep Time: 35 mins.| Cook Time: 25 min.| Serves: 4

 2/3 C. leek
 2 C. carrots
 2 C. Japanese pumpkin
 1 C canned lentils
 1 tbsp. garlic-infused oil
 2 C. plain tomatoes canned
 ½ C. low FODMAP vegetable stock
 1/4 C pumpkin seeds
 1/4 tsp. dried thyme
 1/2 tsp. paprika
 Season with salt & pepper
 Potato Top
 4 C. potatoes
 3 tbsp. dairy-free spread
 ¼ C. cheddar cheese
 1/2 tsp. salt
1. Set the temperature of the oven to 375 ° F and lightly
grease a large oven-safe baking dish.
2. Peel and dice the carrot and pumpkin into little cubes, and
finely dice the leek's green leaves. Peel and dice the
potatoes next.
3. Rinse and drain the tinned lentils before weighing out the
amount needed. Pumpkin seeds, roughly chopped
4. In a large saucepan, boil the potatoes thoroughly and
simmer for 15 minutes. Drain, then mash with the dairy-
free butter and salt until smooth. If your mash is too dry,
add a splash of low-FODMAP milk.
5. Make the pie filling while the potatoes are cooking.
Preheat a large skillet over medium heat. Sauté with
garlic-infused oil.
6. Make the pie filling while the potatoes are cooking.
Preheat a large skillet over medium heat. Sauté the leek
tips in the garlic-infused oil for 2 minutes or until
7. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes, often stirring, after adding the
carrot and pumpkin. Then stir in the tinned tomatoes,
stock, rinsed lentils, pumpkin seeds, thyme, and paprika.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
8. Switch the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes or until
the sauce is thick.
9. Place the mashed potato on top of the filling in the
ovenproof dish. Top with grated vegan cheese. Bake for
20 minutes, then finish under the grill for a few minutes
until golden brown.
10. Serve and enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 547| Fat: 22g| Carbs: 79g| Fiber: 16g| Protein: 16g


Prep Time: 25 mins.| Cook Time: 6 hours.| Serves: 6
 2 C. lamb leg steaks
 2 tbsp. garlic-infused oil
 ¼ C. leek
 2/3 C. gluten-free all-purpose flour
 2 large carrots
 1 C. low FODMAP beef stock
 1/3 C. red wine
 2 C. plain tomatoes canned
 4 tbsp. tomato paste
 1/2 tsp. dried rosemary
 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
 2 dried bay leaves
 Season with salt & pepper
 2 tbsp. fresh parsley
 1 C. potatoes
 3 tbsp. dairy-free spread
 5 tbsp. low FODMAP milk
 1/2 tsp. salt
 1 C. broccoli
 1 ½ C. green beans
1. Make cubes out of the lamb steaks. Finely cut the leek's
green leaves. Carrots, sliced
2. In a large skillet, put the butter and half of the garlic-
infused oil and the lamb over medium-high heat.
3. Allow to sizzle for a few minutes on each side or until the
outside is golden brown. Cook for an additional minute
after adding the leek to the pan.
4. Place the meat and leek in the slow cooker bowl.
5. Add the wine in a pan and let it bubble for one minute.
Then remove from the heat.
6. Next, sprinkle the flour over the lamb until it is completely
7. In the slow cooker, combine the red wine from the pan,
the sliced carrot, beef stock, leftover garlic-infused oil,
canned tomatoes, tomato paste, dried rosemary,
Worcestershire sauce, and bay leaves.
8. Season liberally with salt and pepper, then thoroughly
9. Fasten the lid of slow cooker and cook for 6 hours on high.
10. Stir the lamb stew about 30 minutes before serving;
it should have thickened and become a good consistency.
Peel and dice the potatoes, then lay them in a saucepan
with water.
11. Boil thoroughly, then reduce to simmer for 20
minutes. Drain, then mash with the butter/spread, milk,
and salt until smooth.
12. Prepare the broccoli florets and green beans.
Microwave for 2 to 3 minutes, or blanch in boiling water,
until vibrantly green and tender.
13. Serve the lamb stew over mashed potatoes, with
green vegetables on the side. Garnish with fresh parsley if
desired. Enjoy!
Per Serving:
Calories: 552| Fat: 25g| Carbs: 57g| Fiber: 9g| Protein: 20g
Prep Time: 5 mins.| Cook Time: 10 min.| Serves: 4

 1/3C. bacon strips, chopped

 1 tbsp. garlic-infused oil
 1 C. green beans, ends trimmed
 4 tbsp. green onions, chopped
 Season with salt & pepper
 1 1/2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
 1 small lemon
1. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Toast the
pumpkin seeds before adding any oil. Toast the pumpkin
seeds in a frypan until they are gently brown. Then
remove from the pan and set aside to cool.
2. Return the frypan to the heat. Add the bacon and garlic-
infused oil. Fry the bacon chunks until they are crispy.
Eliminate from the pan and move on a plate lined with
paper towels.
3. Re-heat the frypan and add the green beans and spring
onion. Fry for 2–3 minutes until the green beans are soft
and golden.
4. Transfer to a serving plate. Season with black pepper and
a squeeze of lemon juice to taste. Chop the pumpkin
seeds coarsely. Add the chopped pumpkin seeds, crispy
bacon, and extra lemon wedges to the plate. Serve hot.
Per Serving:
Calories: 168| Fat: 13g| Carbs: 8g| Fiber: 2g| Protein: 5g
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Total
Day 1 Peanut Butter Roasted Sweet and
Oat Bowl Carrots Sour 842
Calories: 334 Calories: 79 Chicken
Calories: 429
Day 2 Overnight Creamy Coconut
lueberry Spinach Chicken 574
oats Delight Calories: 254
Calories: 266 Calories: 54
Day 3 French Toast Leafy Lettuce Crispy Pork
Calories: 149 Salad Belly 1141
Calories: 15 Calories: 977
Day 4 Chia Pudding Steamed Salmon
Calories: 114 Potatoes Skewers 460
Calories: 149 Calories: 197
Day 5 Egg Muffins Bacon and Shepherd’s
Calories: 83 Brussel Pie 652
Sprouts Calories: 547
Calories: 22
Day 6 Vanilla Honey Parsnips and Tomato Lamb
Chia Carrot Mix Stew 1075
Pudding Calories: 211 Calories: 552
Calories: 312
Day 7 French Toast Grated Green Beans
Calories: 149 Carrot & Bacon 390
Salad Side
Calories: 73 Calories: 168
Day 8 Bluberry Leafy Lettuce Fried Rice
Smoothie Salad Calories: 396 838
Calories: 427 Calories: 15
Day 9 Mashed Vegetable Spring Onion
Sweet Salad Rissoto 660
Potato Calories: 32 Calories: 472
Calories: 156
Day Green Orzo Salad Pumpkin
10 Smoothie Calories: 86 Rissotto 913
Calories: 217 Calories: 610
Day Chia Pudding Vegetable Tomato
11 with Salad Shrimp 876
Matcha Calories: 32 Rissotto
Calories: 346 Calories: 498
Day Strawberry Leafy Lettuce Tomato Rice
12 Smoothie Salad Calories: 496 845
Calories: 334 Calories: 15
Day Pumpkin Creamy Rice With
13 Spice Pumpkin Chicken 1200
Crumble Soup Teriyaki
Calories: 529 Calories: 472 Calories: 199
Day Peanut Butter Green Sweet and
14 Oat Bowl Chicken Sour 1131
Calories: 334 Salad Chicken
Calories: 368 Calories: 429
Day Overnight Creamy Coconut
15 lueberry Chicken Chicken 792
oats Salad Calories: 254
Calories: 266 Calories: 272
Day Low FODMAP Vegetarian Salmon
16 Frittata Noodle Skewers 1051
Calories: 243 Bowl Calories: 197
Calories: 611
Day Chia Pudding Garlic Tofu Salmon
17 Calories: 114 Veggie Skewers 962
Bowl Calories: 197
Calories: 651
Day Egg Muffins Veggie & Shepherd’s
18 Calories: 83 Green Pie 1110
Bean Calories: 547
Calories: 480
Day Vanilla Honey Lemon Herb Tomato Lamb
19 Chia Pork Pasta Stew 1271
Pudding Calories: 407 Calories: 552
Calories: 312
Day French Toast Garlic Tofu Green Beans
20 Calories: 149 Veggie & Bacon 968
Bowl Side
Calories: 651 Calories: 168
Day French Toast Green Fried Rice
21 Calories: 149 Chicken Calories: 396 913
Calories: 368
Day Mashed Creamy Haloumi
22 Sweet Chicken Pasta 748
Potato Salad Calories: 320
Calories: 156 Calories: 272
Day Green Vegetarian Pesto Pasta
23 Smoothie Noodle Calories: 260 1088
Calories: 217 Bowl
Calories: 611
Day Chia Pudding Garlic Tofu Salmon
24 with Veggie Cream 1168
Matcha Bowl Cheese
Calories: 346 Calories: 651 Pasta
Calories: 171
Day Strawberry Veggie & Shrimp
25 Smoothie Green Spaghetti 1078
Calories: 334 Bean Calories: 264
Calories: 480
Day Pumpkin Lemon Herb Salmon
26 Spice Pork Pasta Skewers 1133
Crumble Calories: 407 Calories: 197
Calories: 529
Day Strawberry Green Shrimp
27 Smoothie Chicken Spaghetti 966
Calories: 334 Salad Calories: 264
Calories: 368
Day Pumpkin Leafy Lettuce Shepherd’s
28 Spice Salad Pie 1091
Crumble Calories: 15 Calories: 547
Calories: 529
There is no one-size-fits-all diet for IBS, but the low FODMAP
diet is a good place to start. This diet eliminates all foods that
are high in fermentable oligosaccharides, monosaccharides,
and polyols (FODMAPs). This can be a difficult diet to follow,
but it can be helpful for reducing symptoms of IBS. Some
people find that they can eventually add some high-FODMAP
foods back into their diet, but others need to stay on the diet
long-term. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian if
you're interested in trying the low FODMAP diet.

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